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An uncountable measurable subset of $\Bbb R$ containing no nonempty perfect set

$\newcommand\R{\Bbb R}$Assuming the axiom of choice, is there an uncountable Lebesgue-measurable subset $S$ of $\R$ that contains no nonempty perfect set? Of course, such a set $S$, if it exists, ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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How irregular can the set of points of non-differentiability for an L1 function's primitive F get, before the FTC fails?

A Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Lebesgue Integration, J. J. Koliha begins with the passage Lebesgue proved a number of remarkable results on the relation between integration and differentiation....
D.R.'s user avatar
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Can we generalize the Kuratowski Extension Theorem to Souslin spaces?

The Kuratowski Extension Theorem says: Let $(X,\mathcal{A})$ be a measurable space, $Y$ be a polish space, $A\subseteq X$, and $f:A\to Y$ be a measurable map. Then there is a measurable function $F:X\...
rfloc's user avatar
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Function $g:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $g(\sum_{i=1}^nx_i)=(x_1,\dotsc,x_n)$ a.e

Is there a measurable function $g:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $g(\sum_{i=1}^nx_i)=(x_1,\dotsc,x_n)$ a.e.? Due to the papers [1], [2], and [3] I'm obtaining a result that I think it's false. ...
rfloc's user avatar
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Which sigma-ideals in a sigma-algebra are contained in an ideal of null sets?

Let $X$ be a Polish space and $\mathcal{B}(X)$ be the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel subsets of $X$. Given a Borel probability measure $\mu$ on $X$, we write $\mathcal{N}(\mu) := \{ B \in \mathcal{B}(X) : \...
Stefan Schrott's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent condition for Borel projections being Borel?

Let $X,Y$ be Polish spaces, and $B\subseteq X \times Y$ a Borel subset. The projection $B_X$ is not necessarily Borel in $X$. I have seen a few sufficient conditions for the projection to be Borel, ...
J.R.'s user avatar
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If $f=h\circ g$, then there's a measurable function $\tilde h$ such that $f=\tilde h\circ g$

Let $X,Y,Z$ be three standard measurable spaces and $f:X\to Z$ and $g:X\to Y$ two measurable functions. Suppose that there's a function $h:Y\to Z$ such that $f=h\circ g$. How can I show that there's a ...
rfloc's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for the graph of a measurable map to be measurable

Let $f:X \to Y$ be measurable map between measurable spaces w.r.t. to their corresponding $\sigma$-algebras $\Sigma_X$ and $\Sigma_Y$, resp. If $(X,\Sigma_X)$ is a standard Borel space can we always ...
Packo's user avatar
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Subset of the reals with zero inner measure and "full" outer measure in $\mathsf{ZF}+\mathsf{DC}$

Working in $\mathsf{ZF}+\mathsf{DC}$ (that is, we are allowed to use Dependent Choice but not full choice), suppose that there exists a non-measurable subset of the unit interval $[0,1]$ (just non-...
David Fernandez-Breton's user avatar
25 votes
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Writing a function on $\mathbb{R}$ as a sum of two injections

Let $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a function. It is well-known that, using transfinite recursion with a well-ordering of $\mathbb{R}$, one can construct two injective functions $g,h: \...
Burak's user avatar
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What is an "open Baire set"?

In Measures Which Agree on Balls by Hoffmann-Jørgensen, it is stated that if $\varphi$ is a Baire function (which I presume means a pointwise limit of continuous functions), then $\{a<\varphi\}$ is ...
i like math's user avatar
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Can convergence in distribution necessarily be realised by almost-sure convergence?

Let $X$ be a Polish space. Let $(\mu_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{\infty\}}$ be a family of Borel probability measures $\mu_n$ on $X$ such that $\mu_n \to \mu_\infty$ weakly as $n \to \infty$. For each ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Relationship between Baire sigma algebra and Borel sigma algebra of an uncountable product

I've been trying to understand various questions to do with sigma algebras on uncountable product spaces. Let $T$ be an uncountable set and for each $t \in T$, let $\Omega_t$ be a topological space. ...
SBK's user avatar
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Which is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra that contains all analytic sets?

Let $X$ be a polish space. Is the smallest $\sigma$-Algebra containing all analytic sets of $X$ (i.e. all subsets $A \subset X$ which are the continuous image of a polish space) the $\sigma$-algebra ...
Joris Wk's user avatar
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Is the projection of an universally measurable set again universally measurable?

Let $(X,\mathcal{A})$ be a measurable space and $(Y,\mathcal{B}(Y))$ be a polish space together with the Borel-$\sigma$-Algebra. There is a Theorem that states: The projection $\pi_X(B)$ of every ...
Joris Wk's user avatar
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Is the set of clopen subsets Borel in the Effros Borel space?

Let $X$ be a Polish space and $\mathcal{F}(X)$ the set of closed subsets of $X$ endowed with the Effros Borel structure, generated by sets of the form $\{F\in \mathcal{F}(X):F\cap U\neq \emptyset\}$, ...
Iian Smythe's user avatar
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$\sigma$-compactness of probability measures under a refined topology

Denote Polish spaces $(X, \tau_x)$ and $(Y, \tau_y)$, where $X$ and $Y$ are closed subsets of $\mathbb{R}$. Consider a Borel measurable function $f: (X \times Y, \tau_x \times \tau_y) \rightarrow \...
Hans's user avatar
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Existence of a stronger notion of perfect measures

Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a measurable space with its $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}_\mathcal{X}$ and let $\mathbb{R}$ be the real numbers endowed with its Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}_\mathbb{R}$. ...
Packo's user avatar
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Atoms for Markov kernels

Let $X$ and $Y$ be standard Borel measurable spaces. A Markov kernel $f : X \rightsquigarrow Y$ is a map $f(-|-) : \Sigma_Y \times X \to [0,1]$ such that: $f(-|x)$ is a probability measure on $Y$ for ...
Tobias Fritz's user avatar
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How to characterize the Borel sets of product between finite and uncountable space?

Consider the product space $Z=X\times Y$, where $X$ is a finite set with discrete topology and $Y$ is an uncountable compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with the usual subspace topology. Denote with $\...
cha0skampf's user avatar
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Applications of Baire's theorem on functions of first class

I found the following theorem on page 32 of John Oxtoby's Measure and Category. Theorem 7.3. If $f$ can be represented as the limit of an everywhere convergent sequence of continuous functions, then $...
i like math's user avatar
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Prescribed class of measurable sets

Let $X\neq\emptyset$ and let $\mu:P(X)\to[0,\infty]$ be an outer measure. Recall that, a set $A\subseteq X$ is $\mu$-measurable if $$ \mu(B)=\mu(A\cap B)+\mu(B\setminus A), \text{ for all }B\subseteq ...
Tatin's user avatar
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The Borel sigma-algebra of a product of two topological spaces

The following problem arose while trying to justify some "known results" in abstract harmonic analysis on noncommutative groups, for which I couldn't find explicit statements in the ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Does there exist $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ additive onto function such that $f(F) \subset \Bbb{R}$ has the property of Baire for every $F$?

Let $F\subset \Bbb{R}$ intersect every closed uncountable subsets of $\Bbb{R}$. Does there exist $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ additive onto function such that $f(F) \subset \Bbb{R}$ has the property of ...
SoG's user avatar
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Study of the class of functions satisfying null-IVP

$\mathcal{N}_u$ : Class of all uncountable Lebesgue-null set i.e all uncountable sets having Lebesgue outer measure $0$. Let $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ be a function with the following property : $\...
SoG's user avatar
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$\sigma$-algebra generated by analytic sets

The Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\cal B$ on real numbers has many good properties. For instance, all continuous functions are $\cal B/\cal B$-measurable. On the other side, not only $\cal B$ is not ...
Giafazio's user avatar
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Is the topology of weak+Hausdorff convergence Polish?

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, $P_X$ the set of Borel probability measures on $X$, and $K_X$ the set of non-empty closed subsets of $X$. I will define the "topology of weak+Hausdorff ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Non-analytically measurable set in $\Delta^1_2$

I'm wondering if there is some reference you may know that gives an explicit set which is not analytically-measurable (i.e., not in the sigma-algebra generated by $\Sigma^1_1$), but which is in $\...
John Levy's user avatar
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Borel $\sigma$-algebras on paths of bounded variation

Let $(C, \|\cdot\|)$ be the Banach space of continuous paths $x: [0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^d$ starting at zero with sup-norm $\|\cdot\|$. Let further $B\subset C$ be the subspace of $0$-started ...
fsp-b's user avatar
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Topological analog of the Lusin-N property

$A\subset \Bbb{R}$ is meager if $A$ can be expressed as a countable union of nowhere dense sets. Let $f:[a, b]\to \Bbb{R}$ is absolutely continuous, i.e., for every $\epsilon>0$, there exists $\...
SoG's user avatar
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What is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra of reals that is closed under addition of sets?

What is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra $\Sigma\subseteq\mathcal P(\Bbb R)$ containing the open sets and such that if $A,B\in\Sigma$, then $$A+B=\{a+b\mid a\in A,b\in B\}\in\Sigma?$$ I know that neither ...
Alessandro Codenotti's user avatar
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A strong Borel selection theorem for equivalence relations

In Kechris' book "Classical Descriptive Set Theory" there is the following theorem (12.16): Let $X$ be a Polish space and $E$ an equivalence relation such that every equivalence class is ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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Are there any measurable spaces of functions

I am approaching this question from a probability perspective, and am hoping for some kind of framework to help understand all of this. I believe I may have even asked a similar question on here in ...
nomen's user avatar
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Universally measurable but not analytically measurable set

is there a concrete example (or even a non-concrete example) of a universally measurable set which is not analytically measurable (i.e., not in the sigma-algebra generated by the analytic sets)?
John Levy's user avatar
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Can all uncountable (but small) families of sets with positive measure have an uncountable subfamily with an intersection of positive measure?

My general question was is it consistent that any uncountable family of less than $\mathrm{non}(\mathcal{N})$ sets, each with positive measure, has an uncountable subfamily $\mathcal{F}$ s.t. $\bigcap ...
mtg's user avatar
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$f:Y\to X$ continuous with $f^{-1}(x)$ compact for $x\in X$, does there exist a Borel measurable map $g:X\to Y$?

Let $X,Y$ be Polish, metric spaces. $f:Y\to X$ is a continuous, surjective map and for any $x\in X$, $f^{-1}(x)\subset Y$ is compact. Is it true that there is a injective, Borel measurable map $g:X \...
mathmetricgeometry's user avatar
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Is every element of $\omega_1$ the rank of some Borel set?

It is well known that we can obtain the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel subsets of $2^{\omega}$ in the following way: Let $B_0$ be the collection of all open subsets of $2^{\omega}$. For $\alpha=\beta+1$, ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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Do Borel subsets of the plane with null sections have Borel projections?

This might be a very easy question, and it might be better for mathstackexchange in which case I apologize. I'm stuck on something an anonymous referee wrote to me about a paper of mine and I'm hoping ...
Corey Bacal Switzer's user avatar
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Locally compact Polish groups acting on standard Lebesgue spaces

If $G$ is a countable discrete group, then one can consider the Bernoulli shift $2^G$. $G$ acts on $2^G$ via shift, and letting $\mu$ be the product of the $(1/2, 1/2)$-measure in each coordinate, ...
Andy's user avatar
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Function whose graph is a Borel relation

Suppose $f\colon\mathbb{R}^{\omega}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is a function such that $$G(f):=\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^{\omega}\times\mathbb{R}\mid f(x)=y\}$$ is a Borel set. Does it necessarily follow ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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Lambda system generated by a non-atomic collection

Consider a probability space $(X,\Sigma,P)$. Let say that a collection $\mathcal{B}\subseteq\Sigma$ is non-atomic if for every $E\in\mathcal{B}$ and $\alpha\in(0,P(E))$ there exists $F\in\mathcal{B}$ ...
Johann's user avatar
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Is the co-projection of the projection of a Borel set Lebesgue measurable?

Reading the classical book of Kechris "Classical descriptive set theory", I found the following facts The projection of a Lebesgue measurable set need not be Lebesgue measurable, but the projection ...
ahmed's user avatar
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Reference for Borel $\sigma$-algebra of topology of convergence in probability

I'm pretty sure I can prove the "Theorem" given further below (without very much difficulty), but it seems way too basic not to have been noticed before. So I'm wondering if there are any papers/...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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The measure of ideals generated by random reals

We assume that for every real $x$, $L[x]$ only contains countably many reals. Given a set $X$ of reals, then $L$-ideal generated by $X$ is the smallest set $I$ of reals so that For any reals $x\in ...
喻 良's user avatar
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Can it be that universal measurability is preserved by projections?

I am currently discovering descriptive set theory—with much pleasure! It is something of a surprise to me that, while the Borel hierarchy is indexed by $\omega_1$, the projective hierarchy is only ...
Rémi Peyre's user avatar
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Is the inverse of a measurably parametrised family of bijections between standard Borel spaces measurably parametrised?

It is known that a measurable bijection $f \colon [0,1] \to [0,1]$ has a measurable inverse. (Here, all measurability is simply with respect to the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of $[0,1]$.) Now fix an ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Abstract transverse measure theory

After reading Noncommutative Geometry book (see here) I came across the notion of the so called abstract transverse measure theory which is a generalization of standard measure theory well adapted to ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Concerning Luzin-(N)-property

Definition: a function $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ has Luzin-(N)-Property if $f$ maps any null set to a null set. By, it is known that ...
喻 良's user avatar
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Is there a T3½ category analogue of the density topology?

Motivation: I understand that various attempts have been made at defining a topology on $\mathbb{R}$ that is an analogue of the density topology ([1]) but for category (and meager sets) instead of ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Base zero-dimensional spaces

Definition. A zero-dimensional topological space $X$ is called base zero-dimensional if for any base $\mathcal B$ of the topology that consists of closed-and-open sets in $X$, any open cover $\mathcal ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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