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Whether or not the root number of GL$_3\times$GL$_2$ $L$-function $L(s, F \otimes g)$ contains the coefficients $\lambda_g(n)$ of $g$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $p$ and $q$ be two distinct primes. Let $$\Gamma_0(p)= \left\{ g\in \GL_3(\mathbb{Z}):g \equiv \left(\begin{matrix} \ast &\ast&\...
hofnumber's user avatar
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Average bounds on Rankin-Selberg coefficients for modular forms

Let $f$ be a cuspidal Hecke newform of weight $k$ and level $N$, and denote by $a_f(n)$ its $n$-th Fourier coefficient. The newform $f$ is normalized so that $a_f(1) = 1$. As a consequence of Rankin-...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Connection between a special integral transform and averages of L-functions

Let $\Gamma = \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ and $\mathcal{H}$ be the upper half-plane. For $A>1$, define the truncated Eisenstein series $E_A(z,s)$ as $$E_A(z,s) = \begin{cases} E(z,s), & \...
Ricardo Nunez's user avatar
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Generalizations of Hamburger's Theorem

(Despite the name, the theorem in question is not a joke nor is it a statement about a delicious food). An old theorem of Hans Hamburger from 1921, as stated in Marvin Knopp's paper "On Dirichlet ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Automorphy of the twisted representation

The Artin reciprocity says that if $$ \chi: \operatorname{Gal}(K/\mathbb Q) \to \mathbb C $$ is a 1-dimensional representation of a finite Galois extension $K/ \mathbb Q$, then it corresponds to a ...
LWW's user avatar
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The lower bound for the automorphic $L$-function $L(s,\pi)$ at the edge of the critical strip $\Re s=1$

Let $\pi$ be any automorphic Maass form on $\text{GL}_m$ of level $N$, say. Assume that the associated $L$-function $L(s,\pi)$ satisfies some good conditions; for example, it satisfies the functional ...
user528074's user avatar
5 votes
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A question on hybrid subconvexity for individual L-functions

Sorry to disturb. I have a question need some explanations from the experts on the MO-website. As usual, we let $L(f,s)$ be the corresponding $L$-function associated to the newform $f$ on $SL_2(\...
user528074's user avatar
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Bounds for Dirichlet L-functions

Let $L$ denote a Dirichlet L-function attached to the primitive character $\chi$. What are the best known bounds for $L(\sigma+it, \chi)$? PS: For $L=\zeta$ and $0\leq\sigma\leq 1$, i'm aware of a ...
Q_p's user avatar
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Conditional convergence of Artin $L$-functions

Let $k$ be a number field and $V$ a non-trivial irreducible Artin representation over $k$. Consider the associated Artin $L$-function with corresponding Euler product decomposition $L(V,s)= \prod_v ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Classification of L functions and Dirichlet series by poles

I am interested in the connection between particular Dirichlet series' abscissa of convergence and the poles of L-functions. Let $D(z) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{a_n}{n^z}$ be a Dirichlet series ...
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A question about the setup of zero density estimates for Dirichlet $L$-functions

For $L(s,\chi)= \sum_{n \geq 1}\frac{\chi(n)}{n^s}$, where $s = \sigma + it$, we define the function $N(\sigma, T, \chi)$ which counts the zeros $\rho = \beta + i\gamma$ for which $L(\rho, \chi) =0$ ...
Josh's user avatar
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Analyticity of unramifed part of Rankin-Selberg $L$-functions on $\Re(s)=1$

I have only a little knowledge about automorphic representations and $L$-functions. Now I am reading the textbook of Goldfeld and Hundley on automorphic representations, and also planning to read the ...
LWW's user avatar
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'$\times$' or '$\otimes$' when writing $L$-functions?

Recently, I came across the Langlands correspondence theorem, there is the following line: $$L(s,\pi(\sigma) \times \pi(\tau)) = L(s,\sigma \otimes \tau), $$ where $\sigma$ and $\tau$ are ...
Misaka 16559's user avatar
15 votes
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Euler's proof of $\frac{\pi}{6}=1-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{5}+\frac{1}{6}-\cdots$

Euler proved $$\frac{\pi}{6}=1-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{5}+\frac{1}{6}-\cdots$$ where the reasoning of the signs thus is prepared, so that of the second may be had as $-$, prime ...
Nomas2's user avatar
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Motivation behind a result of Munshi on nonvanishing of L-functions in families of elliptic curves

In this article in Compositio (2011), Munshi proves a mean value result for $$ \sum_{d} r(d) \Lambda^{(l)}(1/2,f,\chi_d) F(d/Y),$$ where here $f$ is a primitive holomorphic form of level $q$ with ...
Anurag Sahay's user avatar
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Non-vanishing of archimedean integral representations

Let $\psi$ denote a non-trivial additive character of $\mathbb{R}$ and $n$ be a positive integer. Let $(\pi,V)$ and $(\pi',V')$ be two irreducible generic Casselman-Wallach representations of $G_n=\...
Akash Yadav's user avatar
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Abscissa of convergence of the $\tau$ Dirichlet series

Define the $\tau$ Dirichlet series $L$ by $$L(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\tau (n)}{n^s}$$ where $\tau$ is defined by $$q\prod_{n=1}^\infty (1-q^n)^{24}=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \tau (n)q^n$$ where $|q|\lt 1$....
Nomas2's user avatar
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Non-Schwartz test functions for the explicit formula for L-functions

The statements of the explicit formula for L-functions that I am aware of require the test function to be a Schwartz function (see, e.g., equation (4.11) in Section 4 of Low lying zeros of families of ...
Tristan Phillips's user avatar
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Bound on Von Mangoldt for automorphic L-functions

Following the notation in Iwaniec+Kowalski, let $L(f,s)$ be an L-function. Denote $$\frac{L'}{L}(f,s)=\sum_{n\ge1} \Lambda_f(n)n^{-s} $$ In terms of the local roots of the Euler product: $$ \Lambda_f(...
BobBuilder's user avatar
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Relating the multiplicative Fourier transform and the derived characteristic polynomial

(Tuesday, Sept 5:) For a number field $Fˣ$ and a number ring $Oˣ$ it is common to define: $Z(f,χ) = ʃ_{Fˣ} f(x) χ(x) dˣ x$ $g(ω,ψ) = ʃ_{Oˣ} ω(x) ψ(x) dˣ x$ where $dˣx$ is the multiplicative Haar ...
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Explicit formula for Artin L-functions

The classical explicit formula for the Riemann Zeta function states that $$ \psi(x)=x-\sum_{\rho} \frac{x^{\rho}}{\rho}+O(1), $$ where $\psi(x)=\sum_{n \leq x} \Lambda(n)$ and the sum is over all non-...
Dekimshita's user avatar
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What are the best known upper bounds for $\frac{1}{L(s, \chi)}$?

Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character and $L(s, \chi)$ be the corresponding Dirichlet L-function. What are the best known bounds for $\frac{1}{L(s, \chi)}$ in the half-plane of convergence? I'm aware of ...
user501735's user avatar
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Positivity of partial Dirichlet series for a quadratic character?

Let $\chi\colon(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})^\times\rightarrow\{\pm1\}$ be a primitive quadratic Dirichlet character of conductor $N$. For any integer $m=1,2,\cdots,\infty$, consider the partial Dirichlet ...
Zhang's user avatar
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Question about a paper by Franca and LeClair in analytic number theory

I am reading an article "Transcendental equations satisfied by the individual zeros of Riemann $\zeta$, Dirichlet and modular L-functions" by G. Franca and A. LeClair (2015) see here. The ...
Williams's user avatar
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Reference for zero sum estimates of Dirichlet L functions

Let $\chi$ be a primitive character mod $p$ (prime) and $\rho = \beta + i \gamma$ be a non-trivial zero of $L(s, \chi)$. I am reading a paper by Ihara and Murty where they use following estimate : $\...
User1326's user avatar
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Does asymptotic Goldbach imply GRH?

It seems to me that a proof of $\alpha_{n}=o(n)$ where the quantity $\alpha_{n}$ is defined in About Goldbach's conjecture together with the main result of
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Ramanujan's conjecture on modular forms and Riemann hypothesis

I just watched Kannan Soundararajan's talk on the distributions of valus of zeta and $L$-functions at virtual ICM 2022. In his talk, he introduced a theorem on Ramanujan's ternary form $\phi_{1}: x^{2}...
Seewoo Lee's user avatar
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Is $\frac{1}{L(1+it)}$ unbounded?

Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character and $L(s, \chi)$ be the corresponding L-function. Is $$\frac{1}{L(1+it, \chi)}$$ unbounded for $t \in \mathbb{R}$? I'm aware that this is true if $L=\zeta$, but I'm ...
Holomorphic manifold's user avatar
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Do Artin L functions have polynomial growth in the critical strip?

Given an irreducible representation $\rho$ of the Galois group $G$ of a number field $K$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, we have the associated Artin $L$ function which we denote by $L(s, \rho)$. By Brauer ...
Krishnarjun's user avatar
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Large values of $L(1,\chi)$ for quadratic Dirichlet characters $\chi$

Granville and Soundararajan, in "Upper Bounds for $L(1, \chi)$", first paragraph, say it is known that there exist quadratic Dirichlet characters $\chi$ for which $L(1, \chi)$ is about $\log\...
Michael Beeson's user avatar
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Sign of the special value at s=0 of Hecke L-functions

Let $L/K$ be an abelian extension of number fields with Galois group $G$ and let $\chi : G \to \{\pm 1\}$ denote a real linear character of $G$. Denote $L(\chi,s)$ the Artin L-function associated to $\...
Adrien MORIN's user avatar
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Explicit estimates for $N(T,\chi)$ (not $N(T,\chi)+N(T,\overline{\chi})$)

Let $N(T,\chi)$ denote the number of zeros of $L(s,\chi)$ with imaginary part between $0$ and $T$, with any zero with imaginary part equal to $T$ or to $0$ (not that the latter kind really exists) ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Are Li's numbers $\lambda_n$ absolutely convergent for $n>1$?

Li's numbers $\{\lambda_n\}$ are defined as $$\lambda_n=\frac{1}{(n-1)!}\frac{d^n}{ds^n} [s^{n-1}\log\xi(s)]_{s=1} $$ for all positive integers $n$. Also $\lambda_n$ is given as a sum over the non ...
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Behaviour of a certain $L$ function at $s=1$

I was going through this paper. Corollary 7.3.4 says the $L$-function $L(s,\pi, \rm{sym}^4)$ is holomorphic except possibly at $s=0,1$ and gives a necessary and sufficient condition for it to have a ...
user15243's user avatar
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Watson's triple product for automorphic forms shifted by Maass rising operators

Let $\phi_i$ be a holomorphic Hecke eigencusp form of weight $k_i$ for $\Gamma = \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$, or a Maass cusp form (we then say that $k_i=0$). We assume they are normalised such that $\...
fruitila's user avatar
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Vinogradov-Korobov for Dirichlet L-functions?

Where can one find a Vinogradov-Korobov zero-free region for Dirichlet L-functions? It has to be in a standard reference, but I'm having a non-trivial time finding it.
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Functional equation and/or growth estimates for a shifted L function

Consider the $L$-series defined by $$L_{\alpha,\chi}(s) = \sum_{n\geq 1} \frac{e^{2\pi i \alpha \Omega(n)} \chi(n)}{n^s} = \prod_p \left(1 - \frac{e^{2\pi i \alpha} \chi(p)}{p^s}\right)^{-1}.$$ It ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Distribution of zeros of real quadratic Dirichlet L-functions in small intervals

Motivation: Some data gathered on least quadratic nonresidues indicate that the zeros of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions are more evenly spaced than that in general Dirichlet L-functions. Question. ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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What's the motivation for the $3$ appearing in Iwaniec and Kowalski's definition of the analytic conductor?

In their book Analytic Number Theory, Iwaniec and Kowalski, on page 95, define the analytic conductor by the following formula: $\displaystyle{{\frak{q}}_{\infty}(s)=\prod_{j=1}^{d}\left(\vert s+\...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Why does LMFDB refer to L functions having coefficients of type $a_p-a_{p^2}$ instead of just $a_{p^2}$?

Today I was reading LMFDB (the L-functions and Modular Forms DataBase), and I came across something that confused me. When discussing degree 3 L functions on this page, they assert that all the ones ...
Milo Moses's user avatar
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Bound for $GL(3)$ symmetric square

Let $\pi$ be an automorphic representation of $GL(3)$ over a number field. Let $a_n$ be the coefficients of $L(s, \pi, \mathrm{sym}^2)$. Do we know if $$\sum_{n>0} \frac{|a_n|}{n^s}$$ and $$\sum_{n&...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many L-rigs?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}$Call "L-rig" any class $\mathcal{L}$ of L-functions of automorphic representations of $\operatorname{GL}_{n}(\mathbb{A}_{\Q})$ for some $n$ belonging to ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Hadamard factorization of L-functions

I have already asked this question here in a different form, but really need an answer. Let $L(s)$ be a "standard" $L$-function, say with Euler product, functional equation, etc... (Selberg ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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Analytic equivalents for primes in arithmetic progressions

By way of context: it is known that the prime number theorem $\pi(x) \sim x/\log x$ is (nontrivially) equivalent to the statement that $\zeta(s)$ does not vanish on the line $\Re s=1$. I would like ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
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"Sub-logarithmic" zero-free regions from Deuring-Heilbronn/Linnik's repulsion theorem

For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let: $\chi_n\pmod{q_n}$ a real non-principal Dirichlet character ($q_1 < q_2 < \cdots$), $\beta_n$ the largest real zero of $L(s,\chi_n)$, $\delta_n := (1-\beta_n)\...
Alufat's user avatar
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Does the symmetric square L-function vanish at one?

Take a cuspidal automorphic representation $\pi$ of $GL(3)$ over a number field. My question is quite straightforward and can be related to this one : Can $L(1, \pi, \mathrm{sym}^2)$ be zero? If ...
TheStudent's user avatar
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Upper bound of summation $\sum_{m < \frac{1}{2}X} \frac{|a(m_1m_2^2)|}{m_1m_2^2} \log\frac{X}{m}$

I am studying the paper M. Ram Murty, V. Kumar Murty: Mean values of derivatives of modular $L$-series, Ann. of Math. (2) 133 (1991), no. 3, 447-475. Let $L(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{a(m)}{m^s}$ ...
LWW's user avatar
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How do functional equations for zeta functions arise from the structure of a homology group?

I have read in various disparate sources that certain zeta functions satisfy functional equations as a consequence of some structure on some homology group. Here is an example of a quote in this ...
Julian Chaidez's user avatar
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$B(\chi), L'(1,\chi)/L(1,\chi),\dotsc$

Let $\chi$ be a primitive Dirichlet character of modulus $q>1$. Write, as is customary, $B(\chi)$ for the constant in the expression $$\frac{\Lambda'(s,\chi)}{\Lambda(s,\chi)} = B(\chi) + \sum_\rho ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Effective, explicit bound on $L'(1,\chi)/L(1,\chi)$

Are there effective, explicit upper bounds on $L'(1,\chi)/L(1,\chi)$ in the literature, valid for all Dirichlet characters $\chi$? Due to the possibility of Siegel zeros, I don't imagine one can do ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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