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Is $f^{-a}$ locally integrable if $f\geq 0$ has a unique stationary point ( a minimum) at which the Hessian is positive definite, $0<a<d/2$

Let $0<a<d/2$, let $B$ be the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ centered at the origin, and let $f:B \to [0,\infty[$ be a a smooth function such that (1) $f(x)\geq f(0).$ (2) $\nabla f(x)\neq 0,\...
Medo's user avatar
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Constrained linear optimization problem on $C^1$

I am dealing with a problem of the form ($a<b$) $$ \displaystyle \max_{v \in C^1([a, b])} \int_a^b v(x)~\mathrm{d}x, \quad \mathrm{s.t.} \int^b_a \big(-o'(x)v(x)-v'(x)o(x)\big)f(x)~\mathrm{d}x \...
Hyperbolic PDE friend's user avatar
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5 answers

Reference request: importance of Lipschitz continuity

I see that Lipschitz continuity is a common assumption used in optimisation, statistics, machine learning, etc. Could you point me in the direction of some literature that discusses why Lipschitz ...
12345's user avatar
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How to solve this minimax matrix optimization problem?

Recently, I want to know how well can a $\ell_1$ ball be approximated by the image of a $\ell_2$ ball under a linear transform. I formulate this problem as the following optimization problem. \begin{...
RyanChan's user avatar
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On some convergence theorems by Felix E. Browder (1967)

I have been reading Felix E. Browder's Convergence Theorems for Sequence of Nonlinear Operators in Banach Space and I was hoping I could find answers to a couple of questions I have about the paper. ...
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Strong convexity inequality w.r.t. infinity norm $\lVert\cdot\rVert_{\infty}$

Consider a twice differentiable 1-strongly convex function $f:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$. Is it true that there exists $\alpha>0$ independent of $n$ such that, for all $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$: \...
Toobiz's user avatar
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Analytic expression for the Moreau envelope of $x \mapsto \|Ax\|$

Given an $m \times n$ matrix $A$ and a vector $c \in \mathbb R^n$, define $\eta(A,c) \ge 0$, $$ \eta(A,c) := \sup_{u \in \mathbb R^n} u^\top c - \frac{1}{2}\|u\|^2 - \|Au\|. $$ Note that $\eta(A,c) = \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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conditions on the boundary of a compact set to ensure the volume of the intersection of a small ball with the set doesn't vanish

Given a compact set $E$ with non-empty interior in $R^d$ and some small positive number $r$, what kind of conditions should we put on the set $E$ so that for all $x\in E$, the volume of the ...
Yonglong Li's user avatar
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the subdifferential at points of differentiability in infinite dimensional space

Let $ f: X\to (-\infty,+\infty]$ that $ X$ is an infinite dimensional space. What are the conditions for $f$ and space $X$ to have the following equality correct? $$\partial f(x)=\{\nabla f(x)\}$$ for ...
SS342's user avatar
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7 votes
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When is the log-permanent concave?

Let $\operatorname{PSD}_n$ be the cone of $n\times n$ semidefinite positive matrices. For any $X\in \operatorname{PSD}_n$, define $$f(X)=\log(\det(X)).$$ Then $f$ is a concave function on $\...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is There an Induction-Free Proof of the 'Be The Leader' Lemma?

This lemma is used in the context of online convex optimisation. It is sometimes called the 'Be the Leader Lemma'. Lemma: Suppose $f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_N$ are real valued functions with the same ...
Daron's user avatar
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Fenchel conjugate on a Hadamard manifold

Let $M$ be a Hadamard manifold and let $F:M\to\mathbb{R}$ be a real-valued convex function on $M$. What would be the Fenchel-Young conjugate of $F$? In general for a real locally convex vector space $...
Arian's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this function always bounded below?

Is there any global constant $C$ such that $$C<\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}\log x_{i}-x_{i}+(1-x_{i})\log(1-x_{i})}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}}+\log(\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i})-\log(\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{2})$$ for ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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property of convex functions

I am able to give a proof to the following inequality for convex functions. Most likely this is well known, but I am unable to find a reference. I would appreciate if someone more knowledgeable in the ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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Simultaneous extensions of strongly convex functions

21/03/2017: I have decided to accept Denis Serre's answer, even though it does not exactly answer my question, however I like its simplicity and I'd say it is close enough to the desired claim. Of ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Optimizing sum of approximate and exact functions

This is a research question that I had asked in Math.SE about a month ago, but even after putting a bounty on it, I did not get any answers. I have two real values functions, where one ($g(w;x):\...
Alt's user avatar
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Does element-wise concavity guarantee joint concavity?

I have a function of two variables, and I have checked that along one direction (fixing another variable), it is a monotonically increasing and concave function. Whereas in another direction (fixing ...
Nilanjan's user avatar
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Log convexity for the norm of a vector-valued function

Log convexity of various functions defined on the space of Hermitian matrices plays an important role in matrix analysis and probability theory. Given $v \in \mathbb{C}^n$, $D$ a diagonal matrix with ...
user2700's user avatar
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Characterization of the maximizer of a function based on a parameter's value

Consider a smooth, continuously differentiable, and jointly concave function $f(x,y,z;a)$, where $x,y$ and $z$ are decision variables and $a$ is a problem parameter. I have two optimization problems. ...
emper's user avatar
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proving quasi convexity of multivariable function

Given an arbitrary $(N \times N)$ square matrix ${\bf X}$ a positive definite $(M\times M)$ matrix ${\bf T}$ a $(Q\times MN), Q< MN$ matrix ${\bf Z}$ consisting of only 1s and 0s where there is ...
Michael Wallace's user avatar
2 votes
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Hessian of function of covariance matrices

Suppose we have a typical logdet function $\mathcal{L}$ with respect to a covariance matrix $\mathbf{A}$, $$ \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{A}) = \log\vert \mathbf{I} + \mathbf{A}\mathbf{S} \vert - \mathbf{q}^T(\...
liubenyuan's user avatar
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Subgradient of Minimum Eigenvalue

Consider three $N \times N$ Hermitian matrices $A_0$, $A_1$, $A_2$. Consider the function \begin{align} f(t_1,t_2)=\lambda_{\text{min}}(A_0+t_1A_1+t_2A_2) \end{align} where $\lambda_{\text{min}}$ ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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