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Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
Torsten Ekedahl
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
6 votes

Have people successfully worked with the full ring of differential operators in characteristic p?

6 votes

How does one view the De Rham spectral sequence as a Grothendieck spectral sequence?

6 votes

On the field of invariants of a finite group

6 votes

Connected extensions of finite by connected algebraic groups

6 votes

On special 2-groups

6 votes

If Spec(A) has a G-fixed point and a dense G-orbit, is Spec(A) a cone?

6 votes

Homological dimension of a graded ring which is like polynomial ring

6 votes

Quotient of a reductive group by a non-smooth central finite subgroup

6 votes

Is there a projection formula for motivic étale cohomology?

6 votes

derivative in the ring k[e]/e², chain rule

6 votes

What is the universal enveloping algebra?

6 votes

Is the tangent space functor from PD formal groups to Lie algebras an equivalence?

6 votes

When is the Yoneda product graded commutative?

6 votes

Relationship between topological cohomology and $\ell$-adic cohomology

6 votes

Up to projectivities, which configurations of four lines in $\mathbb{P}^3$ can one distinguish?

6 votes

Compactifications of varieties with small complement

6 votes

Relation between l-adic and l'-adic geometric monodromy

6 votes

Does trivial on local cohomology implies trivial on global cohomology?

6 votes

Geometric motivation for the Stanley-Reisner correspondence

6 votes

Sheaves without global sections

6 votes

How to show that a form of Euler characteristic is constant for a family of schemes?

5 votes

If one wants to work with $Q_l$-adic sheaves, should the scheme be of finite type over a 1-dimensional one?

5 votes

Explicit injective resolutions of (Laurent) polynomial rings

5 votes

Comparing lower central series and augmentation ideal completions

5 votes

Vector fields on complete intersections

5 votes

An explicit description of Lawvere's segment in the category of simplicial sets

5 votes

Hodge numbers of compactifications

5 votes

Betti Cohomology of singular Kummer Surface

5 votes

Tensor products of Weyl modules in positive characteristic

5 votes

Resolution of a free lie algebra as a module over its universal enveloping algebra.

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