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About BMO space on smooth open bounded domain

Let $\Omega$ be any open domain in $\Bbb R^d$. Define the $\text{BMO}(\Omega)$ space as $$ \text{BMO}(\Omega)= \big\{u\in L^1_{loc}(\Omega)\,\,:\,\, |u|_{\text{BMO}(\Omega)} <\infty \big\}, $$ ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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Blow up for certain classes of distributions

Let $\mathbb D$ be the open unit disc centered at the origin and let $u \in H^{-N}(\mathbb D)$ be a distribution for some natural number $N>0$. Suppose that $$u|_{\mathbb D\setminus \{0\}} \in C^{\...
Ali's user avatar
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Is the local maximal function bounded from $W^{1, 1}$ to $L^1$?

Let $f \in W^{1, 1} (\mathbb R^d)$. For every $\varepsilon > 0$, we consider the local maximal function $M_\varepsilon f: \mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R$, defined by $$M f_{\varepsilon} (x) = \sup_{r \...
Nate River's user avatar
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Maximal function estimate for differential quotient of function satisfying $\nabla f \in BMO$

For a function $f \in W^{1,p}(\mathbb R^N)$, it is well-known that there exists a constant $C_N$ (dependent on $N$) such that $$ |f(x)-f(y)| \le C_N|x-y|(\mathcal M|\nabla f|(x) + \mathcal M|\nabla f|(...
user298455's user avatar
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Dense property of intersection of Sobolev space

I'm using Muscalu and Schlag's textbook (online notes) to study Littlewood-Paley theory in harmonic analysis, where I encounter the following claim: Pick an arbitrary real number $s$, we have that the ...
geooranalysis's user avatar
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A characterization of constant functions

In How to recognize constant functions. Connections with Sobolev spaces (Russian Math Surveys 57 (2002); MSN), H. Brezis recalls the following fact: Let $\Omega\subset{\mathbb R}^N$ be connected ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Approximate constant function

Let $f:[0,1]^2 \rightarrow \mathbb C$ be an $H^1$ function with the property that $f(x,x)=0$ and $\Vert f \Vert_{L^2[0,1]}=1.$ Does there exist a constant $c>0$ such that any such function ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Morrey's inequality for Sobolev spaces of fractional order

Let $H^s(\mathbb T)$, where $s\in\mathbb R$, be the space of $2\pi$-periodic functions (or distributions), $u(x)=\sum_{k\in\mathbb Z}\hat u_k\,\mathrm{e}^{ikx}$, such that $$ \|u\|_{H^s}^2=\sum_{k\...
smyrlis's user avatar
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Does anyone know what is the right reference for the following simple lemma from harmonic analysis?

The lemma says that given $\lambda\geq 1$, $p\geq 1$, $a_j\geq 0$, for a collection of balls $\{B_j\}_{j\in\mathbb{N}}$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$, it holds $$\bigg\|\sum_j a_j\chi_{\lambda B_j}\bigg\|_p\leq C(...
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