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Questions tagged [ac.commutative-algebra]

Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

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Riemann-Roch and Grothendieck duality: general case of Fulton's example 18.3.19

Fulton's "Intersection theory" book contains the following fact (example 18.3.19): Let $X$ be a Cohen-Macaulay scheme over a field. Assume $X$ can be imbedded in a smooth scheme (so it has a ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Dual of a semilinear morphism

Let $R$ be a commutative ring and let $M$ and $N$ be $R$-modules. Let $\sigma:R\rightarrow R$ be a ring automorphism. Let $f: M\rightarrow N$ be a $\sigma$-semilinear map, i.e. a map of abelian ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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What is lim⟶ I^n M?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, $I$ is an ideal of $R$, $M$ is an $R$-module. $$IM\supset I^2M\supset I^3M\supset\cdots$$ What is $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{\begin{subarray}{c} \longrightarrow \\ \...
minhtringuyen's user avatar
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which automorphisms of a subring extend to those of a ring

(Probably a silly question, but..) Consider the ring $R=k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/I$, (e.g. char(k)=0), and its subring, $R_1$, generated by some of $x_i$'s. In general, an automorphism of $R_1$ does not ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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ideal transform

Let $I$ be an ideal of a commutative ring $R$. $M$ be an $R$-module. In Local cohomology: an algebraic introduction with geometric applications of Brodmann M. P., Sharp R. Y we have $$D_I(M)=\mathop {\...
minhtringuyen's user avatar
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Rings with the property $\dim R-\dim R/p\leq \text{const}$ for all minimal $p$

I'm curious if there exists a class of rings generalizing quasi-unmixed rings. I guess a generalization of quasi-unmixed rings can be done as follows: For a fixed integer $i$ $$\forall p\in\...
QED's user avatar
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"extend a functor"

Hi, I have probably a basic question. I have a functor $F: Sch \rightarrow Set$, an algebraic stack $M$ with a "universal family" $G\rightarrow M$ and a representability property like this: for every ...
unknown's user avatar
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Where did the multigraded Segre product appear in the literature?

Let $k$ be a field and $A\subset \mathbb{N}^d$ a vector configuration. Let $R,S$ be commutative $k$-algebras, both graded by the affine semigroup $\mathbb{N}A$. Is the 'multidgraded Segre product' $R ...
Thomas Kahle's user avatar
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What are sources for pathological and non-so-pathological Gabriel filters on commutative rings?

The heavy lifting in the theory of Gabriel filters is for noncommutative rings, and discussions I've been able to find all focus there. I am trying to develop a theory of Gabriel-filter localization ...
Carl Weisman's user avatar
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Krull dimension of non-integral extensions

Some hours ago, a question was posted, asking (citation by heart, not literally) Let $R$ be a commutative ring (with unit). What can be said about the Krull dimension of an algebraic, non-integral ...
Ralph's user avatar
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What is a certain cartesian product of algebras?

Suppose $F$ is a field and $A$ the $F$-algebra $F[X]\times_{(F\times F)} F$ given by the missing corner of a cartesian square in $F$-algebras \begin{equation} F~\xrightarrow{\Delta} ~F\times F~ \...
Heinz R.'s user avatar
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level of rings and stable range of rings

The level $s(A)$ of a ring $A$ with unity $1$ is the smallest natural number $s$ such that $-1$ is a sum of $s$ squares in $A$. (If $-1$ is not a sum of squares in $A$, we say that $s(A) =\infty$.). ...
jjm's user avatar
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Decision problem about the existence of solution for an integer matrix equation

Given $A,B,C \ $ integer matrices of dimensions $l \times m$, $l \times n$ and $l \times m$, we want to decide (algorithmically) about the existence of $X$ (unimodular) and $Y \ $ integer matrices ...
Jorge's user avatar
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Is a tensor product of two dvrs semilocal?

Under what conditions is the tensor product of two dvrs semilocal? The same question about being reduced. Tensor product is taken over another dvr or over a field to make things simpler. For ...
unknown's user avatar
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Zariski's Main theorem [closed]

Sir, I am studying Zariski's Main theorem. May i know good source of problems related to Zariski's main theorem to understand it better? Thanks in advance.
Subramani's user avatar
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On avoiding a linear subspace of an algebra

Let $R = \bigoplus_{n \geq 0} R_n$ be a standard graded algebra over an infinite field $K = R_0$. Suppose $depth \ R > 0$. Thus there exist linear forms which are non-zero divisors of $R$. Let $a \...
Tony  Puthenpurakal's user avatar
7 votes
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An elementary question in singularities

The following problem came up in something I am working on. It has a really elementary statement but I couldn't crack it in a couple of hours of thinking about it. It isn't clear to me if I am being ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Splitting matrix of rank one

Let R a normal domain, that is an integrally closed noetherian domain, like Dedekind domains, UFD, etc Let A=(a i j ) a matrix with elements in R and dimension n x m. Suppose rank A=1 ↔ all 2 x ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar
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morphism which is open but not universally open

In someone's note, I have seen such an example, but I can't show that it is not universally open. Here is the example: Let $k$ be a field and $A = k[T]_{(T)}$, the discrete valuation ring obtained ...
user565739's user avatar
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universal finite differential module of affinoid algebra

Let $k$ be a value field (archimedean), for example $k = \mathbb{Q}_p$, the p-adic field. The free Tate algebra is $$ T_n := \left\{ \ \sum a_I X^I, \ a_I \in k, \ a_I \rightarrow 0 \text{ as } |I| \...
user565739's user avatar
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isomorphism between vector spaces and modules - Commutative Algebra

Hi, Let $M_i$ be A modules. Then we know that $Ass (\oplus M_i) = \bigcup Ass(M_i) $. We consider here isomorphisms between modules. Now consider a stanley ...
Andrei's user avatar
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A non-matroidal notion of dependence on a set of ideals

Assume we are given a set of ideals $I_1, \dots, I_s$ in a commutative polynomial ring. Let's define a subset indexed by $A\subseteq [s] = \{ 1,2,\dots, s\}$ as dependent if there exists an $a\in A$ ...
Thomas Kahle's user avatar
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Subfields $k\subseteq F\subseteq k(x_1,\dots,x_n)$. Is then $F\cap k[x_1,\dots,x_n]=k(f_1,\dots,f_m)\cap k[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ for polynomials $f_i$?

Let $F\subseteq k(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ be a subfield with $k\subseteq F$. I know that $F=k(\psi_1,\dots,\psi_r)$ for rational functions $\psi_i\in k(x_1,\dots,x_n)$. I'm interested in the intersection $F\...
InvisiblePanda's user avatar
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Laurent series with analytic coefficients

Let $A=H(D(0,1))$ the ring of holomorphic functions on the open unity disc. I consider the function $f$: $$f (t)=\sum f_{i}t^{i} \in A[[t]]$$ I suppose that the $t$-adic valuation of it is less or ...
prochet's user avatar
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Local coordinate system under finite integral extension

Let $\varphi:(A,\mathfrak{m})\to(B,\mathfrak{n})$ be a local morphism of regular local $\mathbb{C}$-algebras (of the same dimension) which makes $B$ integral over $A$. Let $\mathfrak{m}=(x_1,\ldots,...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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Size of an abelian permutation group with generators of order 2 [closed]

Let $g_1, \ldots, g_k$ be distinct permutations on a set $\Omega$. Suppose that $G = \langle g_1, \ldots, g_k \rangle$ is an abelian permutation group with only elements of order at most 2. Is it ...
Steve's user avatar
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What does the d-slice of a weighted polynomial algebra look like?

This question comes from the explicit construction of a smooth projective model of a hyperelliptic curve. Nevertheless it is fully elementary and, to me, more interesting than hyperelliptic curves. ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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Algebraic description of double vector bundles.

It is well known, by Serre-Swan theorem, that given a compact manifold M there is an equivalence of categories between the category of vector bundles over M and the category of finitely generated ...
Jesús's user avatar
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A weaker form of Zariski's connectedness principle

Let $A$ be a complete regular local noetherian ring of dimension $d>1$ and $B$ an $A$-algebra, finite and free as $A$-module. Assume moreover that there exists an open subset $U$ of $\textrm{Spec}\ ...
Olivier's user avatar
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"Consecutive" irreducible polynomials

If $P\in {\mathbb Z}[X]$ is a polynomial of degree $2$, then it is easy to see that for any integer $m$, at least one of the polynomials $P-(m+1),P-(m+2),P-(m+3),P-(m+4)$ is irreducible in ${\mathbb Z}...
Ewan Delanoy's user avatar
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projective dimension of finitely generated modules over char 0

In the paper "On modules of finite projective dimension over complete intersection" Dutta proved that a finitely generated module over a local complete intersection ring over char $p>0$ has finite ...
Fei YE's user avatar
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strict henselian and excellent henselian

Hello, everyone. I want to ask a problem about strict henselian ring. Let $A$ be a strict henselian DVR. Dose there exist subrings $A_{i}$ of $A$, such that $A=lim_{i} A_{i}$ and where $A_{i}$ are ...
kiseki's user avatar
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Cardinality of a linear independent subset of a free module over a commutative ring which is not an integral domain

If R is a commutative ring with unity and not an integral domain and F is a free R-module with rank k,is there a linear independent set with cardinality > k? I prooved that this is not true if R is an ...
t.k's user avatar
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Let $(R, m)$ be noetherian local, $\dim(R)=1$. Show $CH^1(R)=\mathbb{Z}/(\gcd([k_i, R/m]))$, where $k_i$ are residue fields of normalization

Let $R$ be a $1$-dimensional noetherian local domain. Then we have that $CH^1(R)=\mathbb{Z}/(\gcd([k_i, k]))$ where the $k_i$ are residue fields of the normalization and $k$ is the residue field of $R$...
Pax's user avatar
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Tor over non-noetherian local ring

Let $(A,m,k)$ be a local ring and let $M$ be a finite torsion $A$-module. Is ${\rm Tor}^A_1(M,k)$ finite over $k$? I am aware that the conclusion holds for any finite $A$-module $M$ when $A$ in ...
Ivan Tomasic's user avatar
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Absolute Irreducibility in Characteristic 2

Let $\mathbb F$ be a field and $\mathbb F[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$ the ring of multivariate polynomials in $n$ variables over $\mathbb F$. A polynomial $P\in\mathbb F[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$ is said absolutely ...
Bruno's user avatar
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relation between Min(R) and Min(R^)

Let $\hat{R}$ is $m$-adic completion of a local ring $(R,m)$.What is the relation between $Min R$ and $Min \hat{R}$. we know that $\hat{R}$ is faithfully flat $R$-module. $Min R$=set of all minimal ...
Stella's user avatar
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Maps of free modules over a ring [closed]

(This is exercise 10 of chapter 2 of Atiyah and Macdonald.) The exercise starts by asking me to prove that if $A^n\cong A^m$ then $n=m$ for any nonzero ring A. I managed to do that (by tensoring with ...
Xander Flood's user avatar
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semicontinuity of the conductor defined by Temkin

We say a principal pair $(X,\mathcal{I})$ where $X=Spec(A)$ is affine scheme and $\mathcal{I}=\tilde{I}$ where $I\subset A$ is a principal ideal generated by $\pi$ wich is a non zero divisor. For a ...
prochet's user avatar
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Rig of fractions, including zero denominators

For some integral domain $R$, one forms the field of fractions $R^*$ by considering (equivalence classes of) formal pairs {$r/s : r \in R, s\in R\backslash 0$} and defining $+$ and $*$ as you'd expect ...
Aleks Kissinger's user avatar
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How can I prove R[x] is integrally closed iff R is integrally closed ? (R: integral domain) [closed]

$R$ is a integral domain. How can I prove $R[x]$ is integrally closed iff $R$ is integrally closed?
Qijun Yan's user avatar
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Saturation of a subalgebra over the Tate-algebra inside the power series ring

Let $A$ be a discrete valuation ring and $\pi$ a uniformizer. Over $A$ we consider the Tate-algebra $$A\langle t \rangle =\{ f=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nt^n \mid a_n\in A, \lim_{n\to \infty} \lvert a_n\...
Andreas Maurischat's user avatar
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A simple problem on commutative algebra related to G.I.T

Let $G$ be a geometrically reductive algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $X$ be an affine variety over $k$ on which $G$ acts regularly. Then $G$ acts on the coordinate ring $A$ ...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Adjunction for underlying reduced subschemes

Let $k$ be a perfect field (so reduced = geometrically reduced) and $f:X\rightarrow \mathrm{Spec}(k)$ a Cohen-Macaulay morphism. Denote by $i:X_{red}\rightarrow X$ the underlying reduced subscheme ...
B. Cais's user avatar
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Explicitly generating 1 in an ideal without prime support

The Question Let $R$ be a unital commutative ring, and let $a,b_1,b_2\in R$. The following is a basic commutative algebra exercise. Lemma. If $Ra+Rb_1=R$ and $Ra+Rb_2=R$, then $Ra+Rb_1b_2=R$. Proof. ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
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Irreducibility of superelliptic curves

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, let $a,d$ be integers, and let $f\in k[x]$ be a separable polynomial of degree $d$. Question: a) Is the affine plane curve $y^a=f(x)$ ...
Robert's user avatar
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K-Theory and completion [duplicate]

I vaguely remember the existence of a statement that relates the $K$-theory (in the sense of Quillen) of a noetherian local ring $A$ with maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ with the $K$-theory of the $\...
FedeB's user avatar
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de Rham complex of closed immersion between smooth schemes

Hi, Let $R$ be a $\mathbb Q$-algebra and let $P$ and $Q$ be (EDIT: smooth) $R$-algebras such that there is a surjective map of $R$-algebras $Q\to P$. The following proof cannot possibly be correct, ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence

The Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence induces the traditional, finite Galois correspondence by suitable restriction; I've been pondering two things: 1. Are there any (other) interesting applications of ...
Stephan F. Kroneck's user avatar
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Infinite Galois correspondence "according to Artin"

Ever since Artin's lectures on Galois Theory one knows how to set up and derive the usual Galois correspondence in the finite(-dimensional) case using just a bit of elementary Linear Algebra, and ...
Stephan F. Kroneck's user avatar