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Isn't the quantomorphism group really just the "WKB-quantomorphism" group?

Introduction In his second-most upvoted post, called "Why quantum mechanics?" (second only to his post on fibre bundles & gauge theory) in the physics SE community, Urs Schreiber, in the setting ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Geometric quantization: why are the prequantum operators self-adjoint?

I'm reading a bit about geometric quantization and, among the axioms of this construction, is one requiring that the operator $\hat f = -\textrm i \hbar \nabla _{X_f} + f$ associated to the classical ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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choices of connection in prequantization

In the definition of pre-quantization of representation $f\to \hat{f}$, (here $\hat{f}$ is Hermitian operator)of $C^{\infty}(M)$ on $L^2(M,L,\mu)$ where $\mu$ is Hermitian form, suppose that there ...
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How to see the Phase Space of a Physical System as the Cotangent Bundle

Two things today motivated this question. First, the professor said that in a lecture Thurston mentioned Any manifold can be seen as the configuration space of some physical system. Clearly we ...
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