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Reference request: How to construct a diffeomorphism between point clouds

I'm interested in the following question: Given two sets $S = \{x_1, ..., x_N\}$ and $T = \{y_1, ..., y_N\}$ each consisting of $N$ distinct points in $\mathbb{R}^n$, how can we construct a ...
ccriscitiello's user avatar
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Solving linear programming without solving linear programming

Let $v_1, \cdots, v_n$ be vectors in $\mathbb R^k$, and let $M$ be the Gram matrix of them. It's possible to determine from $M$ and $k$ whether the only vector that has nonnegative inner product with ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Who called Farkas' fundamental theorem a lemma?

Farkas proved his famous result (which, nowadays, is fundamental in optimization theory) in 1902 and called it Grundsatz der einfachen Ungleichung which may be translated as fundamental theorem of ...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
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Cylinder orientation representation

I'm trying to find an efficient computation and representation for the following problem. Given a cylinder with height $h$ and radius $r$ with a given position $\mathbf{x} = [x, y, z]$ and $N$ number ...
nilsiism's user avatar
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Fermat point amidst polygonal obstacles

Consider $k$ distinct points in 2D-plane with $n$ convex polygonal obstacles. Is there a poly-time algorithm (poly in $k$ and the total number of obstacle vertices) to find a point outside of all ...
DSM's user avatar
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Explicit computations of finite covers of genus one curves with two points of ramification

I have an explicit genus one curve $E$ with two points $p_1$ and $p_2$ on it and am looking for an explicit degree seven cover $X\to E$ with ramification precisely over $p_i$, with a single preimage ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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Finding a special solution in a solution set over F2

Given a solution set of a linear system of the following form $$ \{ \begin{bmatrix} x_{1} \\ \vdots \\ x_{n} \end{bmatrix} = \vec{v_1} * x_1 + \dots + \vec{...
borekking's user avatar
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What is the best way to choose initial basis when applying simplex method to an equality form of LP?

Currently I'm trying to write a practically fast LP solver for a sparse instance, which is by simplex method with LU decomposition and eta-matrix update. In the development I realized that I'm not ...
sansaqua's user avatar
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Connecting $2n$ points in $\mathbb R^2$ with line segments s.t. each point belongs to exactly one line segment

I'm trying to do a certain simulation related to the toric code and I'm looking for an algorithm that connects $2n$ points ($n \in \mathbb Z_+$) in $\mathbb R^2$ with line segments with the following ...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar
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Correct way to conduct equilibrium scaling of linear/integer/MIP program

I would like to scale my linear/integer program and also mixed-integer program using the equilibrium scaling method. I have worked on two research papers and one research book. However, they did the ...
asdf's user avatar
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Linear programming robustness to input perturbations

I'm running a linear program whose parametrization depends on the output of a neural network. I was wondering if there exist results on how robust linear programs are towards perturbations in their ...
f.k's user avatar
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Are cells of 4-polytopes a convex polyhedron by definition?

I'm going by the Wikipedia definition for a 4-polytope. Do by definition, cells of 4-polytopes have to be a convex polyhedra? If not, then are there polyhedra with non-convex faces? If yes, is it the ...
Ron Michal's user avatar
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Finding maximal prefix of a simple curve

Let $S$ be a simple curve. I want to determine maximal prefix of $S$ contained in a unit circle. Is this possible, or has it perhaps already been solved in the past, and I am just unable to find an ...
Briyan's user avatar
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How to maximise infinity norm of $x$ with constraint $Ax \le b$ using linear program? [closed]

I want to maximise the infinity norm of $x$, subject to constraint: $Ax \le b$. I think you can use a linear program to solve this, but how do you go about formulating it?
Minute street's user avatar
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What is the VC-dimension of regular convex k-gons in the plane?

Recall the relevant definitions: Let $H$ be a family of sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$. The intersection of $H$ with a point set $C$ is defined as $H\cap C = \{h\cap C\mid h\in H\}$. The VC-dimension of $H$ (...
Tassle's user avatar
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Optimal unions of planar convex regions

This post continues Optimal intersections between planar convex regions. Question: Given two planar convex polygonal regions $C_1$ and $C_2$, how does one algorithmically find how to place and orient ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Angles between edges of a geometric graph and graph invariants

Are there any clever ways in which the angles between edges in a geometric graph are encoded in the graph spectrum, or another object associated with the graph? I'm interested to see what else is ...
apg's user avatar
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Explicit equation for border of the Minkowski sum of sets

Assume we have sets of the form $$ M_j = \{x\in\mathbb{R}^d : f_j(x) \le 0,x \ge 0\} $$ where $x\ge 0$ means $x_i \ge 0 \quad \forall i=1,\dots, d$. Goal I am looking for an (explicit) representation ...
Felix Benning's user avatar
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How to do an elevated 2D Delaunay triangulation?

This is what I call an elevated Delaunay triangulation: This is also called a 2.5D Delaunay triangulation. To do it, I simply perform an ordinary 2D Delaunay triangulation with the (x,y)-coordinates, ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Comparing convex planar regions of equal perimeter and area - 2

We try to extend On comparing planar convex regions of equal perimeter and area . Given two planar convex regions C1 and C2 both with unit perimeter, we define the difference between C1 and C2 as the ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Reduced Voronoi diagram

I am currently reading Differentiable Surface Triangulation presented at Siggraph Asia 2021. I think most of the paper is clear to me, though I keep re-reading through to see if I miss details. The ...
user8469759's user avatar
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A variation on the projective Nullstellensatz

Let $V$ be a $\mathbb{C}$-vector space, and let $f_1,\dots,f_n \in S^d(V^*)$ be homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ for which $V(f_1,\dots, f_n)=\{0\}$. Must there exist a positive integer $k\geq d$ ...
Ben's user avatar
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Minimal vertices 3D polygon fitting between inner and outer boundaries

I have a set of 3D points representing a convex hull which I define as the inner boundary. The points are then offset outwards by a selected distance (the 'error') and I define this expanded hull as ...
Robin Weert's user avatar
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Solution of a simple optimization problem

Let $\mathbf{U}_1$ and $\mathbf{U}_2$ be two arbitrary unitary matrices and $\mathbf{D}$ be a diagonal matrix. What is the solution of the following optimization problem? \begin{align} \min_{\mathbf{...
Math_Y's user avatar
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The best unitary matrices that approximate a matrix product

Let $\mathbf{A}$ be an arbitrary $N\times N$ complex matrix. Moreover, $\mathcal{U}_1$ and $\mathcal{U}_2$ are distinct subsets of all unitary matrices. Suppose the matrices $\mathbf{U}_1$ and $\...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Finding a point inside a surface

I have a triangulation of a surface without boundary in $\mathbb{R}^3$. The triangulation gives a unit normal pointing outwards for each triangle. I need to find some point in the interior of the ...
quirkyquark's user avatar
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Are hyperbolic $n$-manifolds recursively enumerable?

Fixing a dimension $n \ge 4$, is the class of closed hyperbolic $n$-manifolds recursively enumerable? Since hyperbolic manifolds are triangulable I can reformulate this in the following more explicit ...
Jean Raimbault's user avatar
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Optimal intersections between planar convex regions

Here is an earlier discussion that could be related: On comparing planar convex regions of equal perimeter and area We are broadly interested in placing two given planar convex regions so that the ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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How to chose the start vector for the MTZ variables

In the context of LP-formulations for the Traveling Salesman Problem the MTZ constraints prevent subtours via $n$ (i.e. effectively $n-1$) additional variables $$u_1=1\\2\le u_2,\,\dots ,\,u_n\le n\\ ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Existence of fine approximate of a convex body in $\mathbb R^d$ with convex hull of $\mathcal O(d)$ points

Let $K$ be a convex body in $\mathbb R^d$ which contains the origin and let $\theta \in (0,1)$. Question. Is it always possible to find $n$ points $x_1,\dotsc,x_n \in \mathbb R^d$ such that $$ \theta ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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On finding optimal convex planar shapes to cover a given convex planar shape

Covering a specific convex shape S with n copies of another specified convex shape S' (which may be different from S) is well studied - for example,
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Drawing a 3D object in a 3D environment, and converting to math [closed]

So I have been granted a free time and I want to work on a project but first I had to research. As we know, lines have infinite points, and with lines, we can create infinite shapes. I want to let ...
Dead_Light's user avatar
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How to find a set given its support function

Let $\mathcal{U}$ be a convex and compact set. Its support function is defined as $\delta^*(v|\mathcal{U})=\sup_{u\in \mathcal{U}} v^T u$. Assume that we are given the support function $\delta^*(v|\...
Eggplant's user avatar
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Subtour-gluing constraints for ILP formulation of TSPs

If one doesn't want to introduce additional variables to the ILP of a TSP instance, one has to add exponentially many so-called subtour-elimination constraints; in practical calculations subtour-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Finding the smallest centrally symmetric region that contains a convex planar region

Given a convex polygonal region C, how does one find/characterize the smallest zonogon (centrally symmetric convex polygon that contains C? Note 1: In question ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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A ratio to measure 'roundedness' of planar convex regions

Ref: A center of convex planar regions based on chords The above discussion quotes the definition of 'centralness coefficient' and defines a center of a planar convex region. 1/2 is the least possible ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Why is Gaussian distribution always chosen for smoothed analysis?

I came across the algorithmic perfomance analysis model of smoothed analysis. In all references that I read a Gaussian distribution was used for perturbation (e.g. Spielman and Teng 2004 for the ...
mc.math's user avatar
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Do we really need degree constraints for ILP formulations of TSP problems

The Dantzig-Fulkerson ILP-formulation of the symmetric TSP is $$\min\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n-1}\sum\limits_{j=i+1}^n c_{ij}x_{\lbrace i,j\rbrace}\quad\text{s.t.}\\ \sum\limits_{j\ne i,\,j=1}^n x_{\lbrace ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Partition of polygons into 'congruent sets of polygons'

Definition: Two finite sets of polygons $A$ and $B$ are congruent if we can match polygons in $A$ in a one-one manner with polygons in $B$ with each matched pair of polygons mutually congruent. ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On partitioning n-gons into pieces with reflection symmetry

Is 3(n-2) a tight lower bound on the least number of reflection symmetric pieces that any general n-gon can be cut into? What if we consider only convex n-gons? A kite is a reflection symmetric ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Second-order envelope theorem for linear programming

Consider parameterized linear programming $V(\theta) = \max_x \langle c(\theta),x\rangle$ s.t. $A(\theta)x\leq b(\theta)$, $x\geq 0$. Let's also assume $c,A,b$ are infinitely differentiable with ...
Yining Wang's user avatar
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Sum of all integer binary solutions of a TUM linear system

I have the following problem: $A x = b$ where $A$ is a $m \times n$ total unimodular matrix (TUM) with entries in $\{0,1\}$ and $b$ is a $m$-vector of strictly positive integers. Let $\mathcal X$ be ...
Luca Savant's user avatar
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On intersections of several convex regions

Question: Given n convex planar regions. Required to place them (in suitable position and orientation) so that that part of the plane lying under all the regions (their common intersection) is of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Minimum circumscribed ellipsoid of $\mathcal H$-polytope

Given matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ and vector $b \in \mathbb{R}^n$, consider the $\mathcal H$-polytope $P$ defined as follows $$ P := \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n : Ax \leq b \right\} $$ I ...
Daniel Turizo's user avatar
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Any technique for linearization, or linear approximation?

Consider the following Matrix constraint: $$ \begin{bmatrix} -U+\psi\Sigma_b^{-1} & V \\ V^T & -V^TU^{-1}V+\tau_2 -\psi \end{bmatrix} \leq 0 $$ where $\Sigma_b$ is a known positive definite ...
Navid Hashemi's user avatar
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Bounding the length difference of two curves given the Fréchet distance between them

Given two simple, closed, convex, planar curves $C_1$ and $C_2$, let their lengths be $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$, respectively, and their Fréchet distance be $d_f$. We are trying to bound $|\ell_1 - \ell_2|...
Peter Li's user avatar
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testing whether a polyhedral complex is convex

Definitions A (polyhedral) cone in $\Bbb R^n$ is the solution set of a finite number of inequalities of the form $a_1x_1+\cdots+a_nx_n\geq 0$. Note that I don't require strict convexity, i.e. a cone $...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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How hard is a linear programming with a bounded constraint?

Background: I am reading Greg Kuperberg's answer to the question Deciding membership in a convex hull. I am thinking about the complexity of ''Deciding membership in a convex hull''. Restate the ...
Inner_peace's user avatar
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A center of convex planar regions based on chords

This is based on Chapter 6 of 'Convex figures' by Yaglom and Boltyanskii. This post also continues On two centers of convex regions. A point $P$ in the interior of a planar convex region $C$ divides ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Multi-layered wrapping of polyhedra

This post continues from How big a box can you wrap with a given polygon? and Convex polyhedra that can be folded from convex polygons. One can also mention 'k-fold coverings of the plane' as examined ...
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