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Holomorphic Sard's theorem 2

My previous question on this topic had a negative answer, but Tom Goodwillie in the comments suggested a statement, which may be true, and even a strategy of how to prove it. I haven't been able to ...
erz's user avatar
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Practically calculating the domain of a power series for function of several complex variables

For simplicity, let us consider a function $f$ holomorphic on a domain $D \subseteq \mathbb{C}^2$. We may therefore write $f$ as a sum of power series $$f(z) = \sum_{\nu_1 \nu_2 =0}^{\infty} c_{\nu_1 \...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Real solution of a complex equation with complex solution

Assume that $(M, [\lambda, \mu])$ defines an embeddable 3 dimensional CR structure where $\lambda$ is a real form and $\mu$ is a complex 1-form. Because $M$ is embeddable, $\mu=dz$ for some ...
Masoud's user avatar
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Understanding Remmert-Stein extension theorem

I'm trying to study the Remmert-Stein theorem in analytic geometry. This is an important result which can be used to prove the Proper Mapping theorem. A preliminary result is stated in various books (...
Calamardo's user avatar
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English reference for Fischer-Grauert theorem and its generalization by Schuster

From this MSE question and its answer, and from this MO question I have learned of the following remarkable theorem of Wolfgang Fischer and Hans Grauert. Theorem. A proper holomorphic submersion with ...
Arrow's user avatar
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9 votes
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Holomorphic Sard's theorem?

I have originally posted this question on math.SE, but it received little attention, so I repost it here. Let $U\subset \mathbb{C}^{n}$ and $V\subset \mathbb{C}^{m}$ be open and connected. Let $\Phi:...
erz's user avatar
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Discrete set of critical points of a holomorphic map

I have originally posted this question on math.SE, but it received no attention, so I repost it here. Let $U$ be an open domain in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$. Let $m\ge n$ and let $F:U\to C^{m}$ be a ...
erz's user avatar
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Kähler metric on compact complex manifolds with simple normal crossing divisor

Let $X$ be a reduced compact complex analytic space of $\dim_{\mathbb{C}}X\ge2$; by [KJ] definition 3.29, remark 3.44 and theorem 3.45, it admits a strong resolution $R(X)$ which is smooth, $E=\pi_X^{-...
Armando j18eos's user avatar
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Is there an Ax-Grothendieck result for entire functions?

The Ax-Grothendieck result states that any polynomial injective function from $\mathbb{C}^n$ to itself is surjective. Is there such a statement for entire functions ?
Yoyo's user avatar
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How to tell if it's a Moishezon morphism

Suppose that $f \colon X\rightarrow S$ is a proper morphism of reduced and irreducible complex spaces and $f$ is a smooth deformation in the sense of Kodaira and Spencer. If we know each fiber $X_s$, ...
user42804's user avatar
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Zariski open set in orthogonal grassmanian [closed]

I am confused about the following question. Consider $\mathbb C^4$ endowed with nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form $J:=\left(\begin{matrix}0&0&0&1\\0&0&1&0\\0&1&0&...
user42804's user avatar
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Construction of homogeneous Siegel domain from j-algebra

I am reading bounded homogeneous domain from Piatetski-Shapiro's book ``Automorphic functions and the geometry of classical domains'' and have questions on how to construct homogeneous Siegel domain ...
Bo_Y's user avatar
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cayley transformation of bounded symmetric domain

Can anyone write down the biholomorphic map between classical bounded symmetric domains(defiend by matrixs) with their siegel upperhalf plane models. I know if it's type 2, i.e $I-Z\bar{Z}^{t}>0$ ...
user42804's user avatar
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extension of holomorphic mappings

In 1971 Phillip.A.Griffith proved that Let $B_n^\ast=\{z\in\mathbb{C}^n:0<\|z\|\le 1\}$ be the punctured ball in $\mathbb{C}^n$,and $f:B_n^\ast\rightarrow M$ a holomorphic mapping into a compact K\...
whitacre's user avatar
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How to study Kähler metrics singular along a submanifold of codim 2?

Let $M$ be a compact complex manifold, $S\subset M$ a submanifold of codimension $2$, let $\omega$ be a k\"ahler metric on $M\setminus S$. Then we know by Reese Harvey's paper "Removable singularities ...
whitacre's user avatar
10 votes
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de Rham cohomology group and Dolbeault cohomology group on compact complex analytic spaces

My question is: On a compact complex analytic space,since Hodge Theorem becomes invalid,is it true that the de Rham cohomology group $H^p_{DR}(M)$ and the Dolbeault cohomology group $H^{p,q}_{\bar{\...
whitacre's user avatar
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19 votes
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Classification of complex structures on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$

Is there anything known about classification of complex structures on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ up to isomorphism for $n>1$? Say, are there finitely or infinitely many isomorphism classes? If there is a ...
asv's user avatar
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generalization of fundamental theorem of algebra for several complex algebra [closed]

I am looking for a generalization to fundamental theorem of algebra for several complex variables functions or systems. If such theorem exists, it should concisely relates the number of zeros of ...
behrad mahboobi's user avatar
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Lifting quadratic forms on the cotangent bundle to higher level forms

Backround In several complex variables, an essential tool is Hormander's machinery for solving the $\overline{\partial}$ problem with $L^2$ estimates. If $\alpha$ is a $(p,q+1)$ form on a domain $\...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
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Computing Dolbeault cohomology of some simple domains

I have seen computations of the Dolbeault cohomology groups on compact Kahler manifolds using Hodge theory. I have never seen the computation of Dolbeault cohomology for simple domains in $\mathbb{C}^...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there an Oka-Grauert principle for homogeneous spaces?

Suppose we have a fibration over the punctured disc (i.e., a deformation of complex manifolds) such that each fiber is a homogeneous space. Is the total space a product of a fiber with the punctured ...
user42804's user avatar
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Can all $L^2$ holomorphic functions on a domain vanish at a particular point?

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{C}^n$. Is it possible that there is a point $p \in \Omega$ such that every $f \in A^2(\Omega) = L^2(\Omega) \cap \mathcal{O}(\Omega)$ has a zero at $p$? The space $A^2(\...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
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Does the "Ohsawa-Takegoshi theorem without bounds" have a name?

There are many theorems which now could be called "The Ohsawa-Takegoshi" theorem. Of these, the most basic is roughly the following: Let $\Omega \subset \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be a psuedoconvex ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
6 votes
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Are open immersions in analytic geometry transverse?

lately I have been interested in functional analysis, especially with a view towards its applications in the world of (complex) analytic geometry. I have been using R. Taylor's book Several complex ...
Mauro Porta's user avatar
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Density of rational functions in open Stein

I repost here, after I tried here. Lately I have been wondering on this problem: if $U \subset \mathbb C^n$ is an open Stein and I denote by $\mathcal R(U)$ the set of rational functions on $\mathbb ...
Mauro Porta's user avatar
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Can someone tell me properties of Douady space?

I want to know the parallel properties of Douady space with respect to Hilbert scheme. For example I want to know what is the irreducible component of Douady space, what if I consider a family of ...
user42804's user avatar
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14 votes
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What is the "complex third derivative"?

Background I am including this information about real higher order derivatives because it does not seem to be common knowledge. I also include a review of the complex Hessian. If $f:\mathbb{R}^n \...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
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Translation of "Über kompakte homogene Kählersche Mannigfaltigkeiten"

Has anyone translated Borel and Remmert's 1962 paper titled: Über kompakte homogene Kählersche Mannigfaltigkeiten?
user47700's user avatar
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Singularities of the Remmert reduction of a holomorphic convex manifold

Let $X$ be a holomorphically convex manifold, namely, for any infinite discrete subset of $X$ there exists a holomorphic function on $X$ which is unbounded on this set, then a theorem of Remmert says ...
Entaou's user avatar
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the group of all biholomorphic group automorphisms of complex tori

My background is complex geometry, but when I confront complex tori, I feel it is easier to consider it as a compact connected complex Lie group although I just know the definition of Lie group. Let $...
user108005's user avatar
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Explicit form for hermitian structure $h$ with respect to $\omega$

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold. and $\pi:L\to M$ be a complex line bundle , we denote $h$ as hermitian structure,i.e. if $s,s'$ are smooth sections of $L$ and if $X$ is a vector field on $M$...
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Is the Szego projection on a codim-$k$ CR manifold an integral operator?

The Szego projection on a CR manifold $M$ is defined to be the orthogonal projection from $L^2(M)$ to the closed subspace $H^2(M),$ where $$H^2(M) = \{f \in L^2(M)\ |\ \bar{\partial}_{b}f = 0\ \...
Michael Tinker's user avatar
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Any non-constant surjective holomorphic map between connected compact complex manifolds of equal dimension is a ramified finite-sheet covering

I'm reading this site:holomorphy of inverse map There is a statement made by Colin Tan at the last answer made by himself. Any non-constant surjective holomorphic map between connected compact ...
user95633's user avatar
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Automorphisms of the affine quadric $z_1^2+\dots+z_n^2=1$

Denote by $V$ the vanishing locus of the affine quadric $z_1^2+\dots+z_n^2-1$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$. Clearly $V$ is a complex manifold. Let $g:V\to V$ be an automorphism of $V$ (a biholomorphism, not ...
Piojo's user avatar
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Weakened jacobian conjecture for entire functions

A rudin's theorem is the assertion that any polynomial injection between affine spaces of the same dimension has a polynomial inverse, and the inverse is also given by polynomials. The jacobian ...
Koushik's user avatar
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Extension of pluriharmonic functions

Suppose $M$ is a complex manifold and $\Omega$ a (edit: bounded) pseudoconvex domain in $M$. Let $u:M\setminus\Omega\to\mathbb{R}$ be a pluriharmonic function. Is it true that $u$ has a pluriharmonic ...
oydeis's user avatar
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Another proof of the bidisc and the ball are biholomorphically inequivalent?

Does this outline of a proof work? Consider the ball and the bidisc in $\mathbb{C}^2$. Give each space its Bergman metric. To show that the ball and the bidisc are not holomorphic, it is enough to ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar