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user234212323's user avatar
user234212323's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
11 votes

Is a come back to mathematical research possible?

8 votes

Archiving mathematical correspondence

7 votes

Jouanolou thesis on l-adic cohomology

6 votes

Topos-theoretic Galois theory

6 votes

Authorship of Grothendieck universes

6 votes

Topology in non-mathematical literature

5 votes

Has the mathematical content of Grothendieck's "Récoltes et Semailles" been used?

5 votes

Archiving mathematical correspondence

4 votes

What are examples of mathematical concepts named after the wrong people? (Stigler's law)

3 votes

Archiving mathematical correspondence

3 votes

Grothendieck on polyhedra over finite fields

3 votes

Making the étale topos construction a fully faithful 2-functor from schemes to Grothendieck topoi

3 votes

Where can I find that Weil suggested a cohomology theory for characteristic $p>0$?

2 votes

Derivators (in English)

2 votes

Cohomologie Etale

2 votes

What is a self-dual category?

2 votes

Grothendieck on topological vector spaces

1 vote

What are Picard categories, where can I learn more about them, and why should I care to?

1 vote

A reference for geometric class field theory?

1 vote

Exposition of Grothendieck's mathematics

0 votes

What are some mathematical sculptures?

0 votes

Grothendieck's manuscript on topology