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Reid Barton's user avatar
Reid Barton
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
20 votes

Least number of charts to describe a given manifold

20 votes

Relating category theory to programming language theory

19 votes

Limits in category theory and analysis

19 votes

Colimits in the category of smooth manifolds

18 votes

Are non-empty finite sets a Grothendieck test category?

18 votes

Why forgetful functors usually have LEFT adjoint?

18 votes

Is it possible to capture a sphere in a knot?

18 votes

Is there an infinity × infinity lemma for abelian categories?

17 votes

Countable subgroups of compact groups

17 votes

K-theory as a generalized cohomology theory

16 votes

Mayer-Vietoris homotopy groups sequence of a pull-back of a fibration

16 votes

How to think about model categories?

16 votes

Number of permutations with a specified number of fixed points

15 votes

How cavalier can I be when demanding a category have direct sums?

15 votes

Is the singular simplicial complex functor $\operatorname{Sing}_\bullet:\operatorname{Top} \to \operatorname{sSets}$ fully faithful for nice spaces?

14 votes

Are there any important mathematical concepts without discrete analog?

14 votes

Do h-coequalizers and coproducts give all h-colimits?

14 votes

yoneda-embedding vs. dual vector space

13 votes

Is the semigroup M(n, Z) finitely presented? If so, where can I find a presentation of it?

13 votes

What are the auto-equivalences of the category of groups?

13 votes

Why do finite homotopy groups imply finite homology groups?

13 votes

Upper bound on the area of a midpoint pentagon?

13 votes

One Point Compactification

13 votes

Two finite groups with the same identical relations?

13 votes

What is the minimum N for which there exist N points in the plane that cannot be covered by any number of non-overlapping closed unit discs?

13 votes

"Models" in homotopy theory

12 votes

Taking the category of sheaves is symmetric monoidal

12 votes

Why the search for ever larger primes?

12 votes

What are examples of good toy models in mathematics?

12 votes

Which commutative rigs arise from a distributive category?

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