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Poles of Rankin-Selberg $L(s,\pi\times\tilde \pi)$?

Let $F$ be a number field and let $\pi$ be a cuspidal automorphic representation of $GL_n(\mathbb{A_F})$. Do we know that $L(s,\pi\times \tilde\pi)$ has a simple pole at $s=1$? Do we know that $\...
7-adic's user avatar
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Order of vanishing of Artin $L$-functions at $s=1$

Let $E/F$ be a finite Galois extension of number fields with Galois group $G$. Let $S$ be a finite set of places of $F$ containing the infinite places. For $\chi$ an irreducible complex character of $...
Henri Johnston's user avatar
12 votes
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Artin conjecture on L-functions

Artin conjecture on Artin $L$-functions asserts that the Artin $L$-function $L(\rho,s)$ of a non-trivial irreducible representation $\rho$ of the Galois group $\Gamma$ of a number field admits ...
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Divisibility of Dirichlet L-functions

Let $k$ be an even integer and $p$ a prime number such that $p-1|k$. Suppose that $p$ does not divide $L(1-k,\chi)$ and $L(1-k,\psi)$, where $\chi$ and $\psi$ are quadratic characters. Can we deduce ...
user92196's user avatar
4 votes
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Relation of these two Dirichlet $L$-functions

Let $\chi$ and $\psi$ be two quadratic Dirichlet characters and let $L(s,\chi)$ and $L(s,\psi)$ their associated Dirichlet $L$-functions. Is there a realtion between these two Dirichlet $L$-functions:...
Khadija Mbarki's user avatar
4 votes
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Non-vanishing of L-function of modular form

There is a theorem by Langlands and Shalika (link) that the L-function of a cuspidal automorphic representation does not vanish on the line $\mathrm{Re}( s)=1$ (in their normalization which might be ...
SashaP's user avatar
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Asymptotic for zeroes of $L(s,\chi)$ in a disk $|s|<R$

In 'Remarks on Weil's quadratic functional..' p.191 Bombieri claims any given $L$-function $L(s,\chi)$ has at least $$\big(\frac{1}{\pi}+o(1)\big)R\log R$$ zeroes in a disk $|s|<R$. Is there a ...
Tian An's user avatar
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Weil Conjectures Analog for Multivariate Zeta Functions

We know that the Riemann zeta function can be generalized to multivariate zeta functions. Is there a multivariate analog of the Weil conjectures?
Turbo's user avatar
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On a sequence of L-functions having same zeros in critical strip and GRH

I had an idea on GRH involving a sequence of L-functions having same zeros, then at one step I need a bound on these function and I wonder if this bound is in fact not as hard as GRH itself ? Let's ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Behavior of partial Euler product in the critical strip (with Dirichlet Character)

Consider a primitive Dirichlet Character $\chi$ (non principal) and the partial Euler product attached to the L-function $L(\chi,s)$ ($p_i$ are the prime numbers) : $$P(\chi,N)=\prod_{i=1}^{N} \frac{...
Bertrand's user avatar
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13 votes
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No Siegel-Landau zeros for $\mathrm{GL}(n)$

The problem of non-existance of Siegel-Landau zeros seems to be uncharacteristically easier for cuspidal automorphic representations $\pi$ on $\mathrm{GL}(n)$ if $n\geq2$. We have in fact: There ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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9 votes
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Effective bound of $L(1,\chi)$

Let $d$ be a fundamental discriminant and let $\chi$ be the associated primitive real character of modulus $\vert d \vert$. Assuming GRH, Littlewood proved that as $\vert d \vert$ grows large, $$L(1, ...
Marty's user avatar
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Moments of completed L-functions?

This is a follow up question to this one. It seems that results on moments of L-functions, that is, estimates for integrals of the form $$\int^{T}_1|\zeta(\sigma+it)|^{2k}dt$$ are typically for the ...
Tian An's user avatar
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7 votes
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Numerically double-checking formula with L-values

I'm working with a special case of Ichino's triple product formula, which for classical holomorphic newforms $f$, $g$ ,$h$ of weights $k$, $m-k$, $m$ (and central characters satisfying $\chi_f \chi_g =...
Dan Collins's user avatar
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Question about mean square estimate for sums of Dirichlet coefficients of Symmetric Power $L$-functions

I have a question related to Coefficients of Symmetric power $L$-functions and I would be grateful if you could answer it. Let $\lambda_{Sym^rf}(n)$ be the $n$th Dirichlet coefficient of $L(Sym^rf,s).$...
Khadija Mbarki's user avatar
6 votes
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Explicit bounds for exceptional zeros and/or $L(1,\chi)$ for real $\chi$

I would like to have an explicit upper bound (that is, one with explicit constants) for a possible real zero $\beta$ for $L(1,\chi)$ for real Dirichlet characters $\chi$. I need such a bound for real ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
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Easiest way to see that $\zeta_{\mathbb{Z}[i]}(s) = \zeta(s) L(s, \chi)$?

As the question suggests, what is the easiest way to see that$$\zeta_{\mathbb{Z}[i]}(s) = \zeta(s)L(s, \chi)?$$Here, $\chi$ is the homomorphism $(\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z})^\times \to \mathbb{C}^\times$ ...
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Analogue of Dirichlet $L$-function for $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$, does $L_c(s, \chi)$ necessarily equal $1$?

Consider an analogue of Dirichlet $L$-function for $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$. Let $g \in \mathbb{F}_q[T]$, $g \neq 0$, let $\chi: (\mathbb{F}_q[T]/(g))^\times \to \mathbb{C}^\times$ be a homomorphism, let $c \...
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What is the analytic conductor of this Hecke L-function?

Following Iwaniek and Kowalski, S5.10, page 130 we consider an angle character $\xi_k$ on the Gaussian integers $\mathbb Z[i]$ defined by $ \xi_k(\mathfrak a) = \left(\frac{\alpha}{|\alpha|}\right)^k $...
Evan Chen's user avatar
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Subconvexity bound for Hecke $L$-functions in the $s$-aspect

Let $L(s,\chi)$ be the $L$-function of a non-trivial Hecke character of a general number field $K$, so that $L(s,\chi)$ which has no pole or zero at $s=1$. I am looking for a reference for upper ...
Dr. Pi's user avatar
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Bounding a Sum of Adjoint L-Function Values

Fix integers $k\geq2$ and $N>1$, and let $S(k,N)$ denote the normalized new Hecke eigenforms in $S_k(\Gamma_1(N))$. [If it makes my question easier to answer, feel free to replace this with $\...
Jeff H's user avatar
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10 votes
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Averages over integer points of the sphere

A paper of William Duke proves that integer points on the sphere are equidistributed: $$ V_n = \{ (x,y,z) \in \mathbb{Z}^2 : x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = n \}. $$ Up to reflections across the $x$, $y$ and $z$ ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Symmetry type of non-cohomological automorphic forms

By Katz-Sarnak philosophy a family of $L$-functions would have a symmetry type which would reflect the statistics of $L$-functions, such as low lying zeros and moments. Shin-Templier's paper on Sato-...
Pig's user avatar
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Oscillatory integral moments of $L(\frac{1}{2} + it, f \times f)$

Understanding moments and subconvexity bounds for $L$-functions is a big topic with a lot of activity. I'm currently looking at a related problem, bounding $$ \int_0^T L\left(\tfrac{1}{2} + it, f \...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
9 votes
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Lindelof Hypothesis implying Selberg Eigenvalue Conjecture?

The Generalized Lindelof Hypothesis says that for the $L$-function of an automorphic form we have $$L(1/2+it)\ll Q(t)^{\epsilon}$$ for any $\epsilon>0$ where $Q(t)$ is the conductor of $L(s)$ at $...
7-adic's user avatar
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Lower bound of first moment of $L$-function on $\mathrm{GL}(3)$

Let $\pi$ be an automorphic form on $\mathrm{GL}(3,\mathbb{A}_{\mathbb{Q}})$. Do we know any case that \[\int_0^{T} \left|L(\frac{1}{2} + it, \pi)\right| dt \gg T\] holds unconditionally? I know the ...
7-adic's user avatar
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Characterizing the newforms s.t. the associated symmetric square $L$-function has a pole

I have a straightforward question. Let $f$ be a holomorphic cusp form of weight $k$, level $N$, and nebentypus $\chi$ that is new in the sense of Atkin-Lehner theory. Write its Fourier expansion at $\...
Tomo's user avatar
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Symmetric Fifth Power Lift of GL(2) Automorphic Form

Let $\pi$ be an automorphic representation of $GL(2)/\mathbb{Q}$. For simplicity, you can take it to be a Maass form for $SL(2,\mathbb Z)$. Kim, Shahidi, Gelbart-Jacquet prove that $$L(s, \pi, Sym^m)$...
7-adic's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is the adjoint L-function on GL(m) holomorphic?

Let $\pi$ be an automorphic representation on $\mathrm{GL}(m)/\mathbb{Q}$. Define $$L(s,\pi,\mathrm{Ad}):=\frac{L(s,\pi\times\overline{\pi})}{\zeta(s)}.$$ This is an $L$-function with Euler product of ...
GFS's user avatar
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Absolute convergence of Rankin–Selberg series

Let $\pi$ and $\pi'$ be two general automorphic representations on $\operatorname{GL}(n)$ and $\operatorname{GL}(n')$ over $\mathbb{Q}$. I heard that the Rankin-Selberg $L$-function $L(s,\pi\times\pi')...
GFS's user avatar
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Are there L-functions of degree 1 that aren't Hecke L-functions?

I don't know of any examples and I don't know of any results which prohibit them
user51229's user avatar
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Generalization of Watson's triple product

In Watson's thesis (page 51) we can find his beautiful triple product formula. My question is that does there exist a generalization of this formula? By generalization, I mean: If $\phi_n$'s are ...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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A sum over zeros of L-functions in the paper "Chebyshev's Bias"

Let $\varepsilon>0$ be small and \begin{align*} \widetilde{F}_{\varepsilon}(\xi):=\frac{4}{\varepsilon}\sum_{0<\gamma\leq \varepsilon^{-2}}\frac{\sin(\gamma \xi)\sin \frac{\gamma \varepsilon}{2}}...
Joni Teräväinen's user avatar
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Does $L(-1+it,f)\ll_f \log^c q(f)t$ hold ture?

Let $f$ be a holomorphic or Maass cusp form for $SL(2,Z)$. Define $L(s,f)=\sum_{n\ge 1}\frac{a_f(n)}{n^s}$, for $\Im s$ sufficiently large. Then $$L(-1+it,f)\ll_f \log^c q(f)t$$ holds, for some ...
H.Flip's user avatar
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On link between Riemann hypothesis and partial GRH

Is there a way to show that if the Riemann hypothesis holds for Dirichlet L-function associated to primitive Dirichlet character (excluding trivial character $\chi(1)$ which could be qualified of ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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subconvexity problem for $GL(3) × GL(2)$ $L$-function without involving in symmetric lift

A question in study of subconvexity topic puzzles me for a long time, which mabe a stupid question for many experts. I really wish someone to help me out, and any advice will be highly appreciated. ...
H.Flip's user avatar
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Summation of certain series

Suppose $f(n)$ is a periodic function with period $q$. Now from this paper we get that if $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{q}f(n)=0$ then $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{f(n)}{n}=-\frac{1}{q}\...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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a generalization of a formula of Shimura

Let $\phi$ be a $GL(2)$ automorphic form with Fourier coefficients $a(n)$ and $a(1)=1$. Obviously we have $L(s,\phi)=\sum \frac{a(n)}{n^s}$. Shimura have the following formula $L(s, Ad\; \phi)=\zeta(...
Jeep Wrangler's user avatar
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Off critical line zeros for half integer weight $L$-functions

Let $f(z) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty A(n)n^{\frac{k-1}{2}}e(nz)$ be a modular form of weight $k$ for a half integer $k$. Put $$L(s,f) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{A(n)}{n^s} $$ to be the $L$-function. Further ...
Eren Mehmet Kiral's user avatar
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Can GRH for complex primitive Dirichlet characters fail with a single non-trivial zero off the critical line?

Can GRH for complex primitive Dirichlet character fail with a single non-trivial zero off the critical line? For real characters this is impossible because the non-trivial zeros are in quadruples. ...
joro's user avatar
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Is this extension of the Selberg class trivial?

I came across the following modification of the Selberg class in some of my work (see below), and while I've moved on in some sense -- I submitted the paper in question -- I can't get it off of my ...
rlo's user avatar
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Montgomery's pair correlation function without RH?

In the theory of the Riemann zeta function, Montgomery's Pair correlation function is defined as $$ F(\alpha) = \frac{1}{N(T)} \sum_{T < \gamma, \gamma' < 2T} T^{i \alpha (\gamma - \gamma')} \...
kola's user avatar
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7 votes
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The Correlation of the Möbius Function and Dirichlet Characters

Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character, and define $\phi_\chi (n)$ so that it satisfies $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \phi_\chi (n)n^{-s}=\frac{\zeta(s-1)}{L(s,\chi)}.$$ In other words $$\phi_{\chi}(n)=\sum_{d|...
Eric Naslund's user avatar
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18 votes
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Distinct simple zeros of Dirichlet L-functions

Given a finite set of distinct primitive Dirichlet characters, $\chi_1, \dots, \chi_r$, is it known that the product of the L-functions, $$L(s):=\prod_{i=1}^r L(s,\chi_i),$$ has a simple zero? It's ...
rlo's user avatar
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Axioms for zeta functions

The Selberg class is an axiomatization of arithmetically significant zeta functions (a.k.a. L-functions) by a few analytic properties (functional equation etc.) However there do exist other zeta ...
Marius Overholt's user avatar
10 votes
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Reference for the odd dihedral case of Artin's conjecture

The example that Matt Emerton cited here prompted me to become interested in how one proves that odd two dimensional dihedral Galois representation are modular. This is the first case of the strong ...
Jonah Sinick's user avatar
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Consequences of the degree conjecture

the title is quite explicit: I would like to know the consequences of the degree conjecture for the Selberg class. Thank you in advance.
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
20 votes
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Computing (on a computer) the first few (non-trivial) zeros of the zeta function of a number field.

Let $M$ be the splitting field of x^8 + 3*x^7 + 13*x^6 + 17*x^5 + 45*x^4 + 37*x^3 + 11*x^2 + 112*x + 108 over the rationals. If I've understood some tables ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
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Selberg's orthonormality conjecture and density

Let $F$ and $G$ be two primitive functions of the Selberg class, and let $\mathbb{A}$ be the set of values taken by the function which maps a prime number $p$ to $a_{p}(F)\overline{a_{p}(G)}$. $\...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
9 votes
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Zeroes of complete L-functions

Hello, Let $F$ and $G$ be two functions belonging in the Selberg class, $\Lambda_{F}$ and $\Lambda_{G}$ the complete L-functions associated to $F$ and $G$. I would like to know whether this assertion ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar