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Questions tagged [algebraic-surfaces]

An algebraic surface is an algebraic variety of dimension two. In the case of geometry over the field of complex numbers, an algebraic surface has complex dimension two (as a complex manifold, when it is non-singular) and so of dimension four as a smooth manifold.

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4 votes
1 answer

Kodaira classification and the McKay correspondence

Kodaira's table of singular fibers has a singular fiber for each of $\tilde{A}_n$, $\tilde{D}_n$, $\tilde{E}_6$, $\tilde{E}_7$, and $\tilde{E}_8$; these are chains or cycles of (-2)-curves connected ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Do there exist double points on an algebraic surface in $\mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{C}}^3$ that are not rational?

The title explains it all. I'm familiar with the du val singularities on surfaces, also known as rational double points. In, 2.1, they are ...
Joachim's user avatar
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invariance of the dimension of severi varieties of surfaces

Suppose I have a smooth projective surface $S\subset P^n$ embedded by a very ample linear system $|L|$. Consider now the generalized Severi varieties that parametrize curves on $S$ belonging to $|L|$, ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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singularities of the dual variety of a surface

I am looking for a proof/reference of the following simple fact, which I think it holds true. Let $S\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ be a surface embedded by a very ample linear system. Then I know that the ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Dual of a Complex 2-Torus

Is a complex torus $A$ of dimension 2 always isomorphic to its dual torus (i.e. the torus obtained by taking the dual lattice), or are there counterexamples to this?
Heitor's user avatar
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Reference for Automorphisms of K3 surfaces

I am looking for some introductory reference concerning Automorphisms (of finite order) on K3 surfaces. Any suggestion?
Heitor's user avatar
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Complete Linear system on Del Pezzo surfaces

Is there always a reducible curve (EDIT: with exactly two irreducible components intersecting in at least 2 points) in a complete linear system (EDIT: of dimension at least 2 with curves of genus at ...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
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On complex surfaces with Kodaira dimension 1

Let $S$ be a complex surface of Kodaira dimension $1$ and $\pi_{1}(S) \neq 1 $. What is known on possible diffeomorphism types of such $complex$ surfaces with a given fundamental group? Is it true ...
guest2014's user avatar
6 votes
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Bezout Theorem in $\mathbb P^3$

For a $\mathbb C P^2$ is known a result: if through the generic points $p_1,p_2,\dots p_n$ with multiplicities $m_1,m_2\dots, m_n$ correspondingly a degree $d$ curve passes then $d^2\geq m_1^2+m_2^2+\...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
10 votes
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Uniformization of Kodaira fibered surfaces

Consider a Kodaira fibration. i.e. a smooth non-isotrivial fibration $X\rightarrow C$ with $X$ a smooth complex surface and $C$ a smooth complex curve, such that both the genus of $C$ and genus of the ...
Darius Math's user avatar
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When does Bogomolov's inequality become an equality?

The Bogomolov theorem says if $V$ is a rank 2 vector bundle on an algebraic surfaces $S$ is $H$-stable (in the sense of Mumford-Takemoto) for some ample divisor $H$, then $c_1^2(V) \leq 4c_2(V)$ holds....
jinsong xu's user avatar
8 votes
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A question on an elliptic fibration of the Enriques surface

Let $S$ be an Enriques surface over complex numbers. It is known that $S$ admits an elliptic fibration over $\mathbb{P}^1$ with $12$ nodal singular fibers and $2$ double fibers. How can I see this ...
user2013's user avatar
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what is the cyclic cover trick?

What do people mean by the "cyclic cover trick"? I have found this expression a couple of times with no complete explanation, both talking about curves and surfaces...
IMeasy's user avatar
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What does Hodge theory tell us about simply connected surfaces of general type

Let $X$ be a smooth complex projective variety. We know that $\Omega^1_X$ has a non-zero section if and only if the abelianization of the fundamental group of X is infinite. This follows from Hodge ...
Fabiano Rug's user avatar
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A question on existence of degeneration of Enriques surface.

Let $S$ be an Enriques surface, i.e. a quotient of a K3 surface by a free involution. Enriques surfaces arise as elliptic fibrations $S\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$ with 12 singular fibers and 2 double ...
user2013's user avatar
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The central fiber of this family of surfaces?

I have a question on a description of a central fiber of the following family of surfaces. Let $B,C \subset \mathbb{P}^2$ be smooth curve of degree $2d$ and $d$ respectively. Let's consider the ...
user2013's user avatar
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What can a quartic surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$ with an ordinary quadruple point look like?

All varieties will be projective and over $\mathbb{C}$. If $S$ is any surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$ of degree 2 that posseses an ordinary double point, it follows easily that $S$ is projectively ...
Joachim's user avatar
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Surfaces ruled over elliptic curves

Ground field $\Bbb{C}$. Algebraic category. Elliptic surfaces are those surfaces endowed with a morphism onto some smooth curve, with generic fiber an elliptic curve. Suppose $E$ is an elliptic curve ...
Heitor's user avatar
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Basics of minimal Elliptic Surfaces [following Beauville]

I am reading Beauville's chapter IX on Elliptic surfaces. Let $S$ be a minimal elliptic surface with $\kappa=1$ and $p:S\rightarrow C$ be the elliptic fibration. We know $K^2=0$. Suppose the $m$-...
Heitor's user avatar
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Embeddings of smooth projective surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface not contained in $\mathbb{P}^3$. Is there any known condition on $X$ under which I can embed it into $\mathbb{P}^3$ such that the its image contains at most ...
Jana's user avatar
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pencils on varieties of general type

I was wondering about a generalization of the following property of surfaces of general type. Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface of general type. Then there is no pencil of rational or elliptic ...
Jonathan 's user avatar
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Existence of smooth surfaces containing a curve

Let $C$ be a curve in $\mathbb{P}^3$, possibly non-reduced. Assume, there exists a smooth surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$ containing $C$. Is it true that for $d \gg 0$, a generic element of $I_d(C)$ defines ...
Jana's user avatar
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families of curves on surfaces which are products of curves

Let $C$ be a projective curve (over an algebraically closed field) of genus $\geq 1$. Let $S = C \times C$. By normalisation we have a ramified cover $C \to \mathbb{P}^1$ and so a map $p: S \to \...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
8 votes
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Contracting a curve of negative self-intersection on a surface

It is easy to show using birational factorization that the only curves on a surface which can be contracted to get an algebraic, smooth surface are smooth $(-1)$-curves. Furthermore, I know of ...
Philip Engel's user avatar
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A classification of rational surfaces with effective $K$

I would like to know if there can be some kind of classification of normal rational surfaces with Gorenstein singularities, such that their canonical divisor is effective. Additional question. Are ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Divisor class group on blowup of nodal surface

The following got no answer on mathstackexchange. I believe it not to be hard, but maybe it is a little specialized? All varieties will be over $\mathbb{C}$ and projective unless stated otherwise. ...
Joachim's user avatar
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Counting nodal singularities on a surface

How many lines in $\mathbf{P}^5$ passing through a fixed point $p$ meet in at least two points a fixed smooth surface $S$ given by the intersection of three quadrics? Or equivalently, calling $T$ the ...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
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Absorbing ramification and factoring finite flat maps

In his Algebraic surfaces book, Beauville gives a result allowing one to "absorb ramification" for certain maps (see below). There are also something similar one can do with number fields. I would ...
LMN's user avatar
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Can you get an Enrique surface from quotient of Abelian surface?

Let $A=\mathbb{C}^2/\Lambda^2$, where $\Lambda=\mathbb{Z}+i\mathbb{Z}$, be an abelian surface. Then every body knows that the resolution of the quotient $A/<\pm>$ is a K3 surface. Question: Is ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
16 votes
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Is the set of surfaces over Spec Z with ample canonical sheaf empty

Main question. Does there exist a smooth projective morphism $X\to$ Spec $\mathbf Z$ of relative dimension two such that the canonical sheaf $\omega_{X_{\mathbf Q}}$ of the generic fibre $X_{\mathbf Q}...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
6 votes
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Quotients of rational surfaces

Let $X$ be a projective surface defined over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$, and let $G$ be a finite group acting biregularly on $X$. Assuming that $X$ is rational over $k$, is the quotient $X/G$ ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Contracting rational curves on surfaces and getting something non-algebraic

Recently I posted an "announcement" on arxiv where I said something to the effect of "this is the first example we know where contracting (a tree of) rational curves from a non-singular algebraic ...
pinaki's user avatar
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Vector Bundles on normal surfaces

Let $X$ be a projective normal surface over $\mathbb{C}$. In this related question it is stated as soon as $X$ is smooth any vector bundle defined on the compliment of a codimension 2 subset extends ...
solbap's user avatar
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Hilbert scheme of 2 points on an elliptic curve

The Hilbert scheme of 2 points on an elliptic curve $C$, $Hilb^2(C)$, has a natural structure of ruled surface, given by the map $f:Hilb^2(C) \to C$ such that $f(P,Q)=P+Q$. What can we say about the ...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
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octic K3s inside cubic 4-folds

From the Thesis of B.Hassett I seem to understand that a smooth cubic 4-fold $X$ containing a $\mathbb{P}^2$ should contain also a octic K3, but I cannot see a natural way by which this K3 octic could ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Constructing a curve with good reduction over a function field

Let $K$ be the function field of a smooth projective connected curve $B$ over $\mathbf{C}$. Let $g\geq 0$ be an integer. Does there exist an nonsingular integral $\mathbf{C}$-scheme $X$ with a ...
Luther's user avatar
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Bertini's Theorem small print

Suppose $S\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ is a smooth del Pezzo surface and $C$ is an irreducible smooth curve (you can make it rational if it simplifies the setting) such that $\mathcal{L}=\vert -K_S-C\vert $ ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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How to construct Enriques surface from Fermat K3

Let $x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_4^4=0 \subset \mathbb{P}^4$ be the Fermat K3 surface. Is it possible to start from some involution on $\mathbb{P}^3$, do blow-ups to get rid of fixed points and then quotient ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Invariant lattice of algebraic surface.

Given an algebraic surface $S$ with action of a finite group $G$. Is it true that the invariant lattice $H^2(X,\mathbb{Z})^G$ is generated by elements pulled back from the $H^2(X/G,\mathbb{Z})$ (or $H^...
Pooya's user avatar
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blowing up general k points on the plane

Del Pezzo surfaces are obtained by blowing up $1 \leq k \leq 8$ points on general position in $\mathbb{P}^2$. What does it happen when the number of points is larger than nine? In this sense, ...
eventually's user avatar
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Divisorial contraction: when is the image an algebraic space or a stack?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface (in the category of varieties, or schemes), and let $C\subset X$ be a curve (a priori not irreducible, but the irreducible case in itself is already interesting)....
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
3 votes
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Question on Ball Quotients

Let $X$ be a compact Kahler surface which is a ball quotient. Can such $X$ contain a torus $T$ such that the fudamental class of $T$ is non-trivial? I expect this is false as $\pi_{1}(X)$ is a ...
kla's user avatar
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Algebraic surfaces of general type

Question. Are there smooth complex surfaces of general type with an irregularity $q = 1$ and Euler characteristic $3$. If the answer is yes, what is known about the geometry of such surfaces? Are ...
user25225's user avatar
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On $\pi_1$ of surface of general type

Let $X$ be an algebraic surface of general type. Assume $K_X$ is an integer multiple of another class $A$, and the class $A$ can be represented by a symplectic submanifold $S$ of $X$ with non-negative ...
user24771's user avatar
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Genus two pencil in K3 surface

It is known that smooth $K3$ surface can be obtained as two fold branched cover of rational elliptic surface $E(1) = \mathbb{CP}^2 9 \bar{{\mathbb{{CP}^2}}}$ along the smooth divisor $2F_{E(1)} = 6H - ...
user24328's user avatar
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Question on K3 Surface

Is it possible to realize $K3$ surface as a ramified double cover of rational elliptic surface? If so, is there way to see an elliptic fibration structure on $K3$ from such cover? It seems to me one ...
user24328's user avatar
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Classification of fibres in pencils of curves of genus two

For the case of characteristic positive, there exist some clasification of families of curves of genus two over a elliptic curve?.
camilo's user avatar
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The cohomology of the relative dualizing sheaf of a relative curve

Let $X\to S$ be a curve over $S=\mathrm{Spec} \ \mathbf{Z}$. Let $\omega$ be the relative dualizing sheaf of $X\to S$. Let $g$ be the genus of the generic fibre. Assume that $g\geq 2$. I know that $\...
Harry's user avatar
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An arithmetic analogue of the discriminant curve of a conic bundle threefold

I am looking for an "arithmetic" analogue of a well known result on threefolds with a conic bundle structure. The following result can be found in [Iskovskikh - On the rationality problem for conic ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
6 votes
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Q-factorial and rational singularities on surfaces

Let $X$ be a normal surface. Is any rational singularity $\mathbf{Q}$-factorial? I've seen this somewhere for surfaces over fields, but what about the general case of an integral 2-dimensional ...
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