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Is there a variant of the crossing lemma for multigraphs with arbitrary embedding?

Suppose $G$ is a graph embedded in the plane with $m=|E(G)|$ edges and $n=|V(G)|$ vertices. Suppose $\operatorname{sim}(G)$, the simplification of $G$ contains $ m' \gg 3n $ edges. Call the set of ...
Hao S's user avatar
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"separators" for nonplanar graphs embedded in the plane

Given a nonplanar graph $G$ drawn in the plane with crossings. Does there exist a small ($o(|V(G)|$) subset $S$ of edges of $G$ such that after the removal of all edges that intersect or share an ...
Hao S's user avatar
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Do cycle graphs embed isometrically in spheres?

I recently came across, what seems to be a folklore. Namely, that cycle graphs embeds isometrically into spheres $S^n(r)$, for some $n\in \mathbb{N}_+$ and some $r>0$. However, I could not track ...
Justin_other_PhD's user avatar
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Knot theory in handlebodies of arbitrary genus

It is well known that not all graphs embed on the plane (e.g. the graph $K_{3,3}$). However, every finite graph embeds into a surface of some genus. One can think of this procedure as starting with a ...
João Lobo Fernandes's user avatar
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Which cellular embeddings of Eulerian graphs have bipartite duals?

It is well-known that a plane graph $G$ is Eulerian if and only if its (geometric) dual $G^*$ is bipartite. I am interested in generalisations of this result to cellular embeddings of Eulerian graphs ...
Cyriac Antony's user avatar
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Completing a tree to a 2-connected outerplanar graph

Let $T$ be a given (finite) tree. Question 1: Is it always possible to add edges to $T$ to obtain a $2$-connected outerplanar supergraph $G$? Question 2: If the answer to Question #1 is negative, can ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Separability of graph component embeddings

I have an undirected graph. I also have an embedding of the graph in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Assume that the graph has 2 connected components. I want to know whether there exists a plane (or better - any ...
user1747134's user avatar
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Finite graph not embeddable in $H(n,2)$

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and consider $x,y \in\{0,1\}^n$. The Hamming distance of $x,y$ is defined by $$d_H(x,y) = |\{i\in \{0,\ldots, n-1\}:x_i\neq y_i\}|.$$ For $n\geq 2$ let $H(n,2)$ be the graph given ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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How to show that random graphs cannot be embedded with short edges

For each (not necessarily planar) embedding of a graph in $\mathbb{R}^k$ one can calculate the ratio $$\gamma = \frac{\textsf{mean Euclidean length of edges}}{\textsf{mean Euclidean distance between ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Examples of (infinite) graphs which cannot be embedded into 3d space?

I was thinking about the concept of embedding graphs into Euclidean spaces. Specifically, i was looking for examples of infinite graphs which cannot be embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$ but can be embedded ...
Conor Marco's user avatar
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What is known about this generalization of planar dual?

So it is well known that given a planar graph, $G$, embedded in the plane (without edge crossing, so a planar embedding). One can construct the planar dual, $G^*$. What is perhaps slightly less well-...
Justin Benfield's user avatar
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Hyperbolic embedding of a directed acyclic graph defined over strings

For integer $n$ and alphabet $\Sigma$ we construct a DAG (directed acyclic graph) $G=(V,E)$ over strings $s\in\Sigma^\star$ as follows: $$V = \{s\in\Sigma^\star\colon |s|\le n\}$$ $$E = \{(s_1,s_2)\...
kvphxga's user avatar
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Max-min genus of a bipartite graph

As usual, the genus of a graph with a prescribed circular ordering of the edges at each vertex is defined as the minimum genus of an orientable surface in which the graph can be drawn without edge ...
GMB's user avatar
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On graph imbedding genus clarification

Given a graph the minimum genus $g$ is the minimum number of handles needed so that there an imbedding of the graph on the surface with no edge crossings. If the graph is of genus $g$ then is there ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Number of non-equivalent graph embeddings

Given a graph $G$, there is a minimal integer $g$ associated with it which captures the minimum genus a surface needs to have so that $G$ embeds in the surface without edge crossings. Is there a way ...
Turbo's user avatar
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VLSI circuit embeddings

In the following paper by Valiant He shows under theorem 2 (at the bottom of the second page) that any planar graph $G$ of degree 3 or 4 ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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Embedding graphs into hyperbolic spaces

Do we know of a characterization as to when does a graph have a "good" embedding into a hyperbolic space? (And does having such an embedding have a spectral or wavelet analysis signature?) I don't ...
Student's user avatar
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Are there non-trivial graphs that uniquely embed to hypercubes?

The $n$-dimensional hypercube is the graph formed by $0$-$1$ sequences of length $n$ where two vertices are adjacent if they differ at only one place. The weight of a sequence is the number of $1$'s ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Number of edges in linklessly embeddable graphs

What is the maximum number of edges of an $n$-vertex linklessly embeddable graph? A more general question is the following. What is the maximum number of edges of an $n$-vertex graph with Colin de ...
Salman Parsa's user avatar
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Disks in Flat Embeddings of Graphs in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Robertson, Seymour and Thomas proved that any linkless graph $G$ has a flat embedding in $\mathbb{R}^3$ (see for example A survey of linkless embeddings). An embedding of $G$ is flat if for any cycle $...
Hooman's user avatar
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Different definitions of linkless graphs

Robertson, Seymour and Thomas defined linkless embeddings of graphs as follows: An embedding of $G$ is linkless if every pair of disjoint circuits of $G$ have zero linking number (see here). However ...
Hooman's user avatar
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Difference between straight and piecewise linear and continuous embeddings of graphs / complexes in d-dimensional space?

Here is my main question: what is the difference between "straight" and "piecewise linear" and "continuous" embeddings of graphs/complexes in d-dimensional space? Moreover I would like to know if any ...
Hooman's user avatar
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Monotone embedding of complete binary tree in hypercube

Embedding different graphs, especially binary trees, in the hypercube has a huge literature. However, I could not find anything if we restrict the embedding to be monotone. So I would like to ...
domotorp's user avatar
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