This type of question is intriguing but probably very difficult to analyze, given how little is known geometrically about the situation here. There might not be any helpful literature, though such questions have probably been raised. I'm definitely a non-expert, so my "answer" is mainly cautionary. The development due to Grothendieck, Brieskorn, and Slodowy involves a lot of delicate machinery related to a simple algebraic group and its Lie algebra (over $\mathbb{C}$ or other algebraically closed field of "good" characteristic). In this work one realizes concretely the various simple singularities within a simple Lie algebra of type A, D, or E; for other types some "unfolding" of the Dynkin diagram is then needed.
The big advantage of working with the subregular orbit and related 2-dimensional affine Slodowy slice is that so much is known concretely from the study of the Springer resolution of the nilpotent variety (in terms of the cotangent bundle of the flag variety). In particular, a fiber of this resolution is a "Dynkin curve": a union of projective lines indexed by vertices of the Coxeter/Dynkin diagram and having an incidence pattern described by that diagram. This picture fits naturally into the bigger picture giving the desired singularity along with a semiuniversal deformation. It's already a fairly long story, told carefully by Slodowy in his thesis and various later lectures.
Beyond the subregular case, there are indeed pairs of nilpotent orbits of dimensions differing again by 2, but almost nothing can be said about the geometry of the associated Springer fibers. There have been a couple of dissertations over the years (by Lorist, Fung) approaching this topic and getting partial results, but so far progress has been very limited. For
example, there are 2-dimensional Springer fibers in small rank cases which I strongly suspect are isomorphic as varieties, but this is hard to approach even though the dimensions of their cohomology spaces are known to coincide.
For the question stated, it's necessary in any case to make precise the language about "transversal slice" to one nilpotent orbit inside another, within the algebraic group and Lie algebra framework. Then one probably has to look first at small rank cases where the dimension difference is 2. It's easy to locate such cases but not so easy to take the next step.