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Algebraic number fields, Algebraic integers, Arithmetic Geometry, Elliptic Curves, Function fields, Local fields, Arithmetic groups, Automorphic forms, zeta functions, $L$-functions, Quadratic forms, Quaternion algebras, Homogenous forms, Class groups, Units, Galois theory, Group cohomology, Étale cohomology, Motives, Class field theory, Iwasawa theory, Modular curves, Shimura varieties, Jacobian varieties, Moduli spaces

3 votes

Lower bound on the class group of the p-Hilbert class field of an imaginary quadr. field

If $G$ is the Galois group of the $p$-class field tower over $K$, then $A(H(K))=G'/G''$ is a quotient of $G_2/G_4$, where $G_i$ denotes the lower central series. By Arrigoni's calculation that $G_2/G …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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2 votes

relations between class numbers of quadratic extensions

The short answer to your question is basically no, there's essentially no connection between the prime powers $q^i$ dividing $h_p$ and $h_{-p}$. It's true that there's a general relationship betwee …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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17 votes

Conceptualizing Weil Pairing for elliptic curves ( and number fields)

The unifying picture you're looking for is probably most transparent the other way around -- by re-writing the Weil pairing on elliptic curves (in fact, this works more generally for Jacobians) to mak …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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5 votes

Congruences mod primes in Galois extensions

Sure. $a\equiv b\pmod{\mathfrak{P}}$ just means $a-b\in\mathfrak{P}$. Taking norms to any subfield $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)$ (e.g., $\mathbb{Q}$ or $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_m)$) gives you $N_{\mathbb{Q} …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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12 votes

Where can I find a modern write-up of Heegner's solution of Gauss' class number 1 problem?

In his article On the "gap'' in a theorem of Heegner, Stark does a pretty thorough job of explaining where people thought the purported gap came from, to what extent it actually was a gap, and what yo …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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16 votes

Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic _number theory_

I concur that Neukirch is a good candidate, so instead of starting with a new recommendation (I'll come back to that later), let me instead disagree with Felipe Voloch's contention that algebraic numb …
26 votes
1 answer

What is the ring of integers of the Pythagorean field?

Following Hilbert, we call the complex numbers constructible via compass and straight-edge the field of Euclidean numbers, and the totally real such numbers the field of Pythagorean numbers. (Among o …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

Class Numbers and 163

This is a bit fluffier of a question than I usually aim for, so apologies in advance if this doesn't pass the smell test for suitability. Likely my favorite fun fact in all of number theory is the jux …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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73 votes
2 answers

Please check my 6-line proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

Kidding, kidding. But I do have a question about an $n$-line outline of a proof of the first case of FLT, with $n$ relatively small. Here's a result of Eichler (remark after Theorem 6.23 in Washingt …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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5 votes

Etale coverings of certain open subschemes in Spec O_K

As Kevin points out, $V$ is indeed $\mathcal{O}_K[\frac{1}{2}]$ in your example. Your link to the fundamental group is also correct. $\pi_1(U)$ is the Galois group of the maximal extension of $\math …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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7 votes

On what kind of objects do the Galois groups act?

This is not exactly an incarnation of the question you asked, in the sense that is not so much an action of a Galois group but rather an action whose existence is governed by a Galois group of number- …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Why aren't there more classifying spaces in number theory?

Much of modern algebraic number theory can be phrased in the framework of group cohomology. (Okay, this is a bit of a stretch -- much of the part of algebraic number theory that I'm interested in...) …
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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39 votes

Good algebraic number theory books

Though Mariano's comment above is no doubt true and the most complete answer you'll get, there are a couple of texts that stand apart in my mind from the slew of textbooks with the generic title "Alge …