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Zhen Lin
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Do simplicial objects in a Topos form a model category?

3 votes

About reflective full subcategories and small-orthogonality classes

3 votes

Is this square a push-out square?

3 votes

Definition of continuous functions in order theory

2 votes

question of topos and site

2 votes

Cocontinuous functor out of the terminal category

2 votes

Cartesian products between cofibrant simplicial presheaves

2 votes

Generators in the sense of Freyd and Kelly

2 votes

Left Bousfield localisation of trivial model structures

2 votes

Universally closed implies proper for locales

2 votes

Are the two definitions of fppf topology on the category of schemes the same?

2 votes

DK equivalences are Reedy equivalences for complete Segal spaces

2 votes

A confusion about covering flatness

2 votes

Does a topological hypercover always have free degeneracies?

2 votes

Strict comma objects implies comma objects

1 vote

Objects whose representable presheaf is a fibration

1 vote

Assumptions on the category C for sheafification of C-valued presheaves

1 vote

Pullback as a local property

1 vote

Canonical colimit and cartesian product of simplicial sets

1 vote

Categories of spans from categories of fibrant objects

1 vote

Group cohomology without G-modules (a.k.a. what does this bar construction compute?)

1 vote

Is there a name for this "weak compatibility" between Grothendieck (pre)topologies?

0 votes

Externalising monoids using the Yoneda-embedding and relation to Kleisli categories

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