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Questions tagged [spectral-sequences]

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10 votes
1 answer

$\pi_{2p^kn - 1}(P^{2n+1}(p^r))$ contains a $\mathbb{Z}_{p^{r+1}}$ summand

I am reading Neisendorfer's paper Samelson products and exponents of homotopy groups and related papers. I am stuck on theorem 14.1 on page 21, which says that there exists a $\mathbb{Z}_{p^{r+1}}$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Prove or disprove that there exists no $G$ structure with its bordism group $\Omega_1^{G} =\mathbb{Z}/N$ for $N>2$

It can be found that there are the following bordism group $\Omega_0^{G}$ at $d=0$ and 1 dimensions by requiring $G$ structure for $d$-manifolds: $$ \Omega_0^{SO} = \mathbb{Z} , \quad \Omega_1^{SO} = ...
6 votes
1 answer

Weibel's H-book, Milnor's exact sequence for spectral sequence of filtered complex, Theorem 5.5.5

This is a question which I asked on StackExchange first, but might be more suited here. I got stuck on the proof of Theorem 5.5.5 in Weibel's book. Not only that, but I also could not even find the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Functoriality of Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence - Reference Request

I'm interested in a text book reference on the functoriality of the Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence. The only reference I found are these lecture notes by Kupers (link should lead to the target ...
1 vote
0 answers

On the dual version of an isomorphism of spectral sequence term (from Cartan and Eilenberg)

I'm trying to take spectral sequences as a black box for application in commutative algebra and I admit that I haven't really gone through (or understand) all the proofs of all the isomorphisms ...
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0 answers

Using the Serre spectral sequence - moving between $\mathbb{Z}/2$ and $\mathbb{Z}$ information

I am trying to understand the computation of $\pi_5(S^3)$ and $\pi_6(S^3)$ using the Serre spectral sequence. I know already that $\pi_5(S^3)$ is only 2-torsion and $\pi_6(S^3)$ is 2-torsion together ...
2 votes
0 answers

Dress' construction and Serre spectral sequence

Currently, I am reading Serre spectral sequence, given below, using Dress' construction. Let $f:E\to B$ be a Serre fibration. Then, there is a first quadrant spectral sequence $\big\{E^r,d^r\}_{...
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0 answers

An alternative proof of Künneth spectral sequence, independent of Künneth formula for homology

I am currently reading Künneth spectral sequence, which is given below. Let $R$ be a ring and A$=\big\{A_n,d_n:A_n\longrightarrow A_{n-1}\big|d_{n-1}\circ d_n=0\big\}_{n\in \Bbb Z}$ be a chain ...
5 votes
1 answer

Cohomology of derived tensor product of complexes and Künneth spectral sequence

Let $R$ be any commutative ring, let $V^\bullet$ and $W^\bullet$ be (co)chain complexes of $R$-modules, indexed cohomologically. We can also assume that they have both cohomology in nonpositive ...
3 votes
0 answers

Cobordism theory of some weird space

Let $G=SU(3)$ and $N=SO(3)$, then $G/N= SU(3)/SO(3)$ = a 5-dimensional Wu manifold $W$. The $W$ is a homogeneous space (also a quotient space), but not a group. Previously, I am aware of the ...
2 votes
0 answers

A Thom isomorphism for sheaves

Let say $\mathcal{F}$ is a locally free sheaf of abelian groups over $X$, where $X$ is an algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ (or a field $k$) with analytic (or étale) topology and $Z$ is a closed ...
7 votes
0 answers

Convergence of a spectral sequence of a double complex

In Weibel's book, a spectral sequence $E^r_{p,q}$ is said to weakly converge to a graded object $H_{\ast}$ if for every $n$ there exists a filtration $\dots \subset F_{r}H_{n} \subset F_{r-1}H_{\ast} \...
15 votes
1 answer

Has anyone seen this generalization of the snake lemma? Is it useful?

I originally posted this question on MSE (link), but was suggested to post here instead. While learning about spectral sequences a friend of mine found a proof of the snake lemma using spectral ...
5 votes
0 answers

Bousfield-Kan and Generalized Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences

Building on the work of Anderson and Rector, Bousfield's paper "On the homology spectral sequence of a cosimplicial space" constructs a spectral sequence which takes in a cosimplicial space (here ...
3 votes
0 answers

Pro-trivial cosimplicial tower of spaces

Let $\{X^\bullet_s\}$ be a cosimplicial tower of spaces. In other words, for each fixed "tower degree" n, we have a (let's assume Reedy fibrant) cosimplicial space $X^\bullet_n$, and for each fixed ...
1 vote
0 answers

When the local system of coefficients are simple in the Leray-Serre spectral sequence

Let $F\to E\to B$ a fibration and $\{E_{r}^{\ast,\ast},d_{r}\}$ the Leray-Serre Spectral sequence converging to $H^{\ast}(E;R),$ such that $$E_{2}^{p,q}=H^{p}(B;\mathcal{H}^{q}(F;R))$$ is the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Spectral sequence associated with a Postnikov tower (Solved by myself)

Suppose $E$ is an $S^1$-spectra of simplicial Nisnevich sheaves. For any $r\in\mathbb{Z}$, we have a distinguished triangle $$E_{\geq r+1}\longrightarrow E_{\geq r}\longrightarrow F_r\longrightarrow ...
10 votes
1 answer

Leray-Hirsch theorem for Dolbeault cohomology

In Bott and Tu's Differential forms in algebraic topology there is a proof of Leray-Hirsch for the De Rham cohomology. The theorem is this: Theorem (Leray-Hirsch): Let $E$ be a fiber bundle over $M$...
6 votes
0 answers

$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ coefficients in gysin sequence

I am reading the article "Signature of links" by Kauffman and Taylor. Here they show that it is possible to calculate the nullity of a link $L\subset S^3$ by knowing the first betti number of the ...
6 votes
3 answers

multiplicative structure of Ext

Basically, I am trying to compute something with the Adams spectral sequence (as a toy example). The $E^2$ page reduced to computing $Ext^{s,t}_{\Gamma} (\mathbb{F}_2, \mathbb{F}_2)$, where $\Gamma = \...
2 votes
1 answer

Poset filtrations

Consider a chain complex $C$ and a poset $P$ so that there is a filtration by subcomplexes $C^p$ of $C$ where $p\in P$ in such a way that $p<q$ implies $C^p \leqslant C^q$. As a second option, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Computations of Bredon homology of $S(1+\sigma)$ with Universal Coefficient S.S

What I am trying to do is to compute $\mathbb{Z}$-graded Bredon homology of $S(1+\sigma)$ over $Q\times\Sigma_2$, where $Q$ is a cyclic group of order 2 $\sigma$ is its real sign representation $\...
15 votes
1 answer

Calculation of $H^{10}(K(\mathbb{Z}, 3); \mathbb{Z})$

I was trying to calculate $H^q(K(\mathbb{Z}, 3); \mathbb{Z})$ for some $q$ with the Serre spectral sequence associated to the fibration $K(\mathbb{Z}, 2) \to PK(\mathbb{Z}, 3) \simeq * \to K(\mathbb{Z}...
3 votes
0 answers

Characterization of degeneracy of spectral sequence of a fiber bundle at the second term

Let $f\colon E\to B$ be a fiber bundle of compact manifolds with fiber $F$. Assume that the push-forward $Rf_*(\underline{\mathbb{F}})$ in the derived category of the constant sheaf with coefficients ...
5 votes
0 answers

multiplication in spectral sequence

I am trying to understand this paper. Let $M$ be a compact Kaehler manifold of dimension $n$, $X$ is a holomorphic vector field, $i_X$ the contraction operator, i.e. for $\alpha$ a $p$-form, then $i_X(...
2 votes
0 answers

Computation of mod p homology of $MSU$

I am trying to proof Novikov theorem \begin{equation} MSU_*\otimes \mathbb Z[\frac 1 2] \cong \mathbb Z[\frac 1 2][y_2, y_4, \ldots],\quad \deg y_i = 2i. \end{equation} This can be proved by using ...
5 votes
1 answer

Functoriality of filtered spectral sequences

What is the appropriate functoriality statement of a filtered chain map between filtered spectral sequences? Suppose that we have two filtered chain complexes $C,C'$ and a filtered chain map $f\colon ...
6 votes
1 answer

Zero differential in Serre spectral sequence for configuration spaces

I moved this question from Math StackExchange. I am trying to compute homology of $Conf(n, \mathbb{R}^2)$ - ordered configurations of $n$ points on the plane - using Serre spectral sequence. I know ...
8 votes
0 answers

A diagram in the proof of Theorem 2.5.5 of 'Cohomology of Number Fields' and the Tate Spectral Sequence

I've been reading the book 'Cohomology of Number Fields' for years. But I couldn't check the commutativity of the diagram on page 126 until now. So I ask for help. The diagram is induced by taking ...
1 vote
0 answers

Characterization of weakly convergence of spectral sequences

Let $C$ be a chain complex (in any abelian category) and let $\{F_p\}$ be a decreasing filtration of $C$. It induces a filtration on the homologies of $C$, given by $$F_pH=im(H(F_p)\rightarrow H(C)),$$...
0 votes
0 answers

Splitting of Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence

Suppse E is a cohomology theory which has Kunneth Formula, i.e $ E(A \wedge B)= E(A) \otimes_{E(pt)} E(B) $. What happens to the Atiyah Hirzebruch Spectral sequence while we compute $ E(A \wedge B) $?...
6 votes
1 answer

Conditionally convergent spectral sequences with exiting and entering differentials

I have to deal with unbounded filtrations and want to use the conditional convergence of spectral sequences and the results from [1]: J. Michael Boardman, Conditionally Convergent Spectral Sequences,...
4 votes
0 answers

Exact sequence in example in Grothendieck's Tohoku paper resulting from the Cech-to-derived-functor spectral sequence

Grothendieck gives in his Tohoku paper in example 3.8.3 an example for that $\check{\mathrm{H}}^{2}(X,\mathcal{F}) \neq \mathrm{H}^{2}(X,\mathcal{F})$. In the beginning he states that there exisits ...
4 votes
1 answer

Kuenneth short exact sequence for K-homology

Atiyah proved a Kuenneth short exact sequence for K-theory. I need one for K-homology, but can not find any reference in the literature. Do you know one? Using general spectra stuff, one gets a ...
8 votes
1 answer

Third differential in the homology AHSS

I need some guidance in identifying the third differential in the homology AHSS for $\Omega_{\ast}^{\text{Spin}^c}(X)$ in degrees $\leq 4$. Remember that $\pi_0(M\text{Spin}^c)=\Bbb Z$, $\pi_2(M\...
11 votes
3 answers

Multiplicativity of the homology Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for a ring spectrum

Let $E$ be a ring spectrum and $F$ a connective spectrum. Then we have a convergent Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence $H_s(F,E_t) \Rightarrow E_{s+t}(F)$. Suppose now that $F$ is also a ring ...
9 votes
0 answers

Mahowald uncertainty outside of homotopy theory

In homotopy theory there is the following informal idea: The Mahowald Uncertainty Principle: Any spectral sequence converging to the homotopy groups of spheres with an $E_2$-term that can be named ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is there a systematic way to "bound" the $d_n$'s of ASS's by "pairing" them with elements in the $n$-line of the $E_2$ of the ASS of the sphere?

All details in the question are for the case $p=2$ though I expect the answer shouldn't be that different for odd primes. Adams showed (i think it was him) the following statement: The element $...
5 votes
1 answer

Decompose $MT(E(d)\times_{\mathbb Z_2} SU(2))$ as the wedge sum or smash product of spectra

Consider the extension $$1\to SU(2)\to X\to O\to1,$$ there are 4 possibilities for $X$: $X=O\times SU(2)$ or $E\times_{\mathbb{Z}_2}SU(2)$ or $Pin^+\times_{\mathbb{Z}_2}SU(2)$ or $Pin^-\times_{\...
11 votes
1 answer

What is the relationship between spectral sequences and obstruction theory?

Let $X,Y$ be objects of some category $\mathcal C$, and suppose I want to study homotopy classes of maps from $X$ to $Y$ (almost everything one does in algebraic topology can be viewed this way). It ...
44 votes
6 answers

Simple examples for the use of spectral sequences

I'm looking for basic examples that show the usefulness of spectral sequences even in the simplest case of spectral sequence of a filtered complex. All I know are certain "extreme cases", where the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Question about spectral sequences associated to filtered complexes with unbounded filtrations

All references below are from McCleary's book, second edition. Suppose that we have a filtered complex where the filtration is unbounded. Suppose that the associated spectral sequence is weakly ...
4 votes
1 answer

Grading in Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence

I am puzzled over something I read in Quillen's On the Cohomology and K-Theory of the General Linear Groups Over a Finite Field. On page 557, when computing the $E_2$ page of a case of the Eilenberg-...
4 votes
1 answer

Sphere spectrum, Thom spectrum, and Madsen-Tillmann bordism spectrum

This is a following up question of Sphere spectrum, Character dual and Anderson dual. What are the differences and the significances of the following: (1). Homotopy classes of maps from a Thom ...
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Eilenberg-Moore spectral Sequence calculation

I want to use the cohomology Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence to calculate the cohomology of the fibre of the map $$ S^{n} \to \Omega S^{n+1}. $$ Question 1: Is anyone aware of any references for ...
12 votes
4 answers

Triply graded spectral sequence?

As we know, most of the spectral sequences are doubly graded. However, this "doubly graded" condition is not a part of the formal definition of spectral sequence. Is there any useful triply (quadruply,...
11 votes
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Madsen-Tillmann spectrum $MTE$ of the group $E$ which is defined in Freed-Hopkins's paper

In Freed-Hopkins's paper, the group $E(d)$ is defined to be the subgroup of $O(d)\times\mathbb{Z}_4$ consisting of the pairs $(A,j)$ such that $\det A=j^2$, where $\mathbb{Z}_4=\{\pm1,\pm\sqrt{-1}\}$ ...
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0 answers

non zero differential in a spectral sequence

This is the situation: Let $A = R_* \otimes C_*$ be an $R$-module where $C_*$ is a finitely generated graded ($*\geq 0$) vector space over a field $F$ which is also bounded above, and $R$ is a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Leray-Serre spectral sequence for projective bundles

Let $\mathcal{E} \rightarrow X$ be a complex vector bundle of rank $r+1$ and let $F=\mathbb{P}^r \rightarrow E = \mathbb{P}\mathcal{E}\rightarrow X$ be the associated projective bundle. We know that ...
4 votes
1 answer

The computation of $d_2$ in the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence

I'm trying to understand the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence by an example. Consider the short exact sequence of groups: $1\to N\to G\to G/N\to 1$ where $G\cong \mathbb{Z}_4$, $N\cong\mathbb{Z}_2$. ...

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