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Generic representations of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})$

Let $F$ be a local field of characteristic $0$, $G=\mathrm{GL}_n(F)$. When $F$ is $p$-adic, Bernstein and Zelevinsky classified the irreducible generic representations. The statement is: Let $\delta_{...
youknowwho's user avatar
6 votes
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Centralizers in semisimple Lie group

For a semisimple complex Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ and a regular element $X\in \mathfrak g$ the centralizer of $X$ in $\mathfrak g$ is a Cartan subalgebra (see Knapp, 'Lie Groups beyond an ...
yolassr's user avatar
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Behavior of the number of components of disconnected reductive groups when intersecting a Levi subgroup

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $P=MN$ be a parabolic subgroup of $G$ with its Levi decomposition ($N$ the unipotent radical, $M$ a Levi). Let $H\subset M$ be a finite ...
youknowwho's user avatar
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Doubling constructions beyond classical groups: general principles?​

The doubling method for constructing integral representations of L-functions has been successfully applied to classical groups, as demonstrated in this paper. However, extending this method to a wider ...
David Dai's user avatar
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Centralizer bound for irreducible representations of $\operatorname{SU}_n(\mathbb{C})$

Let $G$ be a finite group, $χ$ be the character of an irreducible representation $V$ of $G$, and $g ∈ G$. Then a classical bound on the trace of $g$ is given by: $|χ(g)|² ≤ |C_G(g)|$, where $C_G(g)$ ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Root systems of maximally noncomact Cartan subalgebras

Let $G$ be a real reductive Lie group, and $K$ a maximal compact subgroup in $G$. Write $\mathfrak{g}$ for the Lie algebra of $G$, and $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{k}+\mathfrak{p}$ for the Cartan ...
Hebe's user avatar
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Centre of centralisers in connected reductive groups

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over an algebraically closed field. Let $T$ be a maximal torus and $x\in T$. Let $G_x$ denote the centraliser of $x$ in $G$. Question: What is an explicit ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Centralizer of conjugacy classes

Let $\mathrm{G}$ be a complex reductive group and let $\mathrm{O}_g$ be the adjoint orbit of $g\in \mathrm{G}$. I wonder is the centralizer $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{G}}(\mathrm{O}_g)$ still a reductive ...
TaiatLyu's user avatar
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7 votes
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Nilpotent orbits of a parabolic subgroup

Suppose $G$ is a reductive group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$ with parabolic $P$, Levi quotient $M$, and unipotent radical $U$. We denote the nilpotent elements of $\mathrm{...
Alexander's user avatar
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Injection of $G(k)/Z(k)$ into $(G/Z)(k)$

In the first answer to the linked question it is mentioned that "the isogeny $G\to G^{ad}$ induces an injection of groups $G(k)/Z(k)\to G^{ad}(k)$". Is there a reference for this result? ...
Μάρκος Καραμέρης's user avatar
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Representations of a reductive Lie group vie central character and K-types

Let $G$ be a real reductive group, let $\widehat G$ denote the unitary dual and $\widehat G_{adm}\supset\widehat G$ be the admissible dual, i.e., the set of isomorphy classes of irreducible Harish-...
Antonius's user avatar
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Does every nilpotent lie in the span of simple root vectors?

Let $G$ be a reductive group (for simplicity, we can work over $\mathbb{C}$). Let $N \in \operatorname{Lie} G$ be nilpotent. Does there exist a Borel pair $(B,T)$ of $G$ such that $N$ lies in the span ...
Alexander's user avatar
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One parameter subgroups of reductive algebraic groups

If I have a reductive algebraic group $G$ defined over a non-archimedean local field $F$. We can define a one-parameter subgroup to be a group homomorphism from $G_{m}$ to $G$. I was wondering, if I ...
Ekta's user avatar
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On the character of a representation of $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{R})$

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Ad{Ad}$Let $G=\GL(n,\mathbb{R})$. Given a continuous admissible irreducible representation of $G$ in a Frechet (or a Banach) space. Then its character ...
asv's user avatar
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Holomorphic discrete series vs. discrete series

(I apologize in advance if this question is too naive for experts.) Let $G$ be a real semisimple Lie group. I know that holomorphic discrete series representations are only a part of all the discrete ...
youknowwho's user avatar
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Centralizer of a reductive subgroup

Let $G$ be a reductive group over $\mathbb{C}$ and $H\subseteq G$ a reductive subgroup. Let $\rho$ be a faithful irreducible finite dimensional representation of $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Assume that $\...
Windi's user avatar
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Principal series representations for complex groups

Let $G$ be a complex semisimple group. In Bernstein-Gelfand, "Tensor products of finite and infinite dimensional representations of semisimple Lie algebras" (
heron1000's user avatar
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A Lie-theoretic question regarding $B\ltimes \mathfrak{g}/\mathfrak{b}$

I am stuck on a seeming elementary Lie-theoretic question arising from a study of components of affine Springer fibers. Will be very grateful if somebody would like to share some insight, or ...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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Principal bundles with no trivializable extensions

Let $Q \to M$ be a principal $G$-bundle. Given a homomorphism $\phi: G \to H$, we can ‘extend the structure group’ of $Q$ to $H$, by defining an associated principal $H$-bundle: $Q_{H} := (Q \times H)/...
unknownymous's user avatar
6 votes
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Cartan decomposition of loop group

Let $G$ be a complex reductive group. Let $LG$ and $L^+ G$ denote the formal loop spaces given by maps from the punctured formal disk and the formal disk, respectively, to $G$. The quotient $LG/L^+ G$ ...
G. Gallego's user avatar
3 votes
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Reductive group with simply connected derived group has all root groups $\mathrm{SL}_2$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\PGL{PGL}$Motivation: I am trying to understand why the Deligne-Langlands conjectures are only stated for $p$-adic reductive groups with connected ...
LAGC's user avatar
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Generating $K$-types of a $(\mathfrak g,K)$-module for $K$ disconnected

Let $G$ be a real reductive Lie group, let $K$ be a maximal compact subgroup of $G$, and let $V$ be a $(\mathfrak g,K)$-module. For $\sigma\in\widehat{K}$ we denote the $\sigma$-isotypic component of $...
Hadi's user avatar
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When representations of reductive Lie group in a Banach space and in its Garding space have the same length?

Let $G$ be a real reductive Lie group (e.g. $G=\operatorname{GL}(n,\mathbb{R})$). Let $\rho$ be a continuous representation of $G$ in a Banach space $V$. Let $V^\infty\subset V$ be the subspace of ...
asv's user avatar
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Schubert cells in G/P for reductive G

All literature on the Schubert cells of the generalized flag varieties $G/P$ ("generalized" here means that $P$ is an arbitrary parabolic) assumes that $G$ is a semisimple complex group. I ...
Filip's user avatar
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Harmonic analysis on reductive groups over $\mathbb{R}$

A common way of doing harmonic analysis on (the $\mathbb{R}$-points of) reductive groups over $\mathbb{R}$ seems to be to use results from semisimple groups and "see what happens on the center&...
Chris's user avatar
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Centralizers of semisimple subgroups

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$If $G$ is a simple Lie group, and $\rho: G \to \GL(V)$ is a representation, then by Schur's lemma, the group of automorphisms of $\rho$ is a reductive subgroup of $\GL(V)$....
unknownymous's user avatar
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Conjugacy classes in centralizers

Let $G$ be a complex reductive group, let $g$ be an element, and let $C$ be the connected component of its centralizer. I'm curious about what is known about the intersection of conjugacy classes in $...
unknownymous's user avatar
15 votes
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Why are coroots needed for the classification of reductive groups?

As we know reductive groups up to isomorphism corresponds to root data up to isomorphism. My question is why in the definition of root data do we need the coroots? Let's break it down to two questions:...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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7 votes
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Gelfand pair, weakly symmetric pair, and spherical pair

I am a bit confused with the relations among Gelfand pairs, weakly symmetric pairs, and spherical pairs defined in the book "Harmonic analysis on commutative spaces" written by professor ...
Hebe's user avatar
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Jordan normal form in a reductive group

Let $G$ be a connected complex reductive group. Given an element $g \in G$, there is a canonical decomposition $g = s u$ such that $s$ is semisimple, $u$ is unipotent and $s$ and $u$ commute. ...
unknownymous's user avatar
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Books on integration on semisimple Lie groups

Can anyone suggest me some good books where I can find integration theory on semisimple Lie groups (using KAK, KAN and other type of decompositions)? I have read Knapp's book "Lie groups beyond ...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Reductive Lie groups and existence of maximal compact subgroup

I am reading Knapp's book "Lie groups beyond an introduction" (2nd edition). I am struggling to understand the following point. Recall that $G$ is a reductive Lie group. If the Lie algebra $\...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Conjugacy of elements in a parabolic subgroup

Let $G$ be a complex connected reductive group, and let $P \subseteq G$ be a parabolic subgroup. My question is the following: if $g$ and $h$ are elements of $P$ which are conjugate as elements of $G$,...
unknownymous's user avatar
6 votes
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Is the connected centralizer of a semisimple element in a connected reductive group also a centralizer?

Let $G$ be a connected reductive algebraic group defined over an algebraically closed field and let $g\in G$ be semisimple. Write $C=\mathrm{C}_G(g)$ and $C^\circ=\mathrm{C}_G(g)^\circ$ for the ...
kneidell's user avatar
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Invariants for $SO_n \backslash \mathfrak{gl}_n / SO_n$

Is there a nice theorem about the algebra of invariants $\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{gl}_n]^{SO_n \times SO_n}$, where the action is by left and right multiplication? I'm hoping for something along the lines ...
user44191's user avatar
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Siegel Levi in $\operatorname{GSpin}(2n+1)$ and image into $\operatorname{SO}(2n+1)$

Let $T$ be a maximal torus of split $\operatorname{SO}_{2n+1}$ with basis $e_1, ... , e_n$. Let $$\Delta = \{e_1 - e_2, ... , e_{n-1} - e_n, e_n\}$$ be a set of simple roots of $T$ corresponding to a ...
D_S's user avatar
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Embedding of discrete series

Let $G$ be a simple Lie group with equal rank; namely, the rank of $G$ equals that of its maximal compact subgroup. Let $G'$ be a reductive subgroup of $G$ with equal rank. If $\tau$ is a discrete ...
Hebe's user avatar
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$G(k)/H(k)$ as a submanifold of $G/H(k)$

Let $k$ be a local field (if necessary, assume characteristic zero). In general, if $X$ is a smooth variety of finite type over $k$ of dimension $n$, then the set of $k$-rational points $X(k)$ is an ...
D_S's user avatar
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Possible groups appearing in a Shimura datum

Let $\mathbb{S}:=\text{Res}_{\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{R}} \mathbb{G}_{m}$ be the Deligne torus. My question is the following: is there a sort of classification of real reductive algebraic groups $G$ for ...
Angy's user avatar
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Complexification of compact Lie groups and complex algebraic linear reductive groups

I'm studying complexifications of compact Lie groups on "Representation of compact Lie groups- Dieck Brocker". I found on internet that there is a bijection between complexifications of compact Lie ...
user 123935's user avatar
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Discrete decomposability of unitary representation

[INTRODUCTION] Let $G$ be a non-compact simple Lie group, and $G'$ a reductive subgroup of $G$. Suppose that $\pi$ is a non-trivial (hence, infinite dimensional) irreducible unitary representation of ...
Hebe's user avatar
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rational cohomology of classifying spaces of complex reductive Lie groups

I am looking for a reference or an ad-hoc proof of the following fact, which seems to be known to experts: Let $\mathbf{G}$ be a complex algebraic group with maximal (algebraic) torus $\mathbf{T}$ and ...
Uriya First's user avatar
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Choosing canonical representatives of Weyl group elements, some questions

Let $G$ be a connected, reductive group which is quasisplit over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. Let $B$ be a Borel subgroup defined over $k$, containing a maximal torus $T$ defined over $k$. ...
D_S's user avatar
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Centralizers of subtori in reductive groups, derived subgroups

Let $G$ be a split, almost-simple connected reductive group over a field $F$ with split maximal torus $T$. I am trying to understand precisely the groups $[G_{\alpha}, G_{\alpha}]$, where $\alpha$ is ...
Tippy Tipper's user avatar
6 votes
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Definition of Admissible Representation

Let $G$ be a connected, reductive group over a number field $k$. Let $v$ be a place of $k$. If $v$ is finite, an admissible representation of $G(k_v)$ is defined to be an abstract representation of $...
D_S's user avatar
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Iwasawa decomposition and compact subgroups

Let $G$ be the $k$-points of a connected, reductive group $\mathbf G$ over a local field $k$. I have heard several statements about compact subgroups and Iwasawa decomposition, mostly in the context ...
D_S's user avatar
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Symmetries of the flag variety

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra over $\mathbb C$, and let $\mathcal B=G/B$ be the associated Flag variety. Is it true that the obvious map $$ \mathfrak g\to \Gamma (T\...
André Henriques's user avatar
4 votes
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Existence of lattices in reductive Lie groups

What is known about existence of lattices in reductive Lie groups? The best results I know about existence of lattices in connected Lie groups are either about semisimple groups or nilpotent groups ...
Soeren's user avatar
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Unitary representation with fixed Casimir

Let $G$ be a connected reductive real Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. We denote by $\widehat{G}_u$ the unitary dual, that is the set of isomorphism classes of unitary reprensentation of $G$....
shu's user avatar
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Unipotent conjugacy classes

Consider a connected reductive group G over the complex numbers. Is there a `simple' formula for the number of conjugacy classes of unipotent elements in G?
mnr's user avatar
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