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Reference request for a proof of the fact that every congruence-permutable variety is semidegenerate

Given an algebra $\mathbf{A}$, a pair of congruences $ \alpha ,\beta \in Con(\mathbf {A})$ are said to permute when $ \alpha \circ \beta =\beta \circ \alpha$, and an algebra $\mathbf{A}$ is called ...
Arena's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are there atoms in the lattice of intermediate logics?

A few days ago I stumbled upon this question on MS. The question is: Does the lattice of intermediate logics have an atom, i.e. an element that is strictly stronger than IPC but not strictly stronger ...
Navid's user avatar
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Parametrization of topological algebraic objects

There are several results of the following form: if an algebraic objects is endowed with a topology (or rather uniformity) which is somehow compatible with the algebraic structure, this uniformity is ...
erz's user avatar
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11 votes
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Lattices of clones: is 4 worse than 3?

Let $\mathscr{C}_n$ be the lattice of clones on the $n$-element set $\{1,...,n\}$. $\mathscr{C}_2$ is complicated but countable, but $\mathscr{C}_3$ (and all higher lattices) is of size continuum. ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
10 votes
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Are modular lattices shallow?

Let $A$ be a universal algebra with finitely many finitary operations. Write $F_n$ for the $n$-ary operations. We define the affine maps on $A$ inductively: $\eta \mapsto \eta$ and $\eta \mapsto c$ ...
Ville Salo's user avatar
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Is a principal filter in a free Heyting algebra a projective Heyting algebra?

A Heyting algebra is a bounded distributive lattice $(L,\vee,\wedge,0,1)$ together with a binary operation $\rightarrow$ called implication or relative pseudocomplementation with the property that, ...
Tri's user avatar
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How large must algebras with a given congruence lattice be?

This is a follow-up to a recent question of mine: For $n\in\mathbb{N}$ let $C(n)$ be the smallest $k$ such that every bounded lattice with cardinality $\le n$ which is isomorphic to the congruence ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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Example of trickiness of finite lattice representation problem?

I'm trying to come up with a good explanation for my students of why the finite lattice representation problem is difficult. I've already shown that the "greedy approach" to representing the ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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A new and subtle order-theoretic fixed point theorem

Sometimes a very simple argument appears out of the blue and overturns a subject. It is not based on pre-existing theory and heavy involvement in such a theory is actually a handicap in finding such ...
Paul Taylor's user avatar
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7 votes
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Free median algebras and maximal linked systems

$\DeclareMathOperator\MLS{MLS}$Recall that the median operation, on the power set $2^Y$ of subsets of a set $Y$, is the ternary law $m(A,B,C)$ mapping a triple of subsets to the set of elements ...
YCor's user avatar
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Ordering preserved by an inverse frame homomorphism

Recall that a frame homomorphism $h:L\to M$ is called ($L$ and $M$ are frames): Dense if, for any $x ∈ L$, $h(x) = 0$ implies $x = 0$. Codense if, for any $x ∈ L$, $h(x) = 1$ implies $x = 1$. ...
Biller Alberto's user avatar
23 votes
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Are there axioms satisfied in commutative rings and distributive lattices but not satisfied in commutative semirings?

Consider the language of rigs (also called semirings): it has constants $0$ and $1$ and binary operations $+$ and $\times$. The theory of commutative rigs is generated by the usual axioms: $+$ is ...
Zhen Lin's user avatar
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18 votes
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Uses of Zorn's Lemma when the thing is actually unique

There is a revised version, which I might substitute for this one, but I would like to keep this as evidence of priority for the "special condition". Are there uses of the sledgehammer Zorn'...
Paul Taylor's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Explicit lifting characterization of complete lattices among posets?

It's well-known that the complete lattices are characterized among all posets as the regular-injectives. That is, a poset $L$ is a complete lattice if and only if $L$ has the right lifting property ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Equivalence relations: Cosimplicial semilattice?

For $n\ge 0$, let $E_n$ be the set of all equivalence relations on $[n]:=\{0,\dotsc,n\}$. Now given two equivalence relations $R,R'\in E_n$, we build their join $$R\vee R' := \langle R\cup R'\rangle,$$...
FKranhold's user avatar
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What is the method to relax or weakening a structure "ripping off" from it all its identity elements?

In mathematics, an identity element or neutral element is a special type of element of a set with respect to a binary operation on that set, which leaves other elements unchanged when combined with ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Finite lattice representation problem checking

[Grätzer and Schmidt 1963] proves that every algebraic lattice is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of a universal algebra. A finite lattice is algebraic. The finite lattice representation problem ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Word problem for finitely presented bounded lattices

There is a solution to the word problem for finitely presented (non-bounded) lattices, as well as a solution to the word problem for free bounded lattices. I am assuming that there is a solution to ...
User7819's user avatar
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What is known about ideal and divisibility lattices of GCD domains and their generalizations?

The divisibility relation "$a$ divides $b$", or concisely, $a \vert b$ defined over a commutative integral domain $R$ with identity induces a partial order on the multiplicative semigroup $R/R^{\times}...
user1868607's user avatar
19 votes
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Representation theorem for modular lattices?

Birkhoff's representation theorem implies that every distributive lattice embeds into the lattice of subsets of a set. Is there also some representation theorem for modular lattices? For example, I ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

About a construction of Borel $\sigma$-algebra associated to a lattice

Let $(\mathcal{A}, \cup, \cap)$ a lattice (with minimum and maximum elements $\bot$ and $\top$). Let $X\subset \mathcal{A}$ a generator set (a set of minimal cardinality that generate $\mathcal{A}$ i....
Buschi Sergio's user avatar
5 votes
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When are the congruence lattices nicer?

This is a purely idle question, but one I'm increasingly interested the more thought I put into it: For $\mathcal{A}$ a universal algebra (that is, nonempty set together with some named functions), a ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
5 votes
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Finite lattices whose number of join-irreducibles does not exceed its height

In a finite distributive lattice $L$ one has $height(L) = |J(L)|$ i.e. the size of the largest chain equals the number of join-irreducible elements. Briefly, this follows by arranging the subposet $J(...
Rob Myers's user avatar
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Generalizations of Birkhoff's HSP Theorem

Let $\mathbf{C}$ be the class of algebraic structures of some fixed type satisfying some sentence $\phi$. Birkhoff's HSP theorem says that $\mathbf{C}$ is closed under homomorphisms, subalgebras and ...
Tristan Bice's user avatar
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Distributive lattice embedding into a finite lattice

Suppose one has an inclusion $\iota : D \hookrightarrow S$ where $D$ is a finite distributive lattice and $S$ is a finite join-semilattice. If $\iota$ preserves all meets and joins one can show that $...
Rob Myers's user avatar
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Direct limit of lattice-ordered groups

In general, any abelian group can be expressed as a direct limit of its f.g. subgroups. For the case of $\ell$-group (lattice-ordered group) is that true or not? As an abelian group we do not have ...
Rajnish's user avatar
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Algebras with supremum-founded subalgebra lattice

I am interested in algebras whose subalgebra lattice is supremum-founded. Let us call those algebras small. A complete lattice $(L, \leq)$ is called supremum-founded, if for any two elements $x < ...
Niemi's user avatar
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Given a lattice L with n elements, are there finite groups H < G such that L $\cong$ the lattice of subgroups between H and G?

If there is no restriction on $n$, this is a famous open problem. I'm wondering if any recent work has been done for small $n>6$. I believe the question is answered (positively) for $n=6$ by ...
William DeMeo's user avatar
8 votes
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Lattice-ordered commutative monoids

By a lattice-ordered monoid, I mean a structure $(A,0,{+},{\vee},{\wedge})$ such that $(A,0,{+})$ is a (not necessarily commutative) monoid, $(A,{\vee},{\wedge})$ is a lattice, and the two ...
François G. Dorais's user avatar
5 votes
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Is every lattice the fixed-point set of an order-preserving endomorphism of ⋄^n?

(Asked by Nathaniel Hellerstein on the Q&A board at JMM) Let $\diamond$ be the 4 element lattice τ / \ i j \ / f Is every lattice isomorphic to the fixed point lattice of some order-...
2010 Joint Meetings's user avatar