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Branch cuts, inverse Fourier transform and large time asymptotics

Let the Fourier transform of $f(t)$ be defined as $F(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty dt f(t) e^{i\omega t}$ for values of $\omega$ where the integral exists. What are the precise conditions on $F(\...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
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Given $\theta$, find $f$ such that $\int_{\mathbb{T}} \text{e}^{i\theta} \cos(h \cdot f) = 0,$ for all $h \in \mathbb{N}$

Let $\theta$ be a $C^{\infty}$ (resp. analytic) real-valued function on $\mathbb{T}=[0,2\pi]/\{0,2\pi\}$. When can one find $f \neq 0$, $C^{\infty}$ (resp. analytic) real-valued function on $\...
Leonardo's user avatar
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The inversion formula for the square root of a positive function

Let $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$. Suppose that $\hat{f}$, the Fourier transform of $f$, is a positive function in $C_0(\mathbb{R})$. Does there exists any function $g\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ with $|\hat{g}|^2=\...
ABB's user avatar
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Is flatness of Wigner Ville Distribution of error function in Fourier Approximation possible? Is it required?

For a real valued function $f(t)$ I want to check the information left, after taking a Fourier partial sum/integral. Let $\hat{f}$ be its Fourier transform and let $$e_{\omega}(t) = f(t) - \int\...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Function that is (essentially) a self-convolution but not a multiple of a self-convolution

Call a function $F:\mathbb{R}\to C$ nice if it is of the form $F = f\ast \tilde{f}$, where $\tilde{f}(x) = \overline{f(-x)}$. (Of course nice functions are precisely those whose Fourier transform is ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Functions such that the *integral* of the Fourier transform is non-negative?

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be in $L^1$, with its Fourier transform $\widehat{f}$ also in $L^1$. What is a necessary and sufficient condition on $f$ so that $$\int_{-\infty}^x \widehat{f}(t) dt \...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Prove uniqueness of Radon transform without using Fourier transform

The uniqueness of Radon transform can be expressed by the following claim (I assumed that the function has compact support for simplicity): If a continuous function with compact support has zero ...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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Quantifying the “flatness” of functions which are the Fourier transforms of positive functions

Short version of question: I'm trying to understand the extent to which a function is prevented from being "flat" as a result of being the Fourier transform of a positive function. That is, the extent ...
Keith's user avatar
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Fourier transforms exhibiting symmetries about their critical points

Upon looking at the graphs of various Fourier sine and cosine transforms (ones without Dirac deltas in their domain) I've noticed a pattern that is probably already known, but that I thought would be ...
John Clever's user avatar
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Comparison of two Fourier transforms

I am looking for $\delta>0$, such that $$ \delta \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp(its) { \Gamma\{2(it+1)/3\}\over \Gamma\{(it+1)/2\} }dt \le \\ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp(its) { \Gamma (it+1)\over \...
Vova's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of convolution matrices

Let $h: \mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function. Fix $0\leq s_1\leq \cdots \leq s_m\leq 1$ and $0\leq t_1\leq \cdots \leq t_n\leq 1$. Construct $A\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ by letting $A_{i,j}:...
Sina Baghal's user avatar
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Comparison of (square) of a function and its Fourier transform in an integral

I am completely stuck on a comparison between $f(t)^2$ and $\hat{f}(t)^2$ in an integral. Considering $f(t)$ of rapid decrease at infinity such that near zero: $f(t) \sim_0 t^{-\frac{1}{2}- \alpha}+o(...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Inequality about the Fourier transform: $\Vert u \Vert_{L^k} \le \Vert \mathcal{F}(u) \Vert_{L^m}$ (where $1 \le m \le 2$ and $m,k$ Holder conjugates)

How can I prove the following inequality about the Fourier transform? $$\Vert u \Vert_{L^k(\mathbb{R}^N)} \le \Vert \mathcal{F}(u) \Vert_{L^m(\mathbb{R}^N)}$$ for $1 \le m \le 2$ and $m,k$ Holder ...
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Calculating hyperbolic Fourier series

Question: is it possible to uniquely express functions locally as infinite sums of hyperbolic sines and cosines $f(x)=\sum\limits_{i=0}^\infty \alpha_i\sinh(i\cdot x)+\beta_i\cosh(i\cdot x)$ or even ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Solution of a functional equation with cosine transform

What are the functions verifying: $$\int_0^{\infty} f(t) \cos(2\pi xt)=\lambda \frac{1}{x} f(\frac{1}{x})$$ With $\lambda$ a constant ? (Functions $x^{-\alpha}$ with $0<\alpha<1$ are solutions ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Inverse Fourier transform of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\xi_1} + \xi_2}$

Consider the inverse Fourier transform of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\xi_1} + \xi_2}$. My question is, how can we conclude about the decay properties, support and smoothness of the inverse Fourier transform? I ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Two distribution spaces ${\mathcal S}'/{\mathcal P}$ and ${\mathcal S}_\infty'$

Let ${\mathcal S}'$ be the set of all distributions. Denote by ${\mathcal P}$ the set of all polynomials, which is embedded into ${\mathcal S}'$ as a closed subspace. Equip ${\mathcal S'}/{\mathcal P}$...
Yoshihiro Sawano's user avatar