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How order of divisor with support at infinity is changed at reduction?

Jing Yu in his paper "On Arithmetic Of Hyperelliptic Curves" on page 5 asserts the following The most interesting case is certainly the case $k = \mathbb Q$ and $D \in \mathbb Z[t]$. To decide ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Is the Jacobian of curve self-dual?

Given $C$ an algebraic curve, its Jacobian is isomorphic to its Albanese variety by Abel-Jacobi Theorem. But generally Jacobian and Albanese varieties are dual abelian varieties, does this imply that ...
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Varieties acted upon faithfully by an abelian variety

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over the complex numbers. Suppose that some positive-dimensional abelian variety $A$ acts faithfully on $X$. Examples of such varieties $X$ are provided by ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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The uniform boundedness of rational torsion for traceless abelian surfaces over a function field

The function field analog of the theorem of Mazur-Kamienny-Merel (giving a universal bound in $[K:\mathbb{Q}]$ for the size of the $K$-rational torsion of an elliptic curve) is immediate just from the ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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Abel-Prym map for Prym-Tyurin varieties

Let $(J,\Theta)$ be the Jacobian of a smooth projective curve $C$, and let $i:P\hookrightarrow J$ be an abelian subvariety of $J$ such that $i^*\Theta\equiv e\Xi$ for some principal polarization $\Xi$ ...
rfauffar's user avatar
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Ampleness of Hodge bundles over complex curves

Let $C$ be a smooth, proper and connected curve over the complex numbers $\bf C$. Let ${\cal G}\to C$ be a smooth group scheme over $C$ and let $\epsilon_{\cal G}:C\to{\cal G}$ be its zero-section. ...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
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Abelian varieties/$p$-divisible groups are an integral category

A preabelian category is called integral if epimorphisms are stable under pullbacks and monomorphisms are stable under pushouts. A major property of integral category is that by inverting bimorphisms ...
Qwuck's user avatar
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A question on Kähler differentials and cotangent spaces on schemes

I have the following question (should be easy for those who know something about the field): On page 92 (97 of the old edition) of Mumford's book "Abelian varieties", the author talks about an ...
jadahue's user avatar
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Are torsion points in a semi-abelian variety over $\mathbb C_p$ bounded?

Let $A$ be a semi-abelian variety defined over (a subfield of) $\mathbb C_p$. Consider its $p$-adic topology with some (non-canonical) metric. Can we bound the distance of torsion points to $0$ with ...
Cyrille Corpet's user avatar
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alternate interpretations of Galois action on Tate module

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over a field $K$, and let $\ell$ be a prime different from the characteristic of $K$. Consider the well-known short exact sequence of etale fundamental groups (geometric ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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K-theory of categories of group schemes and abelian varieties

Let $k$ be a field (perfect, or characteristic zero if you want - I'm especially interested in when $k$ is a number field). Consider the categories $\mathsf{G}_k=\{\text{commutative affine group ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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field of definition of isogenies of abelian varieties

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a field $k$, and let $N$ be a finite subgroup of $A$. Suppose that $N$ is also defined over $k$, or at least that all Galois automorphisms fixing $k$ leave $N$ ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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Grothendieck-Messing theory

Hello, I would like to work out some examples of deformation of isogenies via Grothendieck-Messing theory. Let's take an easy example: Let A be an abelian variety over $k=\overline{\mathbb{F}_p}$ and ...
Kskvrt's user avatar
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Explicit description of O^{cris}_n in Fontaine/Messing

Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p$, $W(k)$ the Witt ring and $K$ its quotient field. In their article "$p$-adic periods and $p$-adic etale cohomology" Fontaine and Messing give in II.1.4 ...
Matthias Kümmerer's user avatar
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lifting abelian varieties

Hello, Let A be an abelian variety over $k=\overline{\mathbb{F}_p}$. This abelian variety is endowed with a principal polarization and an action by $\mathcal{O}_E$, the ring of integers of an ...
Koskivirta's user avatar
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Invertible Hasse-Witt for non-ordinary curves

Assume that $S$ is a smooth curve of over a field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and $f\colon X\to S$ is a relative curve over $S$ (i.e., the fibers are curves). It is well-known that when all the ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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The Schrodinger representation on the space of sections of a general $(1,3)$-polarized abelian surface

This question arose while I was studying some finite covers of abelian surfaces. Let $(A, \mathscr{L})$ be a $(1,3)$-polarized abelian surface over the complex numbers and consider the vector space $...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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What would be a characteristic-$p$ analogue for $C^{\infty}$-fiber bundles?

I'd like to know a notion for a morphism between algebraic varieties in characteristic $p$ that plays the role of a $C^{\infty}$-fiber bundle. It should be, in particular, flat. I'm not assuming the ...
shenghao's user avatar
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possible mumford-tate groups

Consider an abelian variety $A$ over a number field, and look at the representation of its Mumford-Tate group on $H^1(A)$, restricted to the commutator subgroup. Is it possible that every element of ...
Eric Larson's user avatar
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The vector space dimension of Selmer group of abelian variety

Let $A/K$ be an abelian variety with $\mathbb{Z}[\mu_p] \subset End_K(A).$ Let $\pi$ be the prime of $p$, i.e. $(p)=(\pi^{p-1})$. I want to obtain the relation of Selmer groups $Sel_\pi(A/K)$ and $...
WHERE 234's user avatar
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p-adic uniformization pairing

I am studying the paper of R. Greenberg and G. Stevens, $p$-adic $L$-functions and $p$-adic periods of modular forms. I am currently trying to understand the definition of $\mathcal{L}$-invariant for ...
greenboard73's user avatar
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Confusion about the Lefschetz standard conjectures for abelian varieties in the integral setting

Let $(A,\theta)$ be a principally polarized abelian variety of dimension $d$ over a number field $k$. By the hard Lefschetz theorem $$H^2(A,\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}) \xrightarrow{\theta^{d-2}} H^{2d-2}(A,\...
TCiur's user avatar
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Function field of abelian varieties

Notation I consider smooth projective varieties over $\mathbb{C}$. $A$ is an abelian variety and $\hat{A}$ is its dual. $k(X)$ is the field of functions of a variety $X$. Context I try to understand ...
Christopher Nicol's user avatar
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Existence of supersingular abelian variety over $\mathbb F_p$ with $\mathcal O_E$-action where $E/\mathbb Q$ is quadratic imaginary ramified at $p$

Let $E/\mathbb Q$ be a quadratic totally imaginary number field with ring of integers $\mathcal O_E$. Let $p > 2$ be an odd prime number which ramifies in $\mathcal O_E$. Let $\mathcal P$ be the ...
Suzet's user avatar
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Correspondences and Albanese

$\DeclareMathOperator\Alb{Alb}\DeclareMathOperator\CH{CH}$I'm wondering how the Albanese functor interacts with correspondences. Specifically if $X$, $Y$ are say smooth projective schemes over an ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Real structure(s) of a Shimura curve ("complex conjugation" of abelian surfaces)

For a complete lattice $L \subseteq \mathbb{C}^2$ let $A_L$ denote the complex abelian algebraic surface that is isomorphic (as a complex manifold) to the complex torus ${\mathbb{C}^2}/{L}$ (this ...
DGrimm's user avatar
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Is the Weil restriction of an elliptic curve self-dual?

$\DeclareMathOperator\res{res}$Let $K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-3})$, and let $$p\equiv 1\pmod 3$$ be a prime split in $K$. Assume that $$p=\omega*\overline\omega,\quad\text{where}\quad\omega\equiv 1\pmod 3.$$...
yhb's user avatar
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Classification of restricted Lie algebras of reductive groups

$\DeclareMathOperator\Lie{Lie}$Let $G/K$ be a reductive group over a field $K$. In characteristic $0$ the Lie algebra is invariant under base change of fields, so to understand $\Lie(G)$ it is enough ...
Martin Ortiz's user avatar
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Is there any work on the intersection loci of the universal theta divisor with torsion sections?

Let $Y$ be a Siegel modular variety of some non-stacky level and genus $g$, carrying over it a universal principally polarized family of dimension-$g$ abelian varieties $A\to Y$. Inside $A$, with fine ...
xir's user avatar
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From rational to integral generators of Néron–Severi group

Suppose I've found rational generators for the Néron–Severi group $\mathrm{NS}(A)$ for an abelian variety over $\mathbb{C}$. How would I check if they are integral generators for $\mathrm{NS}(A)$. Are ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Product subvariety of a simple abelian variety

Terminology: A subvariety $V$ of an abelian variety $A/\mathbb{C}$ is called a product if there are integral closed subvarieties $U,W\subset A$ such that $\dim U,\dim W>0$ and the sum morphism $U\...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Tangent space to the moduli space of abelian varieties

Letting $\mathcal{A}_g$ be the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. I saw without reference that the tangent space of $\mathcal{A}_g$ at a point $t$ could be canonically identified ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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A gap in a proof of Orlov’s result on the group of autoequivalences of the derived category of an abelian variety

Let $X$ be an abelian variety over an algebraically closed field of charactristic $0$. In this paper, Orlov showed that there is a short exact sequence $$0\to \mathbb Z \oplus X \times \hat X \to\...
P. Usada's user avatar
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Does Albanese construction yield a morphism to moduli of abelian varieties?

Let $M_h$ be the (coarse) moduli space of polarized manifolds with Hilbert function $h$. I would like to know if the albanese $Alb(X)$ of a polarized manifold $X$ gives rise to a morphism $M_h\to A_{g,...
divergent's user avatar
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Map between Mordell-Weil group and Ext of (Mixed) Motives

We know that the motivic cohomology of an abelian variety $A$ over a number field $k$ computes the Mordell-Weil group up to torsion, and so if we were to grant the existence and nice behaviour of ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Resolution of singularities of the resultant locus

We consider projective space of dimension $n$ as the parameter space of degree $n$ polynomials in one variable. Then, I am interested in resolving the singularities of the "resultant locus" $...
Asvin's user avatar
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Finding a Hodge theoretic condition to measure the rank of isogeny of product abelian surfaces

Let $A$ be an abelian surface over $\mathbb{C}$, then there is a condition on $H^0\left(\Omega^1_A\right)$ to determine if $A$ contains an elliptic curve $E$ as a subvariety. If $A$ were to contain ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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How to compute the character of the Steinberg module for the group $\mathrm{SL}_n$ over a field of characteristic $p$?

It is known that the Steinberg representation $V$ of the group $\mathrm{SL}_n$ over a field $k$ of characteristic $p$ (maybe one needs to assume that $k$ is perfect, I am not sure) is the irreducible ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
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Characters of simple $\mathfrak{sl}_n$-modules in positive characteristic with subregular nilpotent central character

Consider representations of $\mathfrak{sl}_n$ in positive characteristic with a subregular nilpotent central character $\chi$ (i.e. $\chi$ is a nilpotent matrix whose Jordan normal form has two blocks ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
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Any kind of duality between differentials and Tate modules?

Let $X$ be a curve over some algebraically closed field $k$ and let $J$ be its Jacobian. I have read that one should think of the Tate module $T_lJ$ as being the first homology group of $X$ with ...
Hans's user avatar
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How do characters of representations in cohomology depend on the (positive-characteristic) field?

The following sentence appears in Jantzen - Representations of algebraic groups, 2nd edition, p. x, where $G$ is a reductive group over an algebraically closed field $k$, $B$ is a Borel subgroup, $T$ ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Künneth formula for algebraic de Rham cohomology

Let $X$ and $Y$ be finite type schemes over a field $k$, and let $H^i(X/k)$ denote the $i$-th algebraic de Rham cohomology group of $X$ over $k$. I'm interested in the extent to which a Künneth ...
Legendre's user avatar
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Borel-Weil-Bott theorem for wonderful compactification in characteristic p

Are there any known results for a Borel-Weil-Bott theorem for the wonderful compactifications over characteristic $p$ (i.e., theorems that classify the cohomologies of all line bundles on a wonderful ...
Merrick Cai's user avatar
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Automorphism groups of "reductive" Lie algebras in positive characteristic

I put "reductive" in quotes because, of course, in positive characteristic one should speak of Lie algebras of reductive groups, not of reductive Lie algebras. Let $G$ be a reductive group ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Non-noetherian Cartier Isomorphism

A result in positive characteristic is that if $R/\mathbb{F}_p$ is a smooth ring, then we have a Cartier isomorphism $$\Omega_{R}^\bullet\cong H^\bullet(\Omega_R^\bullet)$$ which is essentially ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Picard and Rosati for elliptic curves

I would like to ask for confirmation whether the following argument is correct. We work over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $0$. For an elliptic curve $E$, the Picard variety, or ...
57Jimmy's user avatar
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Monogenic function fields

Recall that a number field $K$ is said to be monogenic if its ring of integers is of the form $\mathbb{Z}[\alpha]$, or equivalently, if it has a power integral basis. There are many references one can ...
Andry's user avatar
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What's the best reference for Abelian varieties?

I am curious about learning about Abelian varieties, specifically how they are in some ways generalizations of elliptic curves. I know of the two sources:
Tejas Rao's user avatar
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Frobenius endomorphism is not flat

I am actually going through "Twenty four hours of local cohomology". They discuss the Frobenius endomorphism in Chapter 21. Here is the Exercise 21.6 which I am finding hard to solve: Find a ...
dongrugose's user avatar
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What is the pull-back of a polarization of abelian schemes over different bases?

The following came up when reading the definition of the moduli stack of principally polarized abelian varieties in [1]. Let $\pi_1:A_1 \to S_1$ and $\pi_2: A_2 \to S_2$ be abelian schemes over $S_i$, ...
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