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A question regarding forcing in $NGBC^{-f}$+$BAFA$

Suppose one has a model $M$$\vDash$$NGBC^{-f}$+BAFA. Does there exist a (class) forcing extension $M[G]$$\vDash$$NGBC^{-f}$+$BAFA$ that has a submodel $N$$\vDash$$NGB^{-f}$+$BAFA$+$\lnot$$AC$? Can ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
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Cardinality based results in Topological Vector Spaces?

Given a topological vector space $V$, let its density be the smallest cardinal $A$ such that a set of cardinality $A$ is dense in $V$. Naively, it seems one of two things happen: TVS's $V$ of larger ...
Rex Butler's user avatar
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Is there a $\Sigma^0_3$-complete ideal on $\omega$?

In Kechris's book "Classical Descriputive set theory" Chapter 23 (Exercise 23.4), it claim that there is a $\Sigma^0_\xi$-complete ideal on $\omega$ for each $\xi\geq 3$. There is a candidate ...
Jialiang He's user avatar
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Logical framework for type theories like ML and CIC

I'm looking for a logical framework in which it is possible to easily present both intensional and extensional theories of dependent types with a partially ordered set of universes à la Russell ...
Luca Bressan's user avatar
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Certain conditions on cancellative semigroups

This is extracted from this question following Benjamin Steinberg's suggestion. For a semigroup $S,$ let $P(S)$ denote the power semigroup of $S,$ which is made up of all non-empty subsets of $S$ ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
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dual composition of binary relations

I'm not sure if this is of any interest at all, but I spent some time looking at it a couple of years ago so I'd like to ask for input on this. Given two binary relations $\rho,\,\sigma$ on a set $X,$...
Michał Masny's user avatar
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Non-finitely based varieties and pseudovarieties

The variety of semigroups defined by $B=\Big\{(x^py^p)^2=(y^px^p)^2:p \text{ is prime}\Big\}$ is non-finitely based (Isbell, 1970). Is the pseudovariety defined by $B$ also non-finitely based? More ...
E W H Lee's user avatar
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Pseudomodules, "general coherence theorem"

A pseudomonoid is defined within a monoidal bicategory. It is like a monoid in a monoidal category except that the usual axioms hold up to coherent invertible 2-cells. Pseudomonoid is like a monoidal ...
Dimitri Chikhladze's user avatar
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Number of k-generated semigroups

Given some $k>1$, I am interested in the number of $k$-generated semigroups of order $n$ (either up to isomorphism or all associative binary operations on an n-element set). At first I thought $3$-...
alexbailey's user avatar
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Is every union-closed family of set the set of solutions of some co-HORNSAT formula?

Related to the Union-closed sets conjecture. Let $\phi$ be a co-HORNSAT on variables $x_1 \ldots x_n$ in CNF format. This means in every close at most one literal is negative. The solutions of $\phi$...
joro's user avatar
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Algorithmic quantifier elimination over p-adic fields

It is known that the first-order theory of p-adic fields is decidable, and that the p-adics admit elimination of quantifiers. What is the state of the art in algorithmic aspects of quantifier ...
352506's user avatar
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Preimages of accessible full subcategories

My question is ultimately about the model theory of $L_{\infty, \omega}$, but it is more convenient to phrase it in terms of category theory. Suppose I have finitely accessible categories $\mathcal{C},...
Zhen Lin's user avatar
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A question on the incompleteness of quantified K.2 and S4.2 with the Barcan formula

I have been attempting to come to grips with Max Cresswell's account of this in Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (4):379 - 403 (1995) where he presents proofs of the incompleteness of QK.2BF as well ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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Peano (Dedekind) categoricity

What is the smallest fragment of second order logic such that $Th(\mathbb{N})$ in that logic is categorical (only one model, namely natural numbers, up to isomorphism). For example, can we do this in ...
Thinniyam Srinivasan Ramanatha's user avatar
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What is the role of the (formalized) omega rule in Ramified Analysis?

In the 1960's, Feferman and Schutte did groundbreaking proof-theoretic work to find out the strength of predicative systems of second-order arithmetic. They used the ramified theory of types, a ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Binary search with maximum consecutive lies about "is X in subset S?"

Here's the original problem: Alice tells Bob "I have thought of an integer between 1 and 2000. Tell me 1000 numbers. If your set contains my number, I'll give you this prize." Bob really wants ...
Borislav Stanimirov's user avatar
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Deducing Skolem's nonstandard integers from downward Lowenheim-Skolem?

If one has a nonstandard model $\mathcal{N}$ of PA and adjoins to the first-order theory the countable list of axioms $1<H,\, 2<H,\, 3<H, \ldots$ (satisfied in $\mathcal{N}$) for all the "...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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The substitution theorem in first order logic (finitely many variables)

We consider the language ${\cal L}=\{\in\}$ with an arbitrary set of variables $V$. Specifically we define ${\bf P}(V)$ as the free algebra of type $\{\bot,\to\}\cup\{\forall x:x\in V\}$ (with the ...
Noel Vaillant's user avatar
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Hindman's theorem variant for noncommutative semigroups

The well set proof of Hindman's finite sums theorem applied to noncommutative semigroups yields a sequence of elements such that finite products ordered coherently with this sequence are in one set. ...
P H P's user avatar
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Self-modelling structures

Consider - for the sake of simplicity - only graphs as structures. For undirected graphs $(V, E\subseteq \binom{V}{2})$ let $E(v)$ be the set of edges $e\in E$ incident with $v$, i.e. $\lbrace e \ ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Is there a useful Galois connection between Languages and Grammars?

I've just beginning to learn logic and proof theory - and the following rather vague and perhaps ill-formed question occurred to me. Given an alphabet it's straightforward to construct the Language, ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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What are the enforceable models of local artinian rings?

I was reading Hodges' "Model Theory" Chapter 8 a propos existentially closed models of $\forall_2$ theories in a countable first order language $L$. He extends the proof of the omitting type theorem ...
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A question of terminology - Unitizations of semigroups

There are at least two standard ways of unitizing a (small) semigroup $\mathbb A$: (i) We add an identity regardless that $\mathbb A$ is already unital. (ii) We add an identity only if none is ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Can we prove the completeness of FOL based on forcing?

I asked this question at but I didn't get any answer there. In David Marker's Model Theory, there is a exercise said " we can view a countable Henkin construction as a ...
Chao Chen's user avatar
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is there any connection between the consistent histories interpretation of quantum mechanics and kripke semantics?

Kripke semantics interpret intuitionistic logic by a partially ordered set of worlds/situations. Consistent histories interpretation of QM elaborates the copenhagen interpretation where a consistent ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Groupoid interpretation of type theory

Hello, I read the paper on groupoid interpretation of type theory by Hofmann and Streicher and I have a question. According to the authors $Tm([[\text{Set}\:[\Gamma]\: ]])$ is the same as $\text{Se}([...
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Unbounded Class of Orbit Equivalence Relations

In their paper titled "The Classification of Hypersmooth Borel Equivalence Relations" Alexander Kechris and Alain Louveau quote the following (Theorem 5.2 in the article) as "Harrington, unpublished": ...
ftonti's user avatar
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Non-Computational classical subterms

Assume we have a proof term of the form $(a^{A\rightarrow^c B\rightarrow^{nc} C}b^Ac^B)^C$, where $c$ is classical (that is, contains free instances of duplex negatio affirmat). The extracted term ...
Christoph-Simon Senjak's user avatar
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Intersecting the algebraic closure of independent elements

$G$ is a group with a simple first order theory $T$ as defined by Shelah, hence equiped with a "nice" notion of independence. $G$ also has generic elements. I write $acl^n(A)$ for the set of elements ...
Drike's user avatar
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Oracle separating FIP for bounded-depth Frege from FIP for Frege (and hardness conditions on DDH)

Is there an oracle such that in the relativized world, bd-Frege (bounded depth Frege propositional proof system) has FIP (feasible interpolation property) but Frege does not have FIP? Such an oracle ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Unprovability of the Steiner-Lehmus theorem

Conway postulated that the Steiner-Lehmus theorem is unprovable using direct methods of proof. Can this be proven directly, that the Steiner-Lehmus theorem cannot be proven directly over Euclidean ...
Bai Li's user avatar
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Extensions of fast-growing hierarchy

In recent weeks, I have been fascinated by the possible extensions of the fast-growing hierarchy. But is there a way to define it for all recursive ordinals? I saw a statement of this sort on ...
FusRoDah's user avatar
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Consistency of Sigma-V-2 uniformization with AD

Is ZF + AD consistent with: For every real $r$, every true $Σ^V_2(r)$ statement has a $Δ^V_2(r)$ example? DC is provable in ZF + every true $Σ^V_2$ statement has a $Δ^V_2$ example (i.e. witness). ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Is this theory synonymous with ZF + Global Choice?

$\textbf{Logic:}$ Mono-sorted first order logic with equality. $\textbf{Extralogical Primitives: } <, \in$ Define: $x > y \iff y < x \\ x \leq y \iff x < y \lor x=y \\ x \not > y \iff \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Is it a property when a cohesive type is a manifold?

Let $X : Type$ in a type theory $T$ interpreting synthetic differential geometry - I don't believe it should matter too much if we have smooth stuff on hand except maybe at the end of this line, but ...
Garrett Figueroa's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of flags and the role of the rook monoid and Kazhdan–Lusztig theory in $M_n(\mathbb{C})$

Let $G = GL_n(\mathbb{C})$, $B$ be its Borel subgroup, and $P$ a parabolic subgroup. The space $G/B$ corresponds to complete flags in $ \mathbb{C}^n$, and $G/P$ corresponds to partial flags. The ...
Learner's user avatar
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Semantic equivalence between mathematical proofs

Sometimes, we recognize two proofs of the same claim to be the "same" proof. In some cases, this sameness is obvious -- for example, the proofs that $\sqrt{2}$ and $\sqrt{3}$ are irrational ...
safsom's user avatar
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Can we have the set world obeying Quine's New Foundations with its well-founded realm obeying $\sf ZFC$?

Is this theory consistent? Language: first order language of set theory, Extra-logical axioms: 1. Extensionality: as in $\sf NF$. 2. Stratified Comprehension: as in $\sf NF$. Define: a set is said ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Direct construction of an arithmetically high degree below $0^{(\omega)}$

The existence of a high arithmetic degree (meaning the degrees induced by the notion of relative arithmetic definability) below $0^\omega$ can be established by using Harrington/Simpson's ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Is the poset in the following construction stationary $\aleph_{\alpha + 2}$-linked?

Definition: A poset P is $\mathbf{stationary}$ $\kappa^{+}$-$\mathbf{linked}$ if for every sequence of conditions $(p_{\gamma} | \gamma < \kappa^{+})$, there is a regerssive function $f: \kappa^{+} ...
George Marangelis's user avatar
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Intuitionistic countermodels in which $u \leq v \implies M_u \leq M_v$

In Fitting's Intuitionistic Logic Model Theory and Forcing, the following theorem is proven: If $X$ is a formula with no universal quantifiers and $\not\vdash_I X$, then there is a countermodel $(\...
zaq's user avatar
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Can a path in Kleene's $\mathcal{O}$ enumerate all of the computable reals via uniform diagonalization?

It's a well-known fact that there are computable diagonalization functions on Baire space $\mathbb{B} = \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$ (i.e., functions which take a sequence $(r_i)_{i\in \mathbb{N}}$ of ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
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Realizing arithmetic hierarchy in algebraic number theory

Is it possible to realize arithmetic hierarchy in algebraic number theory? For example, consider a $\Pi^0_4$ statement of the form $\forall x \exists y \forall z \exists w \phi(x,y,z,w)=0$ where $\phi$...
0x11111's user avatar
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A property of < in Primitive recursive arithmetic

In Primitive recursive arithmetic (PRA), we can introduce $\lt$ by introducing its representing function $K_{\lt}$, where $K_{\lt}(x,y) =sg(x+1-y)$. Here "sg" and "-" are the ...
user532222's user avatar
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On "necessary connectives" in a structure

Given a clone $\mathcal{C}$ over $\{\top,\perp\}$, let $\mathsf{FOL}^\mathcal{C}$ be the version of first-order logic with connectives from $\mathcal{C}$ in place of the usual Booleans. Given a clone $...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Defining fields of characteristic zero in existential second-order logic

Is it possible to define in existential second-order logic (ESO) the class of fields of characteristic zero? An easy compactness argument shows that the class of fields of positive characteristic is ...
Reijo Jaakkola's user avatar
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Constructively, when do functions that agree on $[a, b] \cup [b, c]$ also agree on $[a,c]$?

Let $a, b, c \in \mathbb R$ such that $a \le b \le c$. Let $S$ be some set and $f, g : [a, c] \to S$ be functions. As a follow up to When can a function defined on $[a, b] \cup [b, c]$ be ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Is the class of strongly Kripke complete normal modal logics closed under sums?

Given an arbitrary set of normal modal logics $\mathcal{L}$, one can define their sum $\bigoplus \mathcal{L}$ (or $\bigoplus_{L \in \mathcal{L}} L$ if you prefer) to be the least normal modal logic ...
beehive's user avatar
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Is there a computable model of HoTT?

Among the various models of homotopy type theory (simplicial sets, cubical sets, etc.), is there a computable one? Can the negative follow from the Gödel-Rosser incompleteness theorem? If there is no ...
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Showing that every satisfiable sentence with at most two variables has a finite model

I have tried to prove, in first order logic, that every satisfiable sentence (without function symbols) with at most two variables has a finite model. My attempts were unsuccessful. This is an ...
anonymous's user avatar

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