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Matrix-Gaussian distributions

The point of this question is to ask for references on matrix-variate Gaussian distributions. But I will explain what I mean by a matrix-variate Gaussian with an example (the notion I have in mind is ...
user3826143's user avatar
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Maximum column norm of random $A^{-1}B$

Suppose that $A$ is an $n$ by $n$ Gaussian matrix (each component i.i.d. normal distributed with mean 0 and variance 1). Let $b$ be a $n$-Gaussian vector. Then it could be easily proven that the ...
ZZZZZZ's user avatar
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Random matrix theory: accounting for mean

Assume a random matrix, denoted as $X$, which is an $n$ by $T$ matrix, $T\geq n$. While I understand the typical scenario where the random variables $X_{ij}$ are sampled from a $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_{...
Pooja Algikar's user avatar
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Trace of product of two Wishart matrices

Let $A,B$ be two independent complex Wishart matrices, $A,B\sim CW_p(\mathbf{I},n)$, that is $A=\frac1n GG^\dagger$& $B=\frac1n QQ^\dagger$ where $G$ and $Q$ are independent $p\times n$ complex ...
Shadumu's user avatar
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Expected value of MGIG distribution

I'm currently dealing with a Gibbs sampler of the multivariate generalized inverse Gaussian distribution (MGIG). In order to check the correctness of the sampler, I'd like to know the expected value ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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How to analyze the value of convergence of functions of random matrices?

Consider a random i.i.d matrix $\mathbf{A}_{m\times n}$ with entries generated from a complex Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. I am interested in the large dimension analysis of ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Tail bound on trace norm / nuclear norm / Schatten-1 norm of Rademacher matrix

Let $0 < r \leq d$ integers. Let $X$, $Y$ be $d \times r$ matrices of independent Rademacher variables, that is, $X,Y \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times r}$ with entries $\pm1$ with probability $1/2$. I am ...
arriopolis's user avatar
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Expectation value of random GUE matrix

Let $A$ be a matrix of the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and $v_1,v_2$ be two orthonormal vectors. I wonder if one can compute (or at least get a non-trivial lower bound on) the expectation value $$\...
Guido Li's user avatar
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Characterizing set of IID average of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices matrices

Let $\mathcal{S}_+^d$ denote the family of real $d \times d$ symmetric (strictly) positive definite matrices. Define $\mathcal{P}_d$ to be those measures $\nu$ on $\mathcal{S}_+^d$ (assumed to have ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Orthogonal transformation of multivariate Bernoulli-Gaussian distribution

Actually, I have asked this question in, but I think mathoverflow might be ...
Q L's user avatar
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Moments of rescaled Bernoulli random matrix

Suppose $X \in \{0,1\}^{n \times m}$ is a matrix generated according to the following generative process: $$Z_{ij} \sim \text{Bernoulli}(p) \implies X_{ij} = \frac{Z_{ij}}{\sum_{k=1}^m Z_{ik}}.$$ Is ...
B Merlot's user avatar
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Expected value of orthogonal projection $X^{+}X$

Let $X\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, where $m<n$, be a random matrix where the rows $x_i$ ($i=1,...,m$) are sampled i.i.d. from Gaussian distribution with mean $0$ and covariance $\Sigma$, i.e. $x_i\...
Edward's user avatar
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Exponential decay of a random matrix falling into a ball

Let $A=U\Sigma V^T\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a random matrix defined in the following way: $U,V$ are uniformly distributed on the orthogonal group $O(n)$, $\Sigma$ is a diagonal matrix such that ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Expected value of $X^{\top}(XAX^{\top})^{-1}X$ for large random $X$

Let $X\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ be a random matrix where the entries are i.i.d. standard normal, and let $A\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a deterministic diagonal matrix with positive entries on the ...
Edward's user avatar
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Marginalization of Wishart distribution

Consider the following Wishart distribution $$ f({\bf W}) = \frac{ |{\bf W}|^{(n-p-1)/2} \exp\big[-\frac{1}{2}\text{tr}({\bf V}^{-1}{\bf W} ) \big] }{2^{np/2} |{\bf V}| \Gamma_p(\frac{n}{2})} \tag{1} $...
RenatoRenatoRenato's user avatar
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How to normalize an Inverse Wishart random matrix?

Background: Let $d\in \mathbb{N}$. Define the space of (real symmetric) positive definite matrices of size $d\times d$ as follows: \begin{align} \mathcal{S}_{++}^d := \big\{\mathbb{M}\in \mathbb{R}^{d\...
Aftermath 12345's user avatar
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Concentration of the norm of subGaussian random vectors

I will use the same notation and definitions in High Dimensional Probability, by Roman Vershynin. I have a sub-Gaussian vector $y$, in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and sub-Gaussian norm $C$ non dependent on $n$. I ...
SiMohani's user avatar
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Factorisation of Gaussian random matrix into random Hermitian and correction factor

By the Bartlett decomposition, one has that for $k \leq n$ and $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{n\times k} \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times k}$ a standard Gaussian matrix with independent entries $$\mathbf{\Gamma}_{n\times k}...
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Fourier transform of eigenvalue distribution of GUE matrices

I am interested in explicit expression or bounds for the Fourier transform (characteristic function) of the joint probability distribution of eigenvalues of random matrices $X\sim \mathrm{GUE} (d)$, ...
Michał Oszmaniec's user avatar
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Distribution and expectation of inverse of a random Bernoulli matrix

This question cropped up as a part of my research. Let us assume a $n\times n$ random matrix $\mathbf{M}$ with elements iid distributed to a Bernoulli distribution that takes values $\{0,1\}$ with ...
Nishant Singh's user avatar
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Total variation convergence of random matrices and convergence of empirical spectral distributions

In the paper, on page 17, the authors prove in Theorem 7 that the total variation distance between the joint distribution of the entries of certain Wishart matrices ...
Carbon's user avatar
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Linear independence of Wishart matrices

Let $W\sim W_n(I,d)$ be a real Wishart matrix of an identity covariance matrix and $d$ degrees of freedom, i.e., $W=XX^T$ for $X$ being an $n\times d$ matrix whose entries are i.i.d sampled from a ...
user50394's user avatar
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Diagonalizability of Gaussian random matrices

Let $X$ be an $n\times n$ matrix whose elements are i.i.d. sampled from a normal distribution of zero mean and unit variance. Is $X$ diagonalizable over $\mathbb{C}$ with probability 1? Is there a ...
user50394's user avatar
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A function with unexpectedly simple Legendre transformation

Let $I(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-2}^2 \sqrt{4-y^2}\ln|x-y|dy$. Then $I(x)$ is a concave function and \begin{equation} I(x)= \begin{cases} \frac{1}{4}x^2-\frac{1}{2}, &\text{if } |x|\leq2 \\ \...
Pluviophile's user avatar
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On the concentration of Lipschitz functions near its expectation, where the vector has identical but not independent, components

Consider the random vector $X:=(X_1\dots X_1) \in \mathbb{R}^n, X_1 \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1).$ Notice the identical components, they're identically distributed but not independent. Now, I was wondering ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Rates of convergence to Tracy-Widom?

$\renewcommand{\!}{\mathbf} \renewcommand{\Ai}{\operatorname{Ai}}$ One can define the Tracy-Widom distribution as the Fredholm determinant $F_2(t)=\det(\mathbf I-\mathbf A)$ where $$\mathbf A(x, y)=\...
D.R.'s user avatar
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Concentration (or two sided tail bounds around expectations) of maximum and minimum of $n$ iid, subgaussian random variables

I asked this on MSE, but got no answer, hence asking here now. Help appreciated! My question is motivated by this question and this question, where the first was aimed for giving a one sided tail ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Concentration of norm of linearly transformed normal random vector as dimension go to infinity

Earlier asked on MSE, but didn't get an answer, so posting here: Let $X=(X_1 \dots X_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n, X_i\sim N(0,1), iid.$ Let $B: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n $ be the diagonal linear map: $...
Learning math's user avatar
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What is the distribution of the norm of the multivariate $X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma) \in \mathbb{R}^d?$

Let $X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma) \in \mathbb{R}^d$ follow a multivariate normal distribution. Then what's the distribution (PDF, CDF etc.) of $X?$ When $\mu = 0, \Sigma = I_d,$ we know that $||X||...
Learning math's user avatar
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Asymptotically tight concentration of norms of subgaussian random vectors with independent coordinates, as the dimension $n \to \infty?$

Let $X=(X_1 \dots X_n)\in \mathbb{R}^n,$ be a subgaussian random vector so that $X_i$'s are independent, $\mathbb{E}X_i = 0, \mathbb{E}X_i^2=1.$ Before we pose our question, let's state the following: ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Upper bound on the condition number of the product of a random sparse matrix and a semi-orthogonal matrix

Let $G \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ (m > n, m = O(n)) whose all entries are i.i.d. distributed as $\mathcal{N}(0, 1) * \text{Ber}(p)$. Let $V \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ be a fixed semi-orthogonal ...
nikhil_vyas's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Gaussian random matrices

Let us assume we have a square matrix $A$ whose entries are sampled from a standard Gaussian distribution of mean $0$. Do we have any information about the distribution of its eigenvalues? ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Bound on eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices in terms of $d, n$, where $n=$ sample size, $d=$ dimension of data

Let $Z=[z_1, \dots z_n]$ be a $d \times n$ matrix, where the $z_i$'s are iid random vactors with mean $\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d$ and $d \times d$ (population) covariance matrix $\Sigma$, but the entries $...
Learning math's user avatar
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Law of large numbers and Central Limit Theorem for eigenvalues of perturbed matrices

I'm looking for results where perturbation by iid random entries to a matrix will result in convergence of the eigenvalues to the original eigenvalues. More precisely, Let $ \forall n \in \mathbb{N},...
Learning math's user avatar
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Marcenko-Pastur and Tracy-Widom laws for sample covariance and Gram matrices when the "features" are correlated: references

Let us assume we've a rectangular data matrix $X=[x_1 \dots x_n] \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times n}$, where the $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times 1}$ are iid column vectors. I'm not assuming here that the ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Large scale analysis of matrix multiplications

Let $\mathbf{A}_{m\times n}$ and $\mathbf{B}_{m\times n}$ be two random i.i.d matrices with zero mean and unit variance. Then, are the following large-scale analysis true (m,n go to infinity with ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Tracy Widom type results for asymptotic distribution of the $k$-th largest eigenvalue of the sample covariance when $n, p \to \infty$?

Earlier I asked a question: Distribution of the $k$-th largest eigenvalue of in the sample covariance matrix?, but I forgot to mention that I'd like results for asymtotic regime. So, I'm posting here ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Show the coordinate distribution has a very large sub-gaussian norm

Consider a random vector X with the coordinate distribution is uniformly distributed in the set $\{\sqrt{n}e_i : i = 1,..., n\}$, where $e_i$ denotes the n-element set of the canonical basis vectors ...
Chen's user avatar
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Expectation of inverse of random matrices

Assume that $\mathbf{X}$ is a random positive-definite matrix. Then, is there any upper or lower bound on the expectation of the following expression $$\mathbb{E}[\mathbf{X}^{-1}]-\alpha\mathbb{E}[\...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Is there any relation between moments of random matrix and its eigenvalue distribution?

Let $\mathbf{X}$ be a random matrix with independent Gaussian random variable entries with different variances $v_{ij}$. Also define $\mathbf{A}=\mathbf{X}^\mathrm{H}\mathbf{X}$. Is there any relation ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Eigenvalue distribution of a random matrix

Is there any closed form distribution formula for the distribution of the eigenvalues of $\mathbf{X}^\mathrm{H}\mathbf{X}$ where the entries of $\mathbf{X}$ are independent Gaussian random variables ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Limit of normalized sum of Dirac measures at first $\lfloor p/2\rfloor$ eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix, with Marcenko-Pastur assumptions?

Let $\lfloor{*}\rfloor$ denotes the nearest integer $\le *$. I'm asking myself the question what's the limit of the part of the empirical spectral distribution corresponding to the first $\lfloor{p/2}...
Learning math's user avatar
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Marcenko Pastur law when the dimensionality/sample size ratio $p/n \to 0, \infty$? Lack of resources?

Let $X: \Omega \to \mathbb{R}^{p \times n}$ be a random matrix so that each entry $X_{ij}$ is a random variable with $\mathbb{E}X_{ij}=0, \mathbb{E}X_{ij}^2=\sigma^2$ I was wondering what would ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Random matrix properties

Let $\mathbf{H}_{N,K}$ be a random matrix whose entries are i.i.d complex Gaussian random variables with variance $1$. Then, we know from the law of large number that if $N,K\rightarrow\infty$, we ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Limiting distribution of "scatter matrix" $\frac{1}{n}XX^T:=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nx_ix_i^T$ for iid $x_1,\ldots,x_n \in \mathbb R^p$

Let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be drawn iid from such "nice" distribution on $\mathbb R^p$ (but possibly very general!), and let $X$ be the $n$-by-$p$ matrix formed by vertically stacking the $x_i$'s. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Joint density of a quadratic function of entries of orthogonal matrix

$U=(U_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq m},V=(V_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq m}$ are independently and uniformly distributed on the orthogonal group $O(m)$. For any positive integer $k,n$ such that $1\leq k\leq n\leq m$, ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Density of random matrix only depends on its spectrum

Suppose a random positive definite matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ has density function (with respect to the lebesgue measure on $\mathbb{R}^{n(n+1)/2}$) $f(A)=g(\lambda_1(A),...,\lambda_n(A))$ ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Tail probability of random projection

Suppose $v\in R^n$ is a constant unit vector. $P_l$ is a random projection matrix to an $l$ dimensional subspace of $R^n$ which is uniformly sampled from $G(l,R^n)$ which is the collection of all $l$-...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Spectrum of finite-band random matrices?

Let $X_n=(X_{ij})_{1 \leq i,j \leq n}$ such that : $$ \begin{cases} &X_{ij} = 0 \quad \text{if}\quad \vert i - j \vert > k\\ & X_{ij} \sim P_X \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$ And ...
Gericault's user avatar
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Conditonal convergence implies convergence?

Note : All measures below are probability measures. Let $\mu_n(X,Y)$ be a random probability measure on $\mathbb C$ depending on two random variables X and Y with values in $\mathbb{R}^N$. Actually,...
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