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Pullback/pushforward of bivariant intersection classes

In chapter 17 of Fulton's Intersection Theory, he defines a bivariant intersection theory. I'm a bit puzzled by the pushforward/pullback he defines on page 322-323, though; they seem not analogous to ...
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The self intersection class of exceptional divisor of 3-fold blown up along a curve

Suppose $X$ is a smooth complete variety of dimension $3$, let $\sigma\colon\widetilde{X}\to X$ the blow-up along smooth curve $C\subset X$, let $\sigma^{-1}(C)=E$ be the exceptional divisor, let $f$ ...
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Smooth quadric hypersurface, Hilbert scheme is blowup of Grassmannian?

Let $Q \subset \mathbb{P}^n$ be a smooth quadric hypersurface. Where can I find a proof of/can anyone supply a proof of$$\text{Hilb}_{2m + 1}(Q) \cong \text{Bl}_{OG(3, n+1)}G(3, n+1)?$$Can we conclude ...
user78247's user avatar
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Tor-amplitude [0, 1] in the setting of intersection theory on a regular surface?

The question is coming from Definition 1.5 in Deligne's Expose X in SGA 7 on intersection theory. Let $X$ be a connected regular scheme of dimension $2$ and $Y \subset X$ a reduced divisor that ...
O-Ren Ishii's user avatar
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Bézout's theorem for arcs in the plane

Consider two polynomials $p,q \in {\mathbb R}[x,y]$, both of degree $d$. Let $\gamma_p$ and $\gamma_q$ be the two curves in ${\mathbb R}^2$ that are defined by these polynomials, and assume that these ...
Adam Sheffer's user avatar
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Transversal intersection in the moving lemma

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field and let $A,B$ be closed irreducible subvarieties of $X$. Chow's moving lemma which is proved in the book by Eisenbud and ...
user115940's user avatar
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Calculating the distinguished varieties of intersection product

In Fulton's Intersection theory Example 6.1.2,one considers two divisors on $\mathbf{P}^2$ given by $D_1=A+2B,D_2=2A+B$, where $A,B$ are lines meeting at a point. Let $X=D_1\times D_2,Y=\mathbf{P}^2\...
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What does the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson class of a singular variety look like?

Let $A_\ast$ and $F_\ast$ be the functors $\textrm{Var}_\mathbb C\to \textrm{Ab}$ of Chow groups and constructible functions, respectively, with respect to proper maps. Then the Chern-Schwartz-...
Brenin's user avatar
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On the local Euler obstruction for singular varieties

Let $X$ be a complex algebraic variety (not necessarily irreducible, nor reduced). Then the local Euler obstruction is a group isomorphism $$\textrm{Eu}: Z_\ast X\to F_\ast X,$$ where $Z_\ast X$ is ...
Brenin's user avatar
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Why write GRR with the relative tangent sheaf?

The first published version of the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem, GRR for short, was written in the form $$ \operatorname{ch}(f_!\alpha).\operatorname{Td}(Y) = f_*\left(\operatorname{ch}(\alpha).\...
A Rock and a Hard Place's user avatar
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Intersection numbers on blow ups of toric varieties

Suppose we have a smooth, complete toric varietiy $X_{\Sigma}$ of dimension $n$. Let $\sigma_k \in \Sigma(k)$ a smooth $k$-dimensional cone in $\Sigma$ and suppose we make the toric blow up at the ...
cata's user avatar
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Continuity of Intersection Multiplicities

I’m looking for a correct technical version (and in the best case a reference) for a statement of the following type: Consider a complex algebraic variety $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ and a sequence of ...
Rainer Sinn's user avatar
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Samuel multiplicity

Let $X$ be the hyper-surface defined by $$f:=\sum_{i=1}^k x_i^n=0$$ in $\mathbb{C}^k$. Let $Y$ be the non-reduced sub-scheme of $X$ defined by the ideal $$I=(x_1^{n-1},\dots , x_k^{n-1}) $$ What is ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Intersection Multiplicity

Let $X$ be an hyper-surface in an affine space defined by an equation $F$. We can assume that the ground field is $\mathbb{C}$ and $X$ is normal. Take functions $f_1,\dots, f_n$ on $X$ and let $B$ ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Intersection multiplicty and global sections

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety, $V, W$ closed subschemes in $X$ such that $V \cap W$ is finitely many points. Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a line bundle on $X$. Is there any relation between $h^0(\...
Kali's user avatar
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Non-proper intersection of surfaces

I'm interested in the first basic case of excess intersection in intersection theory: Let $X$ be a smooth projective 4-fold and let $S,T$ be two surfaces in $X$. Assume that the intersection $S\cap T$...
Walter Neff's user avatar
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Self-intersection and generic point

The Wikipedia entry on intersection theory contains the following statement: [for C a curve, on a surface] "the self-intersection points of C is the generic point of C, taken with multiplicity C · C."...
macbeth's user avatar
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A question about an intersection number

Let $\pi:Y\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^3$ be the blow-up of two points $p,q\in\mathbb{P}^3$, and then of the strict transform of the line $L$ spanned by them. Now, Let $E_p,E_q, E_{p,q}$ be respectively the ...
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Intersection Matrix of a resolution

Probably this is a very easy question. Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a resolution of a projective surface such that $$K_X = f^{*}K_S+\sum_ia_iE_i$$ with $a_i>0$. By Grauert-Mumford theorem the ...
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When is the intersection number well-defined?

According to 1.34 of Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties(J.Kollár, S.Mori), there are at least 4 ways(classical approach, cohomological approach, general intersection theory and topological ...
Jogun's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions to get complete intersection curves

Let $H_1,H_2\cdots,H_{d-1}$ be hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{P}^d$, if the intersection $B:=H_1\cap H_2\cap \cdots \cap H_{d-1}$ is $1$-dimensional then it is called a complete intersection curve. What ...
Sivakanth Gopi's user avatar
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birational equivalence of linear sections of algebraic varieties

Let $X$ be an irreducible algebraic variety and suppose that $L$ is a linear space defined by the linear forms $l_1,l_2,\ldots,l_k$. I want to study $L\cap X$. I would like to know whether the ...
user46071's user avatar
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Strategy to prove formula for top chern class from knowlege of chern character

I am trying to prove a conjecture that involves an enumerative problem. In the course of doing so, the following situation came up. I have a sequence of (smooth, complex, rationally connected) ...
Drew's user avatar
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curve through a point avoiding an hypersurface

Let $H$ be a closed hypersurface in $\mathbb{A}^{n}$, $n$ big enough over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $U$ be the complementary open subset. Let $x\in H$, Is it possible to find an curve $C\subset\mathbb{A}^{...
prochet's user avatar
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excess intersection theory

Can the excess intersection theory be applied to the following problem: I have a non-singular irreducible variety $X$ of dimension $k$ and degree $d$ and $k+1$ hyperplane sections of $X$, $H_1,H_2,\...
user46071's user avatar
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Explicit formula for the Poincare dual of a CM endomorphism of an elliptic curve

Let $E/\mathbf{C}$ be an elliptic curve with CM by the maximal order $\mathcal{O}_K$ of $K=\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-D})$ where $D$ is positive and square-free integer. To make it even more precise, let us ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Zero Dimension Intersection

Let $M$ be smooth and purely $r$-dimensional, $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ over $M$, $s$ be a regular section of $E$ and $Z$ the zero scheme of $s$. Then $[Z]$ is dual to the top Chern class $...
JYQ's user avatar
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Rational normal curves as set-theoretic complete intersections

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a rational normal curve of degree $n$. It is know that $C$ is a set-theoretic complete intersection and that, if $n\geq 3$, is a not a scheme-theoretic complete ...
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Chern and Segre classes

I've recently started to learn about Chern and Segre classes, and it seems to me that they are very similar, sharing the same important properties and having closely related definitions. Fulton's ...
Mr I's user avatar
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Intersection theory on M_{g,n}

Is there a paper\book that lists the top intersections of Hodge classes and tautological classes on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ for small $g$ and $k$, e.g. $g=2,3$ and $k=0,1,2$ ?
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^4$ along a quadric surface

Let $Q\subset\mathbb{P}^3\subset\mathbb{P}^4$ be a smooth quadric surface, and let $X = Bl_Q\mathbb{P}^4$ the blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^4$ along $Q$. Let $H$ be the pull-back of the hyperplane section of ...
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Relation between intersection multiplicity and Hilbert-Samuel multiplicities

Suppose $X$, $Y$, $Z$ are projective varieties in $\mathbb{P}^n_K$ of dimension $n-1$, where $K$ is a field. $X$, $Y$, $Z$ intersect properly, and $P$ is one of their intersection irreducible ...
var's user avatar
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Deformation space form the point of view of intersection theory

I'm interested in deformations of subvarieties of a toric variety $X$. Suppose we know a subvariety $V$ in the Chow group of $X$, for example, $V$ is a linear combination of powers of hypersurfaces. ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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Positivity question on K3 surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective complex K3 surface and $L, D$ two effective divisors, $L^2\geq0$ and $D^2\geq0$. (Q1). do we have $L\cdot D\geq0$ ? If either one has positive self-intersection, the ...
Heitor's user avatar
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Does $h^1(D)=0$ imply numerical connectedness on K3 surfaces?

Let $X$ be a complex K3 surface and $D$ an effective divisor on $X$. We shall say: $D$ is connected if its support is connected. $D$ is numerically connected if for any non-trivial effective ...
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A question on infinitesimal deformation (related to intersection theory)

Let $X$ be a connected projective scheme in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Assume, $2 \le \dim X \le n-2$. Let $H$ be a general hyperplane in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Denote by $Z:=X.H$ and $Z'=X.H^m$ for $m \gg 0$. Then ...
user46578's user avatar
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bijection of moduli space of equivariant holomorphic embeddings

Consider the moduli space $\mathcal{M}$ of equivariant holomorphic embeddings of closed oriented Riemann surfaces into a generic quintic three-fold $X$ in $\mathbb{P}^4,$ of given degree $d \in H_2(X,...
jj_p's user avatar
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Depth of Schubert cycles

For $a:a_1\geq \cdots\geq a_c$, let $\sigma_a$ be the corresponding Schubert cycle over $Gr(c,\infty)$. We say $a$ is of depth $k$ if $a_1-a_c=k$ ($c>1$). Let $a$ and $b$ be of depth $k_1$ and $k_2$...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Deformation of transversal intersection

Fix a positive integer $n \ge 2$. Let $\pi:\mathcal{X} \to B$ be a family (flat, projective and surjective morphism) of projective subschemes of $\mathbb{P}^n$. Assume $B$ is reduced, irreducible. ...
user45397's user avatar
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Upper bound for the product of Schubert cycles

Let $Gr(c,\infty)$ be the complex grassmannian of $c$-dimensional subspaces of the infinite dimensional complex space. Every finite dimensional grassmannian, $Gr(c,N)$, can be thought as a subspace of ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Which actions preserve non-complete intersections?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $Z$ is a closed subscheme in $X$ which is not a complete intersection in $X$. Assume the dimension of $X$ (resp. $Z$) is greater than $3$ (resp. $1$). Then, ...
Jana's user avatar
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Cycle classes that are killed by pushing forward from normalization

Let $X$ be a non-normal algebraic variety and $f \colon X' \to X$ its normalization. Is there a general description $\mathrm{ker}\left(\mathrm{CH}_k(X') \to \mathrm{CH}_k(X)\right)$? Are there ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Does every ample divisor "span" a hyperplane?

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $\geq 2$ and assume that it is not contained in any hyperplane. Now, take some hyperplane $H\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ and consider the ...
Tomasz Lenarcik's user avatar
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F-curves and divisors on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$

It is conjectured that a divisor on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ would be ample if $D\cdot C >0$ for all F-curves $C\subset \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$. Does the intersection degree with all F-...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Bounds for intersection multiplicity

Let's for simplicity work in $\mathbb{C}^n$. Suppose that $f_1,\dots, f_n$ are polynomials and $0$ is an isolated solution of the system $f_1(z)=\dots=f_n(z)=0$. I want to bound from below the ...
Oleg Eroshkin's user avatar
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Negative self intersection and section of the conormal sheaf for a singular complex curve

Let $M$ be a complex $2$-dimensional manifold and $C$ be a compact complex curve in $M$ (possibly singular). Let us suppose that there exists a holomorphic function $f\in\mathcal{O}(M)$ such that $f$ ...
Samuele's user avatar
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Relationship between virtual cohomological dimension and tautological rings for moduli spaces of curves

Here's the short version of the question. For $M_{g,n}$, $M_{g,n}^{rt}$, $M_{g,n}^{ct}$ and $\overline M_{g,n}$ it seems that the virtual cohomological dimension is given by the complex dimension plus ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Smooth, complete varieties on which "zero is effective"

I will say zero is effective on a complete, smooth variety $X$ if some positive linear combination of irreducible varieties is rationally equivalent to zero. In other words, zero is effective if there ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
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Chow ring of extended tropicalizations

In Allermann-Rau '09, the authors define the Chow groups of an arbitrary abstract tropical cycle. In particular, one may take the tropical cycle to be the tropicalization of a subvariety of a torus. ...
Max Kutler's user avatar
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Nef classes on abelian varieties in positive characteristic

Thomas Bauer shows in that for a complex abelian variety a nef line bundle is numerically equivalent to an effective divisor (this is shown in Lemma 1.1). ...
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