An embedding of an $n$-dimensional simplicial complex $K$ (a graph if $n=1$) into ${\mathbb R}^d$ is linear if the restriction to each simplex of $K$ is a linear map. In the stable range, $d>2n+1$, by general position any $K^n$ linearly embeds into ${\mathbb R}^d$.There are various Ramsey-type results, combining combinatorial and topological aspects of such embeddings. For example, a theorem of Negami:
asserts that any knot or link type may be realized by a linear embedding of a complete graph (on sufficiently many vertices) into ${\mathbb R}^3$.
An embedding $K^n\hookrightarrow {\mathbb R}^d$ is piecewise-linear if there exists a subdivision of $K$ so that the restriction of the embedding to each resulting simplex is linear. (This notion underlies the subject of PL topology, )
For $d\leq 2n$ there is an obstruction theory for embeddability of an $n$-complex $K^n$ into ${\mathbb R}^d$, dating back to van Kampen:
and extended by Haefliger-Weber:
This theory and various extensions are described, for example, in the following recent papers: ,
Focusing on $d=2n$, $n>2$, it is interesting to note that if there exists a topological (continuous) embedding $K^n \hookrightarrow {\mathbb R}^{2n}$ then the van Kampen obstruction vanishes and so there also exists a piecewise-linear embedding. Then there is a quantitative version of this question: suppose a simplicial complex $K^n$ topologically embeds into ${\mathbb R}^{2n}$, $n>2$. How many subdivisions of $K$ are needed in general for a piecewise-linear embedding? Both upper and lower bounds are given in This paper also discusses the notion of cell-wise smooth embeddings, and other notions of complexity of embeddings such as thickness and*distortion*.