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A question on representation of graphs

Take a complete graph $K_n$. You want to assign a vectors from $\Bbb F_2^d$ to every edge such that sum of vectors in every simple cycle does not sum to $0$ vector. The question is what is minimum $d$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to count the number of tensors over a finite field of tensor rank $r$?

For simplicity, work over $\mathbb F_2$ and only consider order-$3$ equilateral tensors. For $r\in\mathbb Z_{>0}$, how many tensors $\mathfrak{T}\in\mathsf{Ten}_{n}^{\otimes 3}(\mathbb F_2)$ are ...
Yihan Zhang's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

request sources about self-dual cyclic codes

X. Kai and S. Zhu in the paper "On cyclic self-dual codes", AAECC, vol. 19, pp. 509-525, 2008, at page 510 in line 6 said that, It is well Known that there are no cyclic self-dual codes over $F_q$ ...
Zahra Taheri's user avatar
6 votes
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On the rank of a matrix $S$ with coefficients in $\mathbb F_{2^m}$

Let $\mathbb F$ be a finite field with characteristic 2 and let $S \in M(2k, 2k, \mathbb F)$ be the matrix defined as follows $$ S=\left[\begin{array}{ccccccc} 0 & \...
Sfarla's user avatar
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Enumeration of field generators of a finite field over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$, which are $m^{th}$ powers in the same field

Consider the finite field extension $\mathbb{F}_{{q}^{d}}$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$, where $q=p^a$ for some prime $p$. We assume $d\geq 2$. Let, $$ S=\{ \alpha \in \mathbb{F}_{q^d}\hspace{0.1 cm} | \...
Riju's user avatar
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Finite field analogue of Chebotaryov theorem on roots of unity?

Chebotarev's theorem on roots of unity says that all the minors of a prime-length DFT matrix over the complex numbers are nonzero. I was wondering if there was an analogue for finite fields. More ...
user41530's user avatar
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When are Hamming codes cyclic?

I've asked this question on math.stackexchange before, but it has not been solved. The following statement appears to be true: The $q$-ary Hamming code of codimension $r$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$ is ...
azimut's user avatar
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Special polynomials over finite fields

My field of research is coding theory and I am working on cyclic codes. During my research, I tackled an algebraic problem. After some simple definitions, I asked my question. I will appreciate any ...
Zahra Taheri's user avatar
4 votes
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Differential duality: Triangular codes vs. VT codes / Single-substitution vs. Single-deletion

Here is the introduction to my problem: Codes correcting single-deletion. Let $q$ and $n$ be non-negative integers, and let $\mathbf{x}= \left ( x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n} \right )\in\mathbb{Z}_{q}^{...
winogradd_15's user avatar
3 votes
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What do we know about the $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$-curve $X^{q-1} + Y^{q-1} + Z^{q-1}$?

People have thoroughly studied the Hermitian $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$-curve $H: X^{q+1} + Y^{q+1} + Z^{q+1} = 0$. What do we know about the similar $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$-curve $C: X^{q-1} + Y^{q-1} + Z^{q-1} = ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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On MDS code property

Is there a code that is Maximum Distance Separable and not isomorphic to Reed Solomon Codes? When is a MDS code isomorphic to Reed Solomon Code? Is there an easy test? If so, could someone provide ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Computing the decimation ratio between two m-sequences

Let's suppose I have an LFSR that generates an m-sequence $y_1[k]$ --- in other words, the LFSR has $N$ bits and $y_1[k]$ has period $m=2^N - 1$. Now suppose I know someone has decimated this and ...
Jason S's user avatar
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Picking codewords that are close

I posted this question in a week back. Let $[n,k,d]$ be a linear code over $\Bbb F_q$ with minimum distance $d$ and ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Cyclic codes: sparse codewords not orthogonal to the all-ones vector

Is it true that for any sufficiently large prime $p$, there exists a prime $q\ne p$ and a cyclic code of length $p$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$ that contains a codeword of Hamming weight at most ord$_p(q)$ ...
Jop's user avatar
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Binary subspace membership testing with signed vectors

Say we are working in $\mathbb{F}^{2n}_2$ where vectors can be written as pairs $(a,b)$ with $a,b \in \mathbb{F}^{n}_2$. Given a list of basis vectors for an $n-1$ dimensional subspace $S \subset \...
Patrick Rall's user avatar
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On weight enumerators of codes

Are there $[n,k]_q$ constant rate $\frac kn$ and constant alphabet linear code families with automorphism group of size $\Omega((n-n^\beta)!)$ that have minimum distance $d=O(n^\alpha)$ and number of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Need help with paper written in Russian... Yorgov's paper on self-dual codes with automorphisms of odd order

I came across this paper by V.I.Yorgov named "Binary self-dual codes with automorphisms of odd order". (Actually I was first reading another paper by Borello that cited this paper. It later become ...
initial_D's user avatar
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Low-Hamming weight vectors in low-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_p^n$

What is the maximum number vectors of Hamming weight at most $w$ in a $d$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{F}_p^n$, where $w,d,p$ are constant and $p$ is odd. (The Hamming weight is the number of ...
Jop's user avatar
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Inner product over finite field

sorry for informals but is my first post. In Coding theory (exactly in Coding theory a first course - San ling and Chaoping) found this definition: $\langle , \rangle :\mathbb{F}_q^n\times\mathbb{F}_q^...
Javier Astorga's user avatar
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Counting special metrics on finite fields

Define a Galois coding norm of degree n as a map $|\space| : \Bbb F_{2^n}\rightarrow {\Bbb Z}$ with the following properties : (I) $(\Bbb F_{2^n},|\space|)$ is a self-orthogonal code ; i.e. $(x,y)\...
Oliver Kayende's user avatar
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The significance of the Parvaresh-Vardy curve

Even though this seems like a computer science question, it is purely mathematical and concerns polynomials and curves over finite fields. Consider the Parvaresh-Vardy list decoder. As I understand ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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How many k-nomials of deg N divisible by X^16+x^12+x^5 +1 ? (Spectrum of CRC-16-CCITT erroc-correcting code ?)

Let us consider polynoms over $F_2$. Consider the linear SUBSPACE of polynoms divisible by $x^{16}+x^{12}+x^5 +1$ and of degree less or equal $N$ (e.g. 40). Question: How many k-nomials belong to ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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A polynomial recovery problem

Suppose we know $deg(m(x))=n-1=deg(f_1(x))=deg(f_2(x))$. Suppose we know $C_1(x),C_2(x)$ where $deg(C_i)=n$. Then given $n$ values of $$C_1(x)(x+1)m(x) +C_1(x)(x+2)f_1(x)\in\Bbb F_q[x]$$ and $n$ ...
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System of equations - Proof that a solution exists

Let $ a = (a_1,a_2, \ldots,a_{10})\in \{ 0,1\}^{10}$ be a binary vector of length $10$. Question: Without using a computer-aided method, how to prove that there exists binary vectors $x_{i,j} \in \{ ...
user avatar
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An Extension of an $\operatorname{MDS}$ Code over $\operatorname{GF}(2^q)$

Let $q$ be a power of $2$. Assume that elements of the finite field $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ are denoted by $\beta_i$ for $0\leq i \leq q-1$. We divide elements of $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ in two parts ...
Amin235's user avatar
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Given g1(x), g2(x) minimize over p(x) Hamming weight of [p(x)g1; p(x)g2(x) ] ? (Or how to find minimal distance of convolutional code?)

Fix polynoms g1(x), g2(x) over F_2[x]. Question: How to find minimum over polynoms p(x) of the: HammingWeight(p(x) g1(x) ) + HammingWeight(p(x) g2(x) ) ? By HammingWeight of polynom I mean number ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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On sparse $0/1$ linear equations solvable with compressed sensing

If you have a system of $m$ linearly independent equations in $n$ variables with domain $0/1$ and we know there is at least one solution with at most $d$ variables to be $1$ then if $m$ at least a ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Null Space of Parity Check Matrix

We know that if $\alpha$ be s a primitive element of $F_q$ where $q$ is a prime power then the null space of the following matrix generates a cyclic code of designed distance $\mu$[1]. $$ G_{\alpha}^{...
Amin235's user avatar
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Polynomial existence over finite field

Denote $\mathcal{F_n}$ as collection of multiaffine polynomials $f\in\Bbb F_2[x_1,\dots,x_n]$. Denote total degree of $f\in\mathcal{F_n}$ as $deg(f)$ (note $deg(f)\leq n$). Denote $e_i=(0,\dots,0,\...
Turbo's user avatar
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How can I decode efficiently a triple-error-correcting binary BCH code?

In a given $\mathrm{BCH}(N,K)$, $T=3$ code over $\mathrm{GF}(2^m)$, there are ways to find the error locations in a given $N$-bit codeword directly from the syndromes without going through the normal ...
Dimitri's user avatar
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Does the Plotkin bound mean that one can not achieve the Singleton bound asymptotically?

I am a little confused with the relationship between various bounds for error correcting codes. Does the Plotkin bound mean that one can not achieve the Singleton bound asymptotically? That is, is ...
liu_c_6's user avatar
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Is there an inner product on $\mathbb{F}_p\left[S_n\right]$ for which $\langle x, x \rangle \ne 0$ for all $x$?

Let $\mathbb{F}_p\left[S_n\right]$ be the group algebra of the symmetric group $S_n$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$. One can define an "inner product" in the usual way: $$\langle x,y \...
Jackson Walters's user avatar