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Toric decomposition of multipartitions

Fix $k \in \mathbb Z_{>0}$. By a $k$-multipartition $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_k)$ of $N$, I mean that each $\lambda_i$ is a partition of some $N_i$ and $\sum N_i = N$. Let's call $\lambda$ ...
user147163's user avatar
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Inverting "codimension matrix" for polytopes?

Let $P$ be an abstract polytope. Let's construct its square matrix $A$ as follows. Its lines and columns are labelled by all faces of $P$, of all dimensions. Put $A(F_1,F_2)=t^m$ if $F_1$ is a subface ...
Dasha Poliakova's user avatar
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Anything similar to cone product formula (for convex polytopes)?

The convex polytope flag vector ring $\mathcal{R}$ satisfies the cone product formula $$ C(U) C(V) = C(J(U, V)) + DUV $$ where $$ J(U, V) = U C(V) + C(U) V - e_1 UV $$ is the join formula. Note: ...
Jonathan Fine's user avatar
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Understanding the geometry of $H_{n}=\{\vec{x} \in [-N,N]^n:\sum_{i=1}^n x_i = 0\}$

I am not an expert in convex geometry but if we define $a_i \sim \mathcal{U}([-N,N])$ where $[-N,N] \subset \mathbb{R}$ and $S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i$ I suspect that for arbitrary $N \in [1, \infty) $: ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Existence of a "generic enough" lattice point interior to a lattice triangle

Let $T$ be a lattice triangle in $\Bbb R^2$ (i.e. the convex hull of three noncolinear points in $\Bbb Z^2$), and assume it has at least one interior lattice point. Is it always possible to find a ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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2-dimensional smooth lattice polytopes with minimal edge lengths

For each integer $k \geq 3$, does there exist a full-dimensional, $2$-dimensional, smooth lattice polytope $P$ with $k$ edges, such that each edge contains only two lattice points (i.e. only its ...
Mellon's user avatar
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Efficient $H$ representation of matrices with distinct cyclic shift permuted entries

Given points $v_1,\dots,v_n\in\mathbb Z^n$ in codimesion $1$ hyperplane $x_1+\dots+x_n=t$ with $0\leq x_{i}$ and a cyclic shift permutation $\sigma$ where $v_1,\dots,v_n$ when written as columns of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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On Kalai's $3^{d}$ conjecture

I just learned the existence of Gil Kalai's $3^{d}$ conjecture, which according to Wikipedia, is proven for $d$ at most $4$. It states that every $d$ dimensional polytope with central symmetry has at ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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on vectors for which the intersection of their convex hull and the nonegative orthant is the unit simplex

Consider the vectors $r^1 = (0,2,-1)$, $r^2 = (-1,0,2)$, and $r^3 = (2,-1,0)$. Two properties of these vectors that interest us here are: 1) The $i$'th coordinate of $r^i$ is 0, and 2) The ...
Eilon's user avatar
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Link of a power series by the Bernoullis for a Riccati equation to zonotopes?

On pg. 85 of The Rise and Development of Theory of Series up to the Early 1820s by Ferraro is a series soln. of $$ d^2z/z = -x^2dx^2 $$ related to the reputed first appearance of a Riccati-type eqn.,...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Terminology and technique for repeated pairwise removal of elements of posets: "Collapsibility" of a "face poset"

Let $P$ be a poset, or partially ordered set. Let $\le$ denote the reflexive order on $P$, and $<$ the corresponding irreflexive order. Let the phrase "a maximal pair" in $P$ refer to an ordered ...
gksato's user avatar
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Integral hull of a polyhedron Q is polyhedron

Let $Q \subseteq R^n$ be a rational polyhedron and let $Q_I=Convexhull(Q \cap Z^n)$. By finite basis theorem, we have $Q=P+C$ for some rational polytope $P$ and finitely generated cone $C$ where $C=R_+...
Sowbarnika R's user avatar
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Growth polynomial of the Associahedron graph ? (Is it approximately Gaussian ?)

Consider Associahedron, consider graph build from its vertices and edges. Choose some vertex. Let us count the number of vertices on distances $k$ from the selected vertex. Write a generating ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Volume of a polytope as its degenerates to be lower dimensional

Consider a polytope $P$ defined by the usual inequalities $A\mathbf{x}\leq \mathbf{b}$; let me assume that $P$ is not contained in a proper subspace. A result which I believe to true, but am not ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Combinatorial proof of a matrix equation

I'm looking for combinatorial proofs (using, e.g., trees) of the following particular matrix equation $(I)$ and also combinatoric operational analogs of its solution via matrix inversion and/or Cramer'...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Weird transportation polytope

I'm looking to compute extremal points of a weird polytope. This polytope contains all matrices with positive entries $A \in \mathcal M_{n,m}\left(\mathbb R_+\right)$ such that: every row sum except ...
lrnv's user avatar
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Untruncate permutohedron of order 5

I would like to understand commutation classes of reduced expressions of the longest element in $S_5$ a little better. For this, it makes sense to look at the permutohedron of order 5. Since I am only ...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Realizing 0/1-polytopes with shortest possible edge lengths

Has there been something written about the following question? Question: Given a 0/1-polytope, what is the shortest edge lengths with which this polytope can be realized as a 0/1-polytope. The ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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What is known about the combinatorics of the hyperplane arrangement spanned by cyclic polytopes?

Let $1\leq d$ be an integer. Consider the $d$-dimensional moment curve $\mu\colon \mathbb R\to \mathbb R^d$ given by $t\mapsto (t,t^2,\dots, t^d)$. Given a finite subset $S\subset \mathbb R$ of ...
Tashi Walde's user avatar
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Possible volumes of lattice polytopes

All polytopes here are assumed to be convex lattice polytopes. Given a polytope $P$, set $$v(P):= (\operatorname{vol}(F))_{F\text{ a face of }P},$$ where the volume of a $d$-dimensional polytope $P\...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Simple polytope with smooth facets

Let $P$ be a simple $3$-dimensional (and full-dimensional) lattice polytope such that every facet $F$ is a smooth polytope. Is then $P$ itself smooth? EDIT: A full-dimensional lattice polytope $P$ is ...
Mellon's user avatar
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About hyperplanes cutting the discrete hypercube

Given $\{-1,1\}^n$ we randomly choose a hyperplane in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Now given an integer $p \in [1,n]$ and a number $\epsilon \in [0,1]$, I want to ask, "How likely is it that at least one of the $p-...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Is the complement of a vertex figure in an (abstract) polytope connected?

I consider an (abstract) regular polytope $P$, and $H$ a vertex figure of $P$. Is the complement $P \setminus H$ connected (as a poset, in the sense that its Hasse diagram, ignoring the improper faces,...
user85718's user avatar
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Stronger condition than being a normal polytope?

A polytope $P$ with integer vertices is called normal if for every $p = \sum_j a_j p_j $ such that $a_j \geq 0$, $\sum_j a_j = k \in \mathbb{N}$, $p_j$ are vertices of $P$ and $p$ is an integer ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Lattice-point enumeration question involving linear combinations of matrices

I would like to know some references to learn more about an answer to this question, if there are any references: Let $A_1, \dots , A_m$ and $B$ be $n\times n$ symmetric matrices. Let $$S = \{(x_1, \...
John Doe's user avatar
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Lattice points in the boundary of a Minkowski sum of two convex lattice polygons

Let $P$ and $Q$ be two convex lattice polygons in $\mathbb{R}_+^2$ and let $P+Q$ be their Minkowski sum. Given a set $S \subset \mathbb{R}^2$, we let $L(S) =\#( S \bigcap \mathbb{Z}^2)$. The equality $...
Yromed's user avatar
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A generalized permutohedron as the sum of the dilatations of the faces of the standard simplex

I am trying to understand the proof of the statement, specifically it refers to a theorem stated by Postnikov in his text on permutohedra. So, this sentence claims the following: If $\{Y_I \}$ is a ...
Wrloord's user avatar
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Which polytopes can be folded to an edge?

While playing with bar-and-joint linkages, I noticed that the skeleton of a regular 3-dimensional cube can be folded to a single edge (this can be achieved by first flexing the cube to bring it to a ...
Pritam Majumder's user avatar
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Visualization of higher Bruhat order B(5,2)

I made the following images of the higher Bruhat order B(5,2) (in the sense of Manin/Schechtman) with vZome: image 1 image 2 image 3 Unfortunately, in vZome its not possible do have regular octagons,...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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When is the set of faces of a convex polytope algebraically independent?

This is related to another question of mine Let $V=\Bbb R^n$. Morelli defined the (commutative unital) ring $L(V)$ to be the additive group generated by the indicator functions of convex polytopes in ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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