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22 votes
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Hadamard factorization of L-functions

I have already asked this question here in a different form, but really need an answer. Let $L(s)$ be a "standard" $L$-function, say with Euler product, functional equation, etc... (Selberg ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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infinitely many non-trivial zeros for $L(s,\chi)$ using Hadamard product for $\xi(s,\chi)$

Here is the definition of $\xi(s,\chi)$: $\xi(s,\chi)= \left(\frac{s(s-1)}{2} \right)^{1_{\chi=1}} (q/\pi)^{\frac{s+a}{2}} \Gamma \left( \frac{s+a}{2} \right) L(s,\chi)$ Here is the definition of ...
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