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Jim Humphreys's user avatar
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
Jim Humphreys
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
4 votes

Matrix from a homomorphism of simply connected groups

4 votes

highest weight the half-sum of positive roots

4 votes

Weyl group elements fixing a set of simple roots

4 votes

Maps between symmetric powers of the natural module for $SL_2 (k)$ in prime characteristic

4 votes

Question on irreducible representation of tensor products

4 votes

Is the Cartan matrix of a finite-dimensional (Hopf) algebra invertible over the rationals?

4 votes

the character tables of irreducible representations of $SL(3,Z_q)$

4 votes

The Analog of Borel Subgroup in a Compact Real Form

4 votes

Technical lemma on root systems, reduced to linear algebra

4 votes

on a property of minuscules in weight lattice

4 votes

What does a homogeneous space of a linear algebraic group know about the group?

4 votes

Conjugacy class of a full Jordan block over integers

4 votes

Minimal dimension of maximal abelian subalgebras

4 votes

unipotent groups, their forms and representations

4 votes

Classification of (compact) Lie groups

4 votes

Can we bound degrees of complex irreps in terms of the average conjugacy class size?

4 votes

Errata for Emil Artin's 'The Gamma Function'?

4 votes

How to find more (finite almost simple) groups with a given Sylow subgroup

4 votes

A place to find original papers

4 votes

Getting the Weyl dimension formula geometrically

4 votes

Simplicity of (complex) orthogonal groups

4 votes

Possible Borel subgroups of GL_n?

4 votes

query about Jacques Tits' "Uniqueness and Presentation of Kac-Moody groups over fields"

4 votes

BGG resolution and representations of parabolic subalgebras

4 votes

Indecomposable projectives correspond to irreducibles - reference

4 votes

Littelmann path operators for an arbitrary positive root

4 votes

Weight lattice and the fundamental group

4 votes

The relation of nilpotent orbits and simple singularities, for orbits smaller than subregular ones

4 votes

About $G$-modules versus $Lie(G)$-modules for algebraic groups

4 votes

Is the derived group of $G_2$ simply connected?

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