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Timothy Foo's user avatar
Timothy Foo's user avatar
Timothy Foo
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
11 votes

Every prime number > 19 divides one plus the product of two smaller primes?

9 votes

Monic polynomial with integer coefficients with roots on unit circle, not roots of unity?

7 votes

Small residue classes with small reciprocal

6 votes

Values of Dirichlet L-funcions at natural numbers

5 votes

Using Vinogradov's theorem for finding prime solutions to a linear equation (an exercise from Vaughan's book)

4 votes

Irreducibility of polynomials related to quadratic residues

4 votes

Mertens-like sum in arithmetic progressions

3 votes

Infinitely many primes of the form $2^n+c$ as $n$ varies?

3 votes

Primes and Ackermann's function

3 votes

Examples of statements that provably can't be proved using a promising looking method

3 votes

Can the relative count of the primefactors in $\small \lim_{w\to\infty}\prod_{k=1}^w (p_k-1) $ be determined analytically?

2 votes

Generalizing Euclid's proof of the infinity of primes

2 votes

Primes in generalized fibonacci sequences

2 votes

Men in a bar - stoch. processes

1 vote

Proof of infinitude of primes whose reversal in base 10 is also prime

1 vote

Higher-dimensional Catalan numbers?

1 vote

Irreducibility of polynomials related to quadratic residues

0 votes

A question regarding simultaneous congruences

0 votes

Proof of infinitude of primes whose reversal in base 10 is also prime