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Statistics of spectral properties of matrix-valued random variables.

10 votes

Scaling in Mehta's integral

Yes, this follows by the de la Vallée-Poussin necessary and sufficient condition for the uniform integrability. Indeed, suppose that \begin{equation} \gamma n^2\to a \end{equation} (as $n\to\infty$) …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
6 votes

Tail probability of random projection

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \renewcommand{\P}{\operatorname{\mathsf P}} \newcommand{\Ga}{\Gamma} \newcommand{\de}{\delta}$ In view of the spherical symmetry of the distribution of the $l$-dimensiona …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
4 votes

Tighter upper bound for $\mathbb{E} [\max_{\sigma \in \{ \pm 1\}^n} \sigma^T W \sigma]$

$\newcommand\si{\sigma}$ $\newcommand\Si{\Sigma}$ $\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}$ Let $\Si:=\{\pm 1\}^n$. The map $$\R^{n\times n}\ni w\mapsto f(w):=(w_\si)_{\si\in\Si}\in\R^\Si, $$ where $w_\si:=\si^T w\ …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Expectation of Mahalanobis norm

A greater and more general lower bound holds: $$(*)\qquad E f\Big(\sum_{i=1}^d \lambda_i g_i^2\Big) \ge E f(X_\lambda),$$ where $\lambda:=\lambda_1+\dots+\lambda_d$, $X_\lambda$ has the $\chi^2$ dis …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Average of the maximum matrix element over the Haar measure

$\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}$$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Any linear isometry of $\C^d$ is a unitary transformation. Therefore, the distribution of the random vector $V:=(X_1,Y_1,\dots,X_d,Y_d)$ is unif …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Expectation of inverse of random matrices

Let us assume that $\alpha>0$. Then, by rescaling, without loss of generality $\alpha=1$. So, we have to provide an upper or lower bound on $Ef(X)$, where $X$ is a random $n\times n$ positive-definite …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Powers of Frobenius norm of sum of random matrices

The $A_i$'s are independent zero-mean random vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$, which is a Hilbert space with respect to the Frobenius norm $\|\cdot\|:=\|\cdot\|_F$. So, by a vector version of Rose …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Limiting distribution of "scatter matrix" $\frac{1}{n}XX^T:=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nx_ix_i^T$...

$\newcommand{\tr}{\operatorname{tr}}$ Let $x=[x^1,\dots,x^p]^T:=x_1$, $y:=xx^T$, $\mu:=Ey$, $w:=y-\mu$, and $s:=\sum_1^n x_ix_i^T$. Then, by the appropriate laws of large numbers, $s/n\to Ey$ almost s …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Expected value of orthogonal projection $X^{+}X$

Assume that $\det\Sigma\ne0$. Then the random matrix $X$ is of rank $m$ almost surely (a.s.). So, a.s. the Moore--Penrose inverse of $X$ is $X^+=X^\top(XX^\top)^{-1}$ and hence $$X^+X=X^\top(XX^\top)^ …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

Expectation of random matrix

$\newcommand\lmax{\lambda_{\max}(P)}\newcommand\lmin{\lambda_{\min}(P)}$Your first displayed inequality for all positive definite random matrices $Q$ means exactly that the function $$P\mapsto\frac\l …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

Independent decomposition of coordinate distribution

$\newcommand{\al}{\alpha} \newcommand{\de}{\delta} \newcommand{\De}{\Delta} \newcommand{\ep}{\epsilon} \newcommand{\ga}{\gamma} \newcommand{\Ga}{\Gamma} \newcommand{\la}{\lambda} \newcommand{\Si}{\Sig …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a bound on the norm of the product of second moment matrix with random vector?

$\newcommand\Si{\Sigma}$ $\newcommand\X{\mathbf X}$ The answer is no. Indeed, let $p_i:=P_i$, $p:=P$, $\X:=(X_1,\dots,X_n)$, and $\Si_\X:=\Si(p)$. At least one of the vectors $\Si^{-1}X_j$ is nonzero, …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

Concentration of norm of linearly transformed normal random vector as dimension go to infinity

The answer is no. Indeed, first of all, to make sense of the question, we need to deal with an infinite sequence of iid $N(0,1)$ random variables (r.v.'s) $X_1,X_2,\dots$. Next, for $n=1,2,\dots,\inft …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

Moments of rescaled Bernoulli random matrix

It is apparently assumed that the $Z_{ij}$'s are independent, as we will do here -- since otherwise hardly anything can be said. Suppose also that $m\ge2$ and $0<p<1$. The $ab$-entry of the matrix $Y: …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

Distribution of scaled Johnson-Lindenstrauss transforms

$\newcommand\ep\epsilon\newcommand{\de}{\delta}\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$We have \begin{equation*} P((1-\ep)\|x\|\le\|Ax\|\le(1+\ep)\|x\|)\ge\de \tag{1}\label{1} \end{equation*} for some $\ep,\de …
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar

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