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When the integrable system defines a moment map?

Assume $\mathcal{M}$ is a compact symplectic $2n$-dimensional manifold with a Hamiltonian action of the torus $\mathbb{T}^n$. Given a family of functions $F=(f_1,\ldots,f_n)$ defining an integrable ...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar
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When lagrangian fibrations are equivalent?

Given a $2n$-dimensional symplectic manifold $\mathcal{M}$ and two different lagrangian fibrations $\pi_1:\mathcal{M}\rightarrow \Gamma_1$ and $\pi_2:\mathcal{M}\rightarrow \Gamma_2$, with $\Gamma_1, \...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar
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Liouville-Arnold and fibration relative to a convex polytope

Liouville-Arnold's theorem indicates that given a Hamiltonian torus action on a manifold and a set of $n$ functions $F$ from the manifold to $\mathbb{R}^n$ defining an integrable system, the pre image ...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar
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Integral expression for the Poisson bracket

I already asked this in the physics forum but without much attention, so I thought it might attract more attention here. Is there an integral expression for the Poisson bracket that can be derived ...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar
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Uniform continuity of Hamiltonian flow

Let $h \in C^2_{\mathrm{ub}}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$, where $C_{\mathrm{ub}}^k$ consists of $C^k$-functions that are bounded and uniformly continuous along with their derivatives up to $k$th-order. It is ...
Lau's user avatar
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From time-dependent Hamiltonians to time-dependent symplectic/Poisson structures

Let $(M,\{.,.\})$ be a smooth Poisson manifold, and let $H\in C^\infty(M\times\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$. Question: Does there exist $H_0\in C^\infty(M,\mathbb{R})$ and smooth parameter-dependent Poisson ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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algebraic momentum map

Let $T$ be a linear algebraic torus over $\mathbb C$ and $X$ be a smooth quasi-projective symplectic $T$-variety. Also, assume that the action of $T $ is free and $X/T$ exists as a smooth variety. Is ...
Arup's user avatar
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Hamiltonian dynamics on cotangent bundle

I'm stuck with the following claim made in Section 13.1 of Y-G. Oh's book "Symplectic topology and Floer homology". Assume that $N$ is a differential manifold and $S_0 ,S_1\subseteq N$ two ...
TheWildCat's user avatar
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Existence results for Lagrangian solutions to the Incompressible Euler Equation?

It is known that if a function (which we shall call the lagrangian flow, or lagrangian trajectory) $$X:(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})^3 \times [0,T] \to \mathbb{R}^3$$ with $X \in H^1_t$ (i.e. has weak time ...
vmist's user avatar
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Is there a notion of symplectic maps between spaces of volume forms on phase spaces?

For a $n$ dimensional smooth manifold $M$, I consider the cotangent bundle $T^*M$ with the canonical symplectic form $\omega$. A symplectic map $\phi : T^*M \to T^* M$ is a map which leaves the ...
Steffen Plunder's user avatar
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A question in elementary differential geometry

Let $M$ be a finite dimensional manifold of constant curvature $\kappa$. Consider a solution of the Hamilton--Jacobi equation $$ \partial_t u + |\nabla u|^2 = 0. $$ Can we give a precise estimate of a ...
Christian's user avatar
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Geometrical proof of Noether Theorem [duplicate]

I am reading a very nice Physics book "The standard model in a nutshell" by D.Goldberg and just read there a mention to Noether Theorem. Of course I knew this outstanding theorem very well from ...
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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How to check conditions for Liouville-Arnold theorem? [closed]

Arnold gives in his book "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics" on p.272 the following, well known theorem: Let $F_1, \dots, F_n$ be $n$ functions in involution on a symplectic $2n$-...
eriugena's user avatar
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Is this integral zero?

I'd like to know if one integral expression I have can be shown to be zero for all possible cases. Let me introduce some notation. Consider $\mathfrak{g}=C^{\infty}(M)$ and the dual $\mathfrak{g}^*=\...
CristinaSardon's user avatar
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Periodic orbit for certain Hamiltonian on the tangent bundle

In this question a nontrivial periodic orbit is a periodic orbit which is not a singular point. Let $p: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ be a ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Some dynamical and Bundle questions arising from certain map $P:TS^{n}\to S^{n}$

Define the map $$P:TS^{n}\to S^{n} \;\;\;\text{by}\;\; P((x,v))=\frac{x+v}{\parallel x+v \parallel}$$ where $$TS^{n}=\{(x,v)\in S^{n} \ \times \mathbb{R}^{n+1}\mid v \perp x \}$$ This map is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Geometric properties of solutions of Hamiltonian system

Context : We are interested in the following dynamic with state $(q,\varphi)$ $$ \dot q = \varepsilon F(q,\varphi), \quad \dot \varphi = \omega(q) + \varepsilon G(q,\varphi) $$ ($\varepsilon >0$ ...
Smilia's user avatar
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Weinstein's local classification of Lagrangian foliations

In the paper "Symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds", Weinstein showed that locally all the Lagrangian foliations are symplectomorhic to the fiber foliation of a cotangent bundle. I ...
Piojo's user avatar
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Lifting a Diffeomorphism to the Cotangent Bundle

Both Abraham-Marsden and Da Silva seem to imply that given a symplectomorphism $g:T^\ast X\to T^\ast X$ which preserves the tautological $1$-form $\alpha$, it must be that $g$ is fibre preserving. ...
JonHerman's user avatar
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Computation with the Legendre Transform

Let $M$ be a manifold and fix a Lagrangian $L\in C^\infty(T M )$. Let $x_1,\dots x_n$ be local coordinates for $M$ and equip the tangent bundle and cotangent bundle with standard coordinates $(x_1,\...
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