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Julian Newman's user avatar
Julian Newman
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • London, UK
7 votes

Definition of random measures

4 votes

Sufficient conditions for a SDE to have a stationary probability measure

4 votes

Do regular conditional distributions almost surely assign trivial measure to all members of the conditioning $\sigma$-algebra?

4 votes

Is "conditioning to a sub-$\sigma$-algebra" a measurable operation?

4 votes

Can a periodically additively perturbed sinusoidal vector field on the circle have a stable periodic orbit of higher least period?

3 votes

Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem and Ergodic Decomposition Theorem for Continuous-Time Markov Processes

3 votes

Convergence of Radon Nikodym derivatives

2 votes

Can a weaker version of the Hausdorff paradox be proved without AC?

2 votes

For a SDE with smooth transition densities, if every point is "path-accessible", is every positive-measure set probabilistically accessible?

1 vote

Taylor's theorem for a composition with $\min:\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R$ and differentiability Lebesgue almost everywhere

1 vote

Are the jumps of a càdlàg function "summable"?

1 vote

Does the "random Krylov-Bogolyubov theorem" hold in a non-skew-product setting?

1 vote

Shift-ergodic stochastic processes in continuous time

1 vote

Is there a natural measurable structure on the $\sigma$-algebra of a measurable space?

1 vote

Is it possible for a random nowhere dense closed set to have a positive probability of hitting any given point?

1 vote

Weaker version of the martingale convergence theorem

0 votes

How far can the domain of definition of multiplier operators be extended?

0 votes

Infima of conditional densities after disintegration

0 votes

Invariant and periodic measures of the random dynamical system on the circle generated by $d\theta_t=dW_t$

0 votes

Does mixing automatically imply this seemingly stronger "uniform modulo re-ordering" version of mixing?

0 votes

Is there a generalised version of the Donsker invariance principle for a "sort-of continuous-time-random-walk"?