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71 votes
10 answers

The Planck constant for mathematicians

The questions Q1. What are simple ways to think mathematically about the physical meanings of the Planck constant? Q2. How does the Planck constant appear in mathematics of quantum mechanics? In ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

How to see the Phase Space of a Physical System as the Cotangent Bundle

Two things today motivated this question. First, the professor said that in a lecture Thurston mentioned Any manifold can be seen as the configuration space of some physical system. Clearly we ...
B. Bischof's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Lagrangian Submanifolds in Deformation Quantization

Suppose I have a symplectic manifold $M$, and have a deformation quantization of it, i.e. an associative product $\ast:C(M)[[\hbar]]\otimes C(M)[[\hbar]]\to C(M)[[\hbar]]$ so that $f\ast g=fg+\{f,g\}\...
John Pardon's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What are the implications of torsion in H^2 for geometric quantization?

Given a real manifold $M$ with symplectic $2$-form $\omega$, one can ask whether the cohomology class $[\omega] \in H^2(M;{\mathbb R})$ lies in the image of $H^2(M;{\mathbb Z})$. If so, one can ask ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
10 votes
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Quantization of conjugacy classes in a Lie group

Let $G$ be a Lie group (and to be safe, let's assume it is semisimple). Consider the action of $G$ on itself by conjugation, and form the GIT (algebro-geometric) quotient $G/\!/G$. Then let $\pi:G\...
John Pardon's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Physical intuition behind prequantization spaces

Given a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$ with integral symplectic form, that is $$\omega \in \text{Im}(H_2(M,\mathbb{Z}) \to H_2(M,\mathbb{R})),$$ one can form a so-called prequantization space, that ...
BrianT's user avatar
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1 answer

Geometric quantization: why are the prequantum operators self-adjoint?

I'm reading a bit about geometric quantization and, among the axioms of this construction, is one requiring that the operator $\hat f = -\textrm i \hbar \nabla _{X_f} + f$ associated to the classical ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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From classical to quantum mechanics

Let ($X,\omega$) be a symplectic manifold (phase space of some physical system). Consider the algebra $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}(X,\mathbb{R})$ of smooth functions on $X$ and $[\omega]\in \textrm{H}^{2}_{\...
mathphys's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Why is geometric quantization (esp. Berezin-Toeplitz quantization) interesting for a symplectic geometer/topologist?

I know that many symplectic geometers are interested in quantization as well. From what I understood, quantization isn't expected to be used as a tool to answer symplectic questions (as in ...
7 votes
1 answer

Question about a remark on quantization of Coulomb branches

I will follow the definition of Coulomb branches of $3d$ $\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theories from the paper by Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima, Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of 3-...
jg1896's user avatar
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Could we extend the star product on a Poisson manifold from its ring of smooth functions to its de Rham complex?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold with a Poisson bracket $\{-,-\}$. Kontsevich proved that there exists a deformation quantization of $M$, i.e. let $C^{\infty}(M)[[\hbar]]=C^{\infty}(M)\otimes_{\mathbb{R}}\...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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5 votes
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Isn't the quantomorphism group really just the "WKB-quantomorphism" group?

Introduction In his second-most upvoted post, called "Why quantum mechanics?" (second only to his post on fibre bundles & gauge theory) in the physics SE community, Urs Schreiber, in the setting ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Deformation quantization of Poisson bracket without star-product

Kontsevich's formality theorem implies in particular that star-products on a $C^\infty$-manifold $M$, $$f\star g = fg + \sum_{k\geq1} \hbar^k B_k(f,g),\qquad f,g\in C^\infty(M),$$ where $B_k$ are ...
issoroloap's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Hamiltonian group actions in the context of holomorphic line bundles

When studying Hamiltonian group actions, a very nice set up might be to take the following: Let $M$ be a compact Kähler manifold with (integral) Kähler form $\omega$, endowed with a Hamiltonian $G$ ...
Tyler Holden's user avatar
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1 answer

Reference of $\hbar$-differential operator from symplectic geometry perspective

I am reading Bates and Weinstein's book 'Lectures on the Geometry of Quantization'. In Chapter 6, they defined the $\hbar$-differential operator, and showed (Theorem 6.7) that the Lagrangian ...
Qijun Tan's user avatar
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From symplectic manifold to Hilbert spaces [closed]

What could be a mathematical model of such physical wish? I'm looking for something sending a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$ to a Hilbert space $H_{M}$ with the following properties: 1- We should ...
Max's user avatar
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Polarizations in algebraic and symplectic geometry

In context of Abelian varieties there are a couple of equivalent ways to introduce the polarization of a algebraic variety. One way is to choose a line bundle $\mathcal{L}$ which satisfies certain ...
user267839's user avatar
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choices of connection in prequantization

In the definition of pre-quantization of representation $f\to \hat{f}$, (here $\hat{f}$ is Hermitian operator)of $C^{\infty}(M)$ on $L^2(M,L,\mu)$ where $\mu$ is Hermitian form, suppose that there ...
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On prequantization bundles over integral symplectic manifolds

I am trying to clarify certain subtleties regarding prequantization bundles over symplectic manifolds, for which I haven't found any clear explanation so far. Let me fix some definitions first. ...
BrianT's user avatar
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On different definitions of a prequantization space

Geometric quantization associates to a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$ a hermitian line bundle $L \to M$ with connection $\nabla$ whose curvature is $\omega$ (up to some constant). Without talking ...
BrianT's user avatar
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2 answers

Does this distribution exist?

Assume there is a distribution in two variables $\mathcal{W}\in\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R}^2)$ with Fourier transform $\hat{\mathcal{W}}(\alpha,\beta)\equiv \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{i(\alpha x+\beta y)} \...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar