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Daniel Loughran's user avatar
Daniel Loughran
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Which abelian varieties over a local field can be globalized?

10 votes

Is there a Chebotarev‘s theorem for non-Galois extension over Q?

10 votes

Hasse principle and its failure for a special class of plane cubics

10 votes

A question on BSD conjecture

10 votes

Geometrically irreducible variety

10 votes

Picard number and torsion of Neron-Severi group of abelian varieties over a number field

9 votes

Is there a classification of surface(smooth and projective) over arbitrary field?

9 votes

Hasse principle and Brauer-Manin obstruction for forms of large degree

9 votes

Density of multi-grade solutions to $x_1^k+x_2^k+x_3^k = y_1^k+y_2^k+y_3^k$ for $k = 5$ or $6$?

9 votes

Obstruction and rational points on curves

9 votes

What do we know about the number $\prod_p \left( 1 - \frac{1}{p}\right)^4\left( 1 + \frac{4}{p} + \frac{1}{p^2} \right) $?

9 votes

Elements of arbitrary large order in the first Galois cohomology of an elliptic curve

9 votes

How many cubes are the sum of three positive cubes?

9 votes

Does every non-isotrivial 1-parameter family of elliptic curves have a positive rank specialization?

8 votes

The number of integral solutions to $x^2+y^2-az^2=0$

8 votes

Automorphisms and infinitesimal deformations of a smooth complete intersection

8 votes

A sum of divisor functions

8 votes

Are there known cases of the Mumford–Tate conjecture that do not use Abelian varieties?

8 votes

What is the set of possible densities of pointless members in a family of rational curves over $\mathbb{Q}$?

8 votes

Parametrization of unit varieties

7 votes

Contour integration of $\zeta(s)\zeta(2s)$

7 votes

Random Diophantine polynomials: Percent solvable?

7 votes

Injectivity under flat base change of the Picard group on smooth projective curves

7 votes

Effective Lang-Weil bounds for del Pezzo surfaces

7 votes

What is the automorphic interpretation of the Weil conjectures over finite fields

7 votes

Reference request: number of irreducible components and top dimension etale cohomology

7 votes

Convergence of zeta functions for schemes of finite type over the integers

7 votes

Obstruction to rationality of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4

7 votes

Finite order Hecke characters

7 votes

Extending rational to integral points