Let $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ be an affine Dedekind domain with field of fractions $K$. Let $\widetilde{A}$ be the integral closure of $A$ in separable closure $ K^{\text{sep}}$. A closed point $x$ of $X$ is a nonzero prime ideal $\mathfrak{p}$ of $A$, and the choice of a prime ideal $\widetilde{p}$ of $\widetilde{A}$ lying over $\mathfrak{p}$ determines a geometric point $\overline{x}= \operatorname{Spec}k(x)^{\text{sep}} \to X$ a geometric point of $X$. The etale stalk with respect to $\overline{x}$ is given by
$$ \mathcal{O}_{X,\overline{x}}^{\text{et}}= \varinjlim_{(A_U,u) \text{ etale nbhds of } A \text{ over }\overline{x}} (A_U,u)$$
Question: How to see that the field of fractions of the ring $\mathcal{O}_{X,\overline{x}}^{\text{et}}$ equals to the fixed field $(K^{\text{sep}})^{I(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})}$ where the inertia group $I(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})$ of $\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}}$ is defined as
$$I(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})=:\{ g \in G \ | \ g(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})=\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}} \text{ and } g | _{\kappa(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})} = \text{id}_{\kappa(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})} \} \subset \text{Gal}(K^{\text{sep}}/K)$$
Source: Milne's LEC script on Etale Cohomology (Example 12.4, page 82 last paragraph)
Note that previous considerations in the linked script show that the field of fractions of the ring $\mathcal{O}_{X,\overline{x}}^{\text{et}}$ is given by inductive limit of those finite separable field extensions $L/K$ ( contained in $ K^{\text{sep}}$) such that the normalization $X_L$ of $ X$ in $L$ is unramified at some point lying over $x$, but I not see why this inductive limit equals in this case to $(K^{\text{sep}})^{I(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})}$ as claimed. Especially, how the requirement that normalization $X_L$ of $ X$ in $L$ is unramified at some point lying over $x$ is related to the property of $L$ being fixed by the inertia group $I(\widetilde{\mathfrak{p}})$.
Thematically the problem is closely related to this question I asked before.
Ideas: Here a way to reduce the problem at least to finite extension case. There exist a finite extension $M/K$, such that the associated map $\overline{x}= \operatorname{Spec}k(x)^{\text{sep}} \to X$ to the considered geometric point factors scheme theoretically through $X_M$, the Spec of integral closure of $A$ in $M$. So we can assume that all field extensions discussed about about to be finite and we can replace avove everywhere $ K^{\text{sep}}$ by finite extension $M$, letting the inertia group living inside a finite Galois group.
But not see how to proceed from here.