Let $d(n)$ denote the number of positive divisors of $n$. Is it known how to evaluate the sum
$$\displaystyle \sum_{1 \leq m < n \leq X} d(m) d(n) d(n-m)?$$
A slightly more difficult question is if we change the height condition in the summation, to obtain the sum
$$\displaystyle \sum_{\substack{1 \leq mn(n-m) \leq X \\ 1 \leq m < n}} d(m) d(n) d(n-m).$$
This is a generalization of the single variable case, where it is known how to evaluate sums of the form
$$\displaystyle \sum_{1 \leq n \leq X} d(an + b) d(cn+d)$$
for fixed positive integers $a,b,c,d$.