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Reid Barton's user avatar
Reid Barton
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
9 votes

$(\infty,1)$-categories and model categories

9 votes

Spectra and localizations of the category of topological spaces

8 votes

Homotopy type of set of self homotopy-equivalences of a surface

8 votes

Ackermann-related function

8 votes

Uncountable preimage of every point

8 votes

What is the definition of a $\mathcal{U}$-category?

8 votes

Locally presentable categories, universes, and Vopenka's principle

8 votes

Is this geometrically-defined minimum an algebraic number?

8 votes

Is there a free digraph associated to a graph?

8 votes

Reference for iterated homotopy fixed points?

8 votes

Asymptotics of a Bernoulli-number-like function

8 votes

Does the product (by an object) in an abelian category ever have a right adjoint?

8 votes

How to compute the average distance till intersection within a triangle in $\mathbb{R}^2$?

7 votes

Yoneda embedding target

7 votes

Standard name of "atomic morphisms"?

7 votes

Is every left fibration of simplicial sets with nonempty fibers a trivial kan fibration?

7 votes

Between abstract and concrete: What's the right way to think of specific categories?

7 votes

Is the coproduct of fibrant spectra fibrant again?

7 votes

Sum of $n$ vectors in $(\mathbb Z/n)^k$

7 votes

Is there a meaningful difference between biased and unbiased composition?

7 votes

(infinity,1)-categories directly from model categories

7 votes

Resources for learning practical category theory

7 votes

For which spaces is homology (or cohomology) determined by the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms

7 votes

Cogroup objects

7 votes

Edge-disjoint shortest paths

7 votes

Commutation of limits and colimits: Is there a choice diagram?

7 votes

Algebraic topology over fields other than ${\bf R}$

7 votes

Equivalences in Model Categories

6 votes

The urge to combine 1- and 2-morphisms in slicing a 2-category.

6 votes

Kernels and cokernels of multicomplex homomorphisms

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