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Computing Chow groups of affine, simplicial toric varieties

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $X$ be an $n$-dimensional affine, simplicial toric variety over $k$. There exists an $n$-dimensional simplicial cone $\sigma$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $...
Boris's user avatar
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Is the group of homologically trivial cycles in a variety over a finite field torsion?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{F}_q$. Is any cycle in the Chow group $CH^i(X)$ which is trivial in $\ell$-adic cohomology automatically torsion? For abelian varieties I believe ...
Bma's user avatar
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A question on the Chow group on stacks

Let $X$ be a separated Deligne-Mumford stack finite type over the ground field. Then there is a Chow group $A_*(X)$ of $X$ which is well-behaved under flat pull-back, defined as follows. Let $\...
Kim's user avatar
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Localization of Chow groups and flat base change

For any flat morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$, we have a flat pullback of Chow groups $$Ch^i(Y)\rightarrow Ch^i(X).$$ A particular example of this is of course an open immersion $U\rightarrow X$. In that ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Looking for examples of not injective maps and not surjective maps of the form $ A_{k} (X) \to H_{2k} ( X , \mathbb{Z} ) $

Here:, on pages: $ 1 $ and $ 2 $, we find the following paragraph: For any scheme of finite type over a ground field ...
YoYo's user avatar
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Numerical and rational equivalences on intersection of divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a finite field. Since $Pic^0(X)$ is finite and $Pic^0(X)$ can be identified with numerically equivalent to zero divisors this implies that for divisors on $...
user127776's user avatar
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Proper locally trivial bundle is injective on Chow groups

If $X\to Y$ is a map of varieties that is Zariski-locally isomorphic to a projection $U\times P\to U$ with $P$ (smooth) proper, I think the pullback $A_{\bullet}(Y)\to A_{\bullet}(X)$ is supposed to ...
Munchlax's user avatar
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The Chow ring of a blow-up along a badly embedded subscheme

Let $X$ be a variety and $i:Y\hookrightarrow X$ be a regularly embedded closed subvariety, and write $\tilde X$ for $Bl_Y X$ the blow-up of $X$ along $Y$. Let $A^*(X)$ refer to the Fulton-Macpherson ...
A. S.'s user avatar
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Linear sections of $Gr(V,2)$

Let $V$ be a vector space, and consider $G=Gr(V,2)\subset \mathbb{P}^N$ embedded via the Plucker embedding. Let $W\subset \mathbb{P}^N$ be a linear subspace. I want to find the class $[W\cap G]\in A(G)...
user2520938's user avatar
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Specialization maps for Chow groups

Let $S$ be a finite type regular integral affine scheme of finite type over $\text{Spec}(\mathbf{Z})$, and $\mathcal{X}\to S$ a smooth projective morphism. Let $\eta$ be the generic point of $S$, $s\...
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Pull-back of algebraic cycles

Since today is the Chow-variety day, I'm going to ask my question here. Suppose I have a smooth projective variety $X$ over a field of characteristic zero, and a smooth hyperplane $p: H\...
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Codimension restrictions on intersections

This is a question I stumbled across earlier this week. I see a similar one has been asked here. Suppose I have a smooth quasi projective variety $X$ over a field $K$, and I call $\text{Chow}^r(X\...
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7 votes
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Higher Chow groups for complete smooth intersections?

Let $F$ be a smooth complete intersection of $r$ hypersurfaces of degree $d_{1},\dots,d_{r}$ in $\mathbb{P}^{n+r}$ over an algebraic closed field. A classical result of A. Roitman says that the group ...
Tsk's user avatar
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Higher Chow groups revisited

Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over a field $k$. Bloch defines the "algebraic singular complex" using the algebraic simplices $$\Delta^n = \text{Spec}(k[x_0,\dots,x_n]/(x_0+x_1+\dots+x_n=1) \subset ...
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Chow ring of Hilbert scheme of 4 points in $\mathbb{P}^2$

What is known about the Chow ring of the Hilbert scheme of length 4 subschemes of $\mathbb{P}^2$? I know there is work on cycles on Hilbert schemes in the literature, but I don't know what can be ...
DCT's user avatar
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Self-intersection and generic point

The Wikipedia entry on intersection theory contains the following statement: [for C a curve, on a surface] "the self-intersection points of C is the generic point of C, taken with multiplicity C · C."...
macbeth's user avatar
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Deformation space form the point of view of intersection theory

I'm interested in deformations of subvarieties of a toric variety $X$. Suppose we know a subvariety $V$ in the Chow group of $X$, for example, $V$ is a linear combination of powers of hypersurfaces. ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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Commutativity of the Chow ring in positive characteristic

I was looking in Ravi Vakil's notes on Intersection Theory, Class 20, where he introduces the bivariant intersection theory, in particular the Chow ring $A^\ast (X)$. On p. 2, he writes the following ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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examples of Chow rings of surfaces

Can somone provide me (articles/literature) with examples of Chow rings of surfaces? (e.g. here: Chapter 9) What I want is a list of (smooth ...
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Putting two complete varieties in a family over the projective line

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two proper varieties of dimension $n$ over a field $k$. I'm looking for "reasonable" conditions, under which, there exists a proper and dominant morphism $f:V\to \mathbb{P}^1_k$, ...
hadimath's user avatar
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Are Chow groups generated by local complete intersections?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field. The Chow group $\mathbb Q\mathrm{CH}^d(X)$ is $\mathbb Q$--linearly generated by irreducible subvarieties $Z \subseteq X$ of ...
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