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Vladimir Dotsenko's user avatar
Vladimir Dotsenko
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Is there a $3$-commutative algebra?

5 votes

About a solid which satisfies $\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i=0, |x_i|\le1\ (i=1,2,\cdots,n)$

5 votes

Where should I search for resolutions?

5 votes

Lambert series identity

5 votes

Two (other) rings...are they isomorphic?

5 votes

Whitehead lemmas in Lie algebra cohomology for non-algebraically closed fields

5 votes

Buchberger algorithm question

5 votes

Signed factors of harmonic polynomials

5 votes

Number of A Subset of Monomials

5 votes

Gröbner/SAGBI bases for non-commutative setting

5 votes

Orbits of exterior products

5 votes

Formal geometry

5 votes

What are the motivations for studying Cherednik (symplectic reflection, graded Hecke) algebras?

4 votes

Terminology: Algebras where long strings of products are 0?

4 votes

Open source mathematical software

4 votes

Is a polynomial with 1 very large coefficient irreducible?

4 votes

In what sense are fields an algebraic theory?

4 votes

Canonical examples of algebraic structures

4 votes

Number of integer combinations $x_1 < \cdots < x_n$?

4 votes

What is growth of ass. algebra with 3 generators and relation a1a2a3 + a2a3a1 +a3a1a2 - a1a3a2 - a2a1a3 -a3a2a1 ?

4 votes

Degree of sum of algebraic numbers

4 votes

bound for binomial coefficients

4 votes

Product of Fibonacci numbers

4 votes

Origin of the sign convention in the Tensor product of graded vector spaces

4 votes

Perspective on the diamond lemma in ring theory

4 votes

Isotypic components of the action of the symmetric group on polynomials

4 votes

Configuration spaces of the torus

4 votes

A nice generating set for the symmetric power of an algebra

4 votes

Bracket of lyndon words?

4 votes

Do representations of the universal enveloping algebra $\mathrm{U}\mathfrak{su}_2$ retain the Hopf algebra structure?

3 4
6 7