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Dependence of Neumann eigenvalues on the domain

I have the following problem in hands, in the context of a broader investigation: Let $V\in L^{n/2}$ compactly supported, where $n\geq 3$ is the dimension. I want to prove the following: For any $\...
Manuel Cañizares's user avatar
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A continuity argument for a dispersive $gKdV$ estimate

I'm learning about the gKdV equation, following Schlag & Muscalu vol II. We're looking at $$\begin{cases} u_t + u_{xxx} + F(u)_x = 0 \\ u_0 = g\end{cases}$$ where $F(u) = u^5$ (for example). The ...
David Bowman's user avatar
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Nonlinear variation of constants formula

Suppose that we wish to solve $x'(t)=f(x(t))+g(x(t)), \; x(0)=x_0\in X,$ where $X$ is an infinite dimensional Banach space and $f , g : X \rightarrow X $ are two nonlinear functions. Furthermore, ...
Rabat's user avatar
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An embedding question: Morrey spaces

Question. If $u\in L^1$ and $Du$ is in the dual of the Holder space $C^\alpha$, then is it possible to say $u$ belongs to some Morrey space $L^{1, \delta}$?
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Scattering for rapidly decaying solutions of NLS

Cazenave and Weissler proved in their paper "Rapidly Decaying Solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation" the following property. Given the problem \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} ...
Felice Iandoli's user avatar
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A question on essentially self-adjoint differential operators of the type $\Delta=D^{\ast}D$

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth (connected, complete, oriented) Riemannian manifold and let $D:C^{\infty}(M)\to C^{\infty}(M)$ be a linear partial differential operator, which I view as an operator in $L^{2}(...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Estimating a solution to Euler-type ODE #2

This is a similar question to this but with a different ODE. Let $f$ be a continuous function in $L^2([1,\infty)$ satisfying $\sup_{r\geq 1} r|f(r)| <\infty$. Let $\ell$ be a positive integer, $R&...
Laithy's user avatar
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PDES - from Vector fields whose inner product with their vector Laplacian equals norm of the vector field

Let $g(x_{1},........,x_{n}) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}g_{i}(x_{1},\cdots,x_{n})e_{i}$ be a function in $\mathbb{C}^n$ ($e_{i}$ are the standard bases). Let $\nabla^{2}$ be the vector Laplacian. Let $<\cdot,...
user16007's user avatar
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How to prove $\operatorname{Id}-K$ is a proper map when $K$ is a $C^1$ compact operator?

Assume $X$ is a Banach space, $\Omega \subseteq X$ is an open set, $K\in {C}^{1}( \overline{\Omega}, X)$ is a nonlinear compact map, Is $\operatorname{Id}-K$ a proper map? I think maybe it has ...
boundary's user avatar
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Differential equations: trying to connect a nonlinear equation to a linear one

The following is motivated by taking a product space $\Omega$ and splitting it into two parts via projections, whose subspaces, $T$ and $X$, are home to functions which satisfy a nonlinear PDE and a ...
John McManus's user avatar
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Riesz’s representation theorem in a weak form

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded domain with smooth boundary in $\mathbb{R}^N$ $(N\geq 3)$, $\phi\in H_0^1(\Omega)$ is a solution of $$ \begin{cases}\Delta \phi+ \phi=h & \text { in } \Omega, \\ \phi=0 &...
Davidi Cone's user avatar
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Lax Milgram for non coercive problem?

I obtained the variational form of my problem. and the bilinear form is below. Bilinear Form Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}$ be an open set. For $u,v\in H^1_0(\Omega)$. I have $$a(u,v)=\int_\Omega u(t)...
user786's user avatar
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How we can do the derivative for this equation time t>0

Let $x\in[0,L]$ and consider the following equation, $$\varepsilon \left( t \right)=\frac{1}{2}\int_{0}^{L}{({{\rho }_{1}}{{\left| {{\varphi }_{t}} \right|}^{2}}+{{\rho }_{2}}{{\left| {{\varphi }_{t}} ...
Ramez Hindi's user avatar
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1D inhomogeneous linear Schrodinger equation

I have the following problem: $iu_t - u_{xx} = f$ on the interval $[0,L]$ with $u(0,t)=u(L,t)=0$ and $u(x,0)=0$. I can show that $\|u\|_{L^2(x,t)}$ (space-time) is controlled by the norm $\|f\|_{L^2(...
Sriram Nagaraj's user avatar