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29 votes
5 answers

"The complex version of Nash's theorem is not true"

The title quote is from p.221 of the 2010 book, The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions by Shing-Tung Yau and Steve Nadis. "Nash's theorem" here ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

References for "modern" proof of Newlander-Nirenberg Theorem

Hi, I'm starting to prepare a graduate topics course on Complex and Kahler manifolds for January 2011. I want to use this course as an excuse to teach the students some geometric analysis. In ...
24 votes
5 answers

Weitzenböck Identities

I asked this question at Maths Stack Exchange, but I haven't received any replies yet (I'm not sure how long I should wait before it is acceptable to ask here, assuming there is such a period of time)....
Michael Albanese's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Hsiung on the Complex Structure of $S^6$

In 1986 C. C. Hsiung published a paper "Nonexistence of a Complex Structure on the Six-Sphere" and in 1995 he even wrote a monograph "Almost Complex and Complex Structures" to further elaborate on his ...
HeWhoHungers's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

References for holomorphic foliations

I'm looking for an introduction to holomorphic foliations and foliations of complex manifolds. Any little helps, but I'm particularily interested in problems of the type where we have a hermitian ...
Gunnar Þór Magnússon's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Two smooth tangent almost complex curves in a $4$-manifold

I would like to know if following is correct. Statement. Suppose we have a smooth (i.e., $C^\infty$) almost complex structure on $\mathbb R^4$ and $C_1, C_2$ are two $J$-holomorphic curves passing ...
aglearner's user avatar
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9 votes
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Complex geometry text/research introduction for the analyst

To give some background, I am mainly an analyst trained in harmonic/functional and do work on geometric pde's and spectral multipliers. Of late, I am trying to learn more about (research level) ...
MBM's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Smoothing of a Kähler orbifold metric on a complex surface

Let $S$ be a smooth complex projective surface and $D\subset S$ be a smooth complex curve. Fix an integer $m>1$ and consider $(S,D,m)$ as an orbifold with orbi-locus $D$ with stabilizer $\mathbb ...
aglearner's user avatar
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9 votes
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Complexification of smooth manifolds

Given a $C^\infty$- smooth manifold $M$, is there a natural way to complexify it? By this I mean finding a complex manifold $N$ and a smooth function $f:M\to N$ such that $df:T_xM\otimes \mathbb{C}\to ...
Omar's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Calculating a curvature tensor by polarization

I'm reading some articles by Siu and Nannicini on the Weil-Petersson metric associated to families of compact Kahler-Einstein manifolds. In each article Siu and Nannicini construct a Weil-Petersson ...
Gunnar Þór Magnússon's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

$E$ is a holomorphic vector bundle if and only if there is a Dolbeault operator $\bar{\partial}_E$

I am looking for a reference which shows that the following statements are equivalent for a complex vector bundle $E$: $E$ is a holomorphic vector bundle. There is a Dolbeault operator $\bar{\partial}...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

References for the moduli space of complex structures

I am looking for references where the moduli space of complex structures on a complex manifold is well explained: in particular the infinitesimal deformations, the obstructions, the elliptic complex ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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7 votes
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A geometric characterization of smooth points of a complex algebraic variety

Let $X^m\subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be an irreducible $m$-dimensional complex algebraic subvariety. Let $\mathbb{C}^n$ be equipped with the standard Hermitian metric. Fix an arbitrary point $p\in X$. Let $...
asv's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Bimeromorphic equivalence of reduced spaces for Kähler $S^1$-actions

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a smooth Kähler manifold (not necessarily compact) with an isometric $S^1$-action with a Hamiltonian $H$. It is a well known fact that 1) The reduced spaces $X(c)=H^{-1}(c)/S^1$ ...
aglearner's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Reference request: uniformization theorem

I would appreciate if someone could point me to some introductory literature/resources where I can learn about Poincaré's uniformization theorem at a basic level. Any good powerpoint notes, short ...
TypoSpeed23's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Line bundles over Kähler–Hodge manifolds

A Kähler–Hodge manifold $M$ can be defined as a Kähler manifold whose Kähler form $\omega$ is integral, namely $\omega\in H^{2}(M,\mathbb{Z})$. It is known then that there always exists a Hermitian ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Complex submanifolds via Kähler reduction

Let $X$ be a Kähler manifold with an isometric $S^1$-action (which of course complexifies to a $\mathbb C^*$ action). Consider the corresponding Hamiltonian $H$ and let $X_0=H^{-1}(0)/S^1$ be the ...
aglearner's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

An estimate on deviation of two smooth tangent $J$-holomorphic curves

Take $\mathbb C^2$ with coordinates $(z,w)$. Suppose that $J$ is a $C^{\infty}$ almost complex structure on $\mathbb C^2$ such that the line $w=0$ is $J$-holomorphic and $J(0,0)$ is given by $(z,w)\to ...
aglearner's user avatar
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On the complexification of a Riemannian manifold

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold and $TM$ be its tangent bundle. If we suppose $TM\otimes\mathbb{C}$ is the complexification of $TM$ then how can we define a natural metric on the complex bundle $...
Amir Baghban's user avatar
5 votes
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Does $F_{A}^{0,2}=0$ for a connection $A$ on $TM$ almost complex give a complex structure?

First, some motivation. Let $X$ be a complex manifold, and $A$ a Hermitian connection on some complex vector bundle $E$ over $X$. It is known that the existence of $A$ such that the $(0,2)$-part of ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Varying a Kahler metric in a neighborhood of a point

I would like to know if the following statement (or a more general version of it) is contained in some book or article: Statement. Let $(U,g)$ be a complex manifold with a Kahler metric $g$ and let $...
aglearner's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Chern-Weil theory for degenerated metric

If $\omega$ is a Kähler metric on a compact complex manifold $X$, the standard Chern-Weil theory says that the Chern classes $c_{i}(M)$ can be represented by forms involving the curvature of $\omega$....
user51472's user avatar
4 votes
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Linearisation of complex $S^1$ actions at fixed points

Let $(U,x)$ be an open complex $n$-manifold (say an $n$-ball) with an action of $S^1$ by holomorphic transformations that fix $x$. How to prove that there is a neighbourhood $U_1\subset U$ of $x$ ...
aglearner's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Riemannian metric of hyperbolic plane

I'm fishing for the origin of the idea to consider "trace scalar product" on the space of ($G$-)orthogonal projectors as means of defining a Riemannian metric on some subset of lines in a vector space....
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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Curvature and Symmetry on Kähler manifolds

Hi there, Suppose $X$ is a Kähler manifold that has an analytic isometry $S$, with $S^k = \operatorname{Id}$ ($k \in \Bbb N$). In a situation like this (maybe with additional assumptions on $X$) can ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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1 answer

Reference request for instantons

I've been researching instantons lately and I'd like to learn more about them but would like some help finding what to read. I have read about the ADHM equations and their noncommutative analogues. ...
user46348's user avatar
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0 answers

Degeneration formula and Donaldson-Floer theory

Is there a relation between the degeneration formula of GW Invariants of Jun Li and the Donaldson-Floer theory? Is there an example / discussion anywhere of/on this relation?
Bappa's user avatar
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PDE obtained while trying to construct a complex structure

Upon reading this answer to this question, the last paragraph mentions the following. "Requiring the [almost complex] structure to be integrable corresponds to a certain PDE for this map." ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Geodesic distances and Grassmannians

Let $Gr(n, V)$ be the Grassmannian parametrising $n$-dimensional subspaces of a vector space $V$. When $V$ is an inner product space, formulae exist for calculating the geodesic distance between ...
Hercules's user avatar
4 votes
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Coordinate-free B.Feix's construction of a hyperkähler metric

In the 2001's paper 'Hyperkähler metrics on cotangent bundles' B.Feix gives a construction of a hyperkähler metric on a neighbourhood of zero section in $T^*X$ where $X$ is a real analytic Kähler ...
cll's user avatar
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Analytic maps $\varphi: \mathbb C^n\to \mathbb C^n$ with degenerate differentials

Let $B^n\subset \mathbb C^n$ be a unit ball with center $p$ . Let $\varphi: B^n\to \mathbb C^n$ be a complex analytic map such that $d\varphi$ has rank at most $n-1$ at $p$. I would like to know if ...
aglearner's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

A trivialization of an almost complex structure

Recently, I have been studying the Carleman Similiarity Principle, which is used to study the regularity and unique continuation of J-holomorphic curves. Roughly, one takes a solution $ u $ of a ...
Boggie Georgiev's user avatar
3 votes
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Non-positive metric on a product is a product metric

I have heard mentioned the following theorem: If a Riemannian metric on a product of two Riemann surfaces has non-positive sectional curvature then the metric is a product metric. And am trying to ...
Khanickus's user avatar
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Finding global sections of a sheaf of sets using (some kind of) sheaf cohomology?

Let $X$ be a compact manifold, say, and $G$ a Lie group, and $H$ a closed Lie subgroup such that $M \cong G/H$ is a homogeneous space. (For my purposes, $X$ and $M$ would be a smooth projective ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Kahler-Einstein metrics on Toric manifolds are Torus-invariant?

let $(M,\omega)$ be a Kahler-Einstein toric manifold of complex dimension $m$. By toric manifold i mean a manifold that has an open dense subset $X$ biholomorphic to an algebraic torus $\mathbb{T}^{m}...
Italo's user avatar
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Kähler metric of constant scalar curvature with positive bisectional curvature is Kähler-Einstein

Suppose $\omega$ is a Kähler metric of constant scalar curvature with positive bisectional curvature, how to prove $\omega$ is Kähler-Einstein? I was told that we can use the following method: Step ...
Andrews's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Good exposition of "Calabi ansatz"

As far as I understand, Calabi ansatz is (in particular) a way to produce Kähler metrics on total spaces of line bundles (or their disk subbudles) over Kähler manifolds of the following form: Calabi ...
aglearner's user avatar
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3 votes
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A (non-Kahler) metric on projectivised vector bundles

Given a hermitian holomorphic vector bundle (E, h) on a complex manifold-with-a-metric (X,g), then consider the following (natural) construction of a metric on the total space of $\mathbb{P}(E)$ : ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Understanding Calabi's conjecture proof: What is it meant by the logarithm of a differential form?

I'm reading several books and articles concerning Yau's proof of the Calabi conjecture. I want to have a deep understading of how and why such proof actually works, but most articles are aimed at ...
EternalBlood's user avatar
3 votes
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English reference for Fischer-Grauert theorem and its generalization by Schuster

From this MSE question and its answer, and from this MO question I have learned of the following remarkable theorem of Wolfgang Fischer and Hans Grauert. Theorem. A proper holomorphic submersion with ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Complex structures on Riemann surfaces

This is cross posted from math.SE: Let $M$ be a Riemann surface and $[\alpha] \in H^{0,1}(M; T^{1,0} M) \simeq (H^0(M;K^2))^*$. Considering $\alpha$ as a ...
Eric O. Korman's user avatar
2 votes
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Analytic Lagrangian Submanifolds

Hallo, I am looking for a preprint "Analytic Lagrangian Submanifolds" by Guillemin, Sternberg. I googled it but without any success. Does any one know how I could get this preprint. Or are there ...
hapchiu's user avatar
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On the stack of semistable curves

This is a question related to Semistable curves of genus $g\geq 2$ form an Artin algebraic stack in the etale topology? Let $\mathcal C\rightarrow \mathcal M^{ss}_g$ be the universal curve over the ...
S.D.'s user avatar
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Period map on non-Kähler manifold

Is there a theory of period map on non-Kähler manifolds that has Hodge decomposition? Any reference is helpful. Thank you.
Peter Liu's user avatar
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Construction of Kahler Einstein Metric of Poincare Type

I am reading Kobayashi's Kahler-Einstein metric on an open algebraic manifold. In this paper he constructs a Kahler-Einstein of Poincare type on an open manifold X' = X\D, where X is projective and D ...
Chenxi Yin's user avatar
2 votes
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Notation and geometry facts in a paper on the Diederich-Fornæss index

I am reading this article by Bingyuan Liu on the Diederich-Fornæss index. I am having some problems with both the notation and the geometrical side. 1)I don't know what kind of objects $N,L$ are ...
Joe's user avatar
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Group of real analytic isometries of $g$-fold product of the Poincare upper half plane

Let $\mathfrak{h}^g$ be the cartesian product of $g$ copies of the Poincare upper half plane. We endow $\mathfrak{h}^g$ with the usual Poincare metric given in local coordinates by $ds^2=\sum_{i=1}^g ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
2 votes
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Generalizing a result of Paul Andi Nagy

I am trying to generalizate a result of Paul Andi Nagy which says that in a almost Kähler manifold with parallel torsion we have $\langle \rho,\Phi-\Psi\rangle $ is a nonnegative number; in fact $$ 4\...
Song Dai's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Reference on Complex Geometry

For the preparation of a complex geometry lecture I am looking for a good literature. I already have standard literature like Huybrechts "Complex Geometry. An Introduction" and I am also using it. But ...
Raffael's user avatar
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Hermitian form, fundamental $2$-form of Kahler structure on $\mathbb{C}^n$

I've come across the following (it is an excerpt of Stolzenberg's lecture notes 19): Wirtinger's Inequality. Let $L$ be a complex linear space and let $M$ be a real even-dimensional subspace....
Jacobb's user avatar
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