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Why do some tricks in homological algebra work over the category of C*-algebras?

The category of $C^*$-algebras is not abelian (a "proof" that it is pre-abelian can be found here, but it does not seem correct; I can't find any authoritative sources). However, it's ...
xuq01's user avatar
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Are the Alexander-Whitney and Eilenberg-Zilber maps homotopy inverse in arbitrary abelian categories?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a monoidal abelian category. Let $A$ and $B$ be simplicial objects in $\mathcal{A}$, and let $N_\ast(-)$ denote the normalized chain complex functor. Let $$AW_{A,B}\colon N_\ast(...
Richard Hepworth's user avatar
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Abelian categories have become the language of homological algebra. Why haven't Zariski categories become the language of commutative algebra?

I'm not seeing much mention of Zariski categories in the literature. There is no article on Zariski categories in nLab, which would seem to be an obvious place to have such an article. What has ...
Jeremy Gross's user avatar
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Description of the canonical equivalence between Adelman's free abelian category and Freyd's free abelian category on an additive category?

Let $\mathcal A$ be an additive category. Then there is a free abelian category $F(\mathcal A)$ on $\mathcal A$. I'm aware of two constructions in the literature, and I'd like to relate them. The ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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How to compute Ext-groups for categories without enough injectives/projectives?

I am studying a category of representations of an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra, which is an abelian category. Unfortunately, the category does not have enough injectives/projectives. I would ...
Batominovski's user avatar
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Is every $R^iF(M)$ isomorphic to some $F(N)$?

Let $A$ and $B$ be abelian categories. Assume that $A$ has enough injectives. Is there a "useful" (take that to mean what you will) condition on $A$ and $B$ such that the following is true? For all ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Is the double orthogonal of a localizing Serre subcategory still a localizing Serre subcategory?

Let $R$ be an unital ring and consider the category of left $R$-modules $R$-Mod. We call a full subcategory $\mathcal{W}\subset R$-Mod a localizing Serre subcategory if $\mathcal{W}$ is closed under ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Relation between extensions and filtrations

We work in an Abelian category. Consider Yoneda extensions, i.e., the Abelian groups Ext$^n(C,A)$ consisting (for $n \ge 1$) of equivalence classes of exact sequences starting at $A$ and ending at $C$ ...
57Jimmy's user avatar
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Extension to a right exact functor

Setup. Let $k$ be a field, $\mathcal{C}$ be a $k$-linear abelian category, $\mathcal{D}$ an arbitrary $k$-linear category. Let $\mathcal{C}'$ be a full subcategory of $\mathcal{C}$ with the following ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Finitely generated projective modules over Noetherian endomorphism ring

Let $\mathcal A$ be a locally Noetherian Grothendieck abelian category and $M\in \mathcal A$ be a Noetherian object. Set $B:=\text{End}_{\mathcal A}(M)$. Let $B$-mod be the category of finitely ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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On a simple alternative correction to Roos' theorem on $\varprojlim^1$

Here is a discussion about an incorrect theorem of Roos, later corrected, some counterexamples and so on. Reading over this, I was a bit shocked because it contradicted something from Weibel's ...
FShrike's user avatar
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Is there a way to “derive” a (non-exact) functor which preserves images?

Let $F : \mathcal A \to \mathcal B$ be an additive functor between abelian categories. If $F$ is left exact, then under certain conditions $F$ admits right derived functors which “measure” its failure ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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A 2-category of abelian categories?

Is there a reasonably well-behaved $2$-category of abelian categories, and if so, what are its objects (perhaps one needs to restrict one's attention to finite abelian categories ?), $1$-morphisms (...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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On the not so clear relationship between torsion theories and localization for a newcomer

Given an hereditary torsion theory $(\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{F})$ on an abelian category $\mathcal{A}$, how we can relate this to a localization (i.e Ore localization). This is mentioned with not so ...
Køb's user avatar
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On existence of finitely generated projective generator with commutative endomorphism ring in ${}_R Mod$

Let $R$ be a ring with unity (not necessarily commutative). Let ${}_R Mod$ be the category of left $R$-modules. If ${}_R Mod$ has a projective generator with commutative endomorphism ring , then does $...
user521337's user avatar
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Can we obtain a derived category from an additive category? Like a category of Banach modules?

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra, let $A$-mod be the category of left Banach modules (as defined in Helemskii's "Banach and locally convex algebras"), $A$-mod is an additive category, but not abelian ...
user44644's user avatar
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Is taking Freyd envelopes adjoint to taking stable module categories?

Let $T$ be an (idempotent-complete) triangulated category. Then the Freyd envelope $mod(T)$ is an abelian category, the universal recipient of a homological functor $T \to mod(T)$. The Freyd envelope ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Derived category supported in a Serre subcategory of a locally noetherian category

This is a cross-post from math.stackexchange at, since I didn't get ...
mnm's user avatar
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Example of pseudocoherent complex which is not locally quasi-isomorphic to a strict pseudocoherent one

I ask this question here even if I posted it also on math.stackexchange (recieving no answer so far) because I have read some analogous question but for perfect complexes on this site, even though ...
Nikio's user avatar
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Do we have criteria of strict localization of a Grothendieck category?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an abelian category and $\mathcal{S}$ be a full subcategory of $\mathcal{C}$. We call $\mathcal{S}$ a Serre subcategory of $\mathcal{C}$ if $\mathcal{S}$ is closed under ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Does a functor preserving injectives also preserve K-injective complexes?

Let $F:A\to B$ be an exact functor of Grothendieck abelian categories. If $F$ preserves injective objects, then does the exact functor $F:K(A)\to K(B)$ preserves K-injective complexes? For example, ...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Baer sum and endomorphisms

I work in an Abelian category. If I take the Baer sum $M' + M''$ of two extensions $M'$ and $M''$ of $ M_2$ by $M_1$, i.e., $$ 0 \to M_1 \to M' \to M_2 \to 0$$ is exact, and the same for $M''$, then ...
57Jimmy's user avatar
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Tensor product of pullbacks of abelian categories

Does the tensor product of abelian categories commute with pullbacks? In more detail: Let $k$ be a field. We consider $k$-linear small abelian categories $\mathcal{B},\mathcal{A}_0,\mathcal{A}_1,\...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
2 votes
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Extensions in a full subcategory

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an abelian category (feel free to put more adjectives here) and $\mathcal{D}$ a full abelian subcategory closed under kernels and cokernels. Then by definition for $A,B\in \...
user197402's user avatar
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Small abelian categories and module categories - preservation of injective and projective objects

A soft question on small abelian categories: Wikipedia: "The article "Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique" by ...
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Functors with adjoints

I want to find a functor between abelian categories, which is faithful but not full. And this functor has left and right adjoint. I want to know a nontrivial example,which is not inducecd by a ring ...
Sun YongLiang's user avatar
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Eilenberg–Zilber-type theorem for Map([n],A), where the degeneracy maps for [n] are forgotten

The following statement should be immediately implied by Eilenberg–Zilber theorem if the sequences $(i_0,\ldots,i_k)$ below are only monotone. But I need the strict monotone version which I believe to ...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Quotient categories and essential extension

Let $A$ be a right Noetherian positively graded ring. Let $Gr(A)$ be the category of right graded $A$-modules, and $Tors(A)$ be the full subcategory of $Gr(A)$ of torsion modules. Let $QGr(A)$ be the ...
jason_zhou's user avatar
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Additive functors preserving quasi-isomorphism

Let $F: \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories (with enough injectives and projectives) and $K^\cdot, L^\cdot$ objects of $\textrm{Ch}(\mathcal{A})$. ...
LMN's user avatar
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contravariant finiteness and limit closure: is there dual to a result of Crawley-Boevey?

Let $\mathcal A$ be a locally finitely presented category. Theorem 4.2 of says that given a full additive subcategory $\mathcal D$ of finitely presented ...
Alex's user avatar
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Characterization of weakly convergence of spectral sequences

Let $C$ be a chain complex (in any abelian category) and let $\{F_p\}$ be a decreasing filtration of $C$. It induces a filtration on the homologies of $C$, given by $$F_pH=im(H(F_p)\rightarrow H(C)),$$...
Rafael's user avatar
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Injective envelope in the category of left exact functors

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an Abelian category. $\mathcal{L}$ is the category of absolutely pure objects of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A})$ is the category of the exact left functors of $\...
Danimenru's user avatar
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Connecting homomorphism and Baer sum in an abelian category

I would like to prove that the connecting homomorphism $\delta \colon \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathcal{A}}(N,M_3) \to \mathrm{Ext}_{\mathcal{A}}(N,M_1)$ from part (2) of Lemma 12.6.4 of the Stacks Project is ...
Algebrus's user avatar
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