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  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
73 votes

How do I see LaTeX math on any web page and in email?

57 votes

Why do Todd classes appear in Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula?

51 votes

A question regarding a claim of V. I. Arnold

46 votes

Why are spectral sequences so ubiquitous?

38 votes

Example Wanted: When Does Čech Cohomology Fail to be the same as Derived Functor Cohomology?

38 votes

Extending vector bundles on a given open subscheme

37 votes

How do I see LaTeX math on any web page and in email?

37 votes

Is there an underlying explanation for the magical powers of the Schwarzian derivative?

36 votes

Why didn't Vladimir Arnold get the Fields Medal in 1974?

32 votes

what mistakes did the Italian algebraic geometers actually make?

30 votes

How much of scheme theory can you visualize?

29 votes

When is a blow-up non-singular?

28 votes

Contracting divisors to a point

25 votes

Ample line bundles, sections, morphisms to projective space

24 votes

Is the Torelli map an immersion?

21 votes

Varieties cut by quadrics

21 votes

When are there enough projective sheaves on a space X?

21 votes

Euler-Maclaurin formula and Riemann-Roch

20 votes

What does «generic» mean in algebraic geometry?

19 votes

Sources for BibTeX entries

19 votes

Is the Euler characteristic a birational invariant

17 votes

Differences between reflexives and projectives modules

16 votes

Why does the Euler characteristic of a toric variety equal the number of vertices in the defining polytope?

15 votes

Confusion about how the first cohomology classifies torsors

15 votes

Applications of the "other" definition of sheaves

13 votes

The importance of EGA and SGA for "students of today"

13 votes

What classes am I missing in the Picard lattice of a Kummer K3 surface?

13 votes

What are examples of mathematical concepts named after the wrong people? (Stigler's law)

13 votes

What is known about the MMP over non-algebraically closed fields

12 votes

Applications of algebraic geometry over a field with one element