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Question on Lorentzian geometry

I apologize in advance if this is a too basic question. Let $(M,g)$ be a Lorentzian manifold with signature convention $(-,+,\dots,+)$. Now, lets suppose $X\in\Gamma(TM)$ defines a global time-...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Bochner Laplacian in coordinates

Sorry if this is a too basic question, but I didn't find an answer anywhere: The connection Laplacian, or Bochner Laplacian, is the differential operator acting on $k$-tensor fields $T\in\Gamma^{\...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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About "residual" scalar curvature in Einstein warped product manifold

I have an Einstein warped product manifold $M=B \times_f F$ with warped metric $g=g^B+f^2g^F$, where $F$ is Ricci flat, then its scalar curvature is $S^F=0$. It is well known that the scalar curvature ...
MathDG's user avatar
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$1$-parameter family of metrics preserving the normal direction

Let $(M^n,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary, $n \geq 2$, and let $N$ be the unit outward normal to $\partial M$. Denote by $S^2(M)$ the symmetric covariant $2$-tensors, by $S^2_0(M)$ ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Decomposition of tensor field on hypersurface

Let $(\mathcal{M},g)$ be a Lorentzian manifold, which is globally of the form $\mathcal{M}\cong I\times\Sigma$, where $I\subset\mathbb{R}$ ("time") and $\Sigma$ ("space") is some $...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Example of a curvature with no associated metric

Is there a concrete example of a $4$ tensor $R_{ijkl}$ with the same symmetries as the Riemannian curvature tensor, i.e. \begin{gather*} R_{ijkl} = - R_{ijlk},\quad R_{ijkl} = R_{jikl},\quad R_{ijkl} =...
Matthew Lou's user avatar
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Does every ‘curvature’ tensor induce a metric? [duplicate]

So we know that given a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ we can calculate its Riemannian curvature $R$. This covariant $4$-tensor field then satisfies some important symmetries \begin{gather*} R_{ijkl} = - ...
Matthew Lou's user avatar
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Bounds for metric in normal coordinate

Let $M$ be a Riemannian $n$-manifold and $x \in M$. For the metric tensor $g_{ij}$ of geodesic normal coordinates at $x$, there is a formula $g_{ij}(y) = \delta_{ij} + \frac13 R_{kijl} y^k y^l + O(\|y\...
Uzu Lim's user avatar
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Local diagonalisation of a degenerated 2d metric tensor

Consider a smooth 2d-manifold $M$ and let $g$ be a smooth $(0,2)$-tensor satisfying $rk(g)\geq1$ everywhere. Obviously if $rk(g)=2$ at a point $p\in M$ then $g$ is locally diagonalisable (i.e. there ...
Athena's user avatar
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Decomposition of tensors

It is well known that every traceless, symmetric $2$-tensor can be decomposed uniquely into a Lie derivative part and a Codazzi part. Is there an analog for totally symmetric $k$-tensors?
AMath91's user avatar
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Is there a geometric intepretation of the trace of tensor on a Riemannian manifold?

For a long time I thought the trace for matrices were just an elementary function with nice properties. But it is much more than that and really should be think of as a geometrical object (see ...
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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How is this product of tensors defined?

I am reading the paper “ The first eigenvalue of a small geodesic ball in a riemannian manifold”, by Karp and Pinsky, from where I took the following: Here, $\Delta_{-2}$ denotes the usual Laplacian ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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References Request: Bach tensor

Recently I want to study about Bach tensor in detail. From the fundemental definition and properties to conformal invariant. Is there any references to me about Bach tensor? If there are some origins ...
Grantsome's user avatar
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Mean Gaussian curvature from non-unit vector

Pg.248 of "Textbook in Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry" by Prasun Nayak. Let us suppose that $\lambda_{h|}^i$ is not a unit vector and therefore, the mean curvature $M_h$ in this ...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Christoffel symbols as the expansion coefficients of covariant/contravariant derivatives

Page 155 of Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications, by A.I Borishenko and I.E. Tarapov, the authors state that Christoffel symbols of the second kind are expansions of $\frac{\partial {\bf e}_j}{...
Olumide's user avatar
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Question on Nash's paper on $C^1$ isometric immersions: Why approximating the error tensor $\delta$?

I am trying to go through the classical paper by Nash on the existance of $C^1$ isometric immersion of a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ (here is the Jstor link:
Nick A.'s user avatar
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Connection of the existence of Killing-Yano tensor and Killing tensor

Stephani states that in 4 dimensions a spacetime admits a non-reducible Killing-Yano tensor only if the Weyl tensor either is of Petrov type D or vanishes. Does this imply that the spacetime also ...
eriugena's user avatar
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On a Riemannian manifold, calculate the metric from the distance [closed]

Given a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ is it possible to calculate the distance between two points on this manifold. Is it possible the inverse? That means: given a formula of the distance, for example: ...
Riccardo.Alestra's user avatar
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A kind of "Curvature tensor" for higher dimensional tensors

I begin my question with a multilinear question then I will consider two local smooth analogies: Assume that $\alpha$ is a real valued symmetric $k$-tensor, that is a $k$-linear map $\alpha:\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Vanishing of determinant of Cotton York tensor

suppose $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ is a Riemannian manifold with $g= dx_1^2 + dx_2^2 + c(x_1,x_2,x_3)dx_3^2$. Is it true that $det(CY)=0$? Thanks
Ali's user avatar
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Obtaining the metric from the mixed Ricci tensor $R^i{}_j$

In chapter 5 of the book "Einstein Manifolds", Arthur Besse discusses the possibility to find the metric $g$ when knowing the Ricci curvature tensor $Ric(g)$ ($=R_{ij}$). But what do we know about ...
Cristi Stoica's user avatar
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Calculating the Riemann Christoffel tensor for a diagonal metric

I am trying to calculate the entries of the Riemann curvature tensor $R^m_{\phantom{m}ijk}$ for the metric $g_{ij}$. The Riemann-Christoffel tensor is given as \begin{align} R^m_{\phantom{m}ijk} = \...
imranal's user avatar
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The Laplacian of an expression involving the Ricci tensor

While doing some computations on a compact Riemannian manifold I have reached the following expression: $$ \Delta_y \big( Ric_y (\exp_y ^{-1} x, \exp_y ^{-1} x) \big) (x)$$ where $\Delta_y$ is the ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Equations satisfied by the Riemann curvature tensor

It is well known that the Riemann curvature tensor of a metric satisfies \begin{eqnarray} R_{jikl}=-R_{ijkl}=R_{ijlk},(1)\\ R_{klij}=R_{ijkl},(2)\\ R_{i[jkl]}=0 \mbox{(1st Bianchi identity)}.(3) \end{...
asv's user avatar
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Global geometry measures for Riemannian manifolds

I'm working on a stochastic algorithm and considering it to apply in case of any curved space (manifolds). But in order to make the algorithm as efficient as possible I want to include in it some ...
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