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Tony Pantev's user avatar
Tony Pantev
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

How to compute $\mathcal{Ext}^{i}_{X}(\mathcal{O}_{Y_{1}},\mathcal{O}_{Y_{2}})$?

8 votes

Hitchin fibration outside of type A

8 votes

Can Enriques Surfaces have non-trivial TWISTED Fourier-Mukai partners?

7 votes

Higgs fields whose determinant have only simple zeros

7 votes

Is this Sequences of Complexes of Sheaves Exact?

7 votes

Orthogonal Complements of Root Lattices in E_8

7 votes

Gromov-Witten theory and compactifications of the moduli of curves

7 votes

What is an Oper?

6 votes

Is line bundle determined by the parameter space and fiber?

5 votes

Singular K3 -- mathematical meaning?

5 votes

Positivity in stack geometry

5 votes

Pushing Complex Structure Forward

5 votes

Question on K3 Surface

5 votes

Mirror symmetry for singular Lagrangian torus fibrations

4 votes

Computing chern classes for products of varieties

4 votes

What extra structure does the group of automorphisms of a torsor carry?

4 votes

Is there a quaternionic algebraic geometry ?

4 votes

Reference for the Hodge Bundle

4 votes

on chern classes and Riemann Roch theorem for torsion-free sheaves on singular (possibly multiple) curve

3 votes

Special fiber of the Neron Model of an Abelian scheme in terms of Limit Hodge Structure

3 votes

Symmetric sequence of blow-ups for the Fulton-MacPherson compactification

3 votes

Math History books

3 votes

Genus two pencil in K3 surface

2 votes

A question on the topological change of dualizing a SLAG fibration.

2 votes

Looking for a good exposition - Rees Construction

2 votes

A useful form of principle of connectedness

2 votes

morphisms from abelian varieties to rational curves.

1 vote

Analytic vs Zariski neighbourhood of a fibre