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Hodge star and harmonic simplicial differential forms

Is there a notion of harmonic forms and Hodge theory for Sullivan's piecewise smooth differential forms on a simplicial set? Let me recall some background. Hodge Theory on a Riemannian manifold A ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
16 votes
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Rational equivalence of smooth closed manifolds

All spaces below will be assumed simply connected. A continuous map is a rational equivalence if it induces an isomorphism of the rational homology groups. Two spaces are rationally equivalent if they ...
algori's user avatar
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Does there exist a closed 4-manifold whose $\pi_2$ contains torsion elements

Does there exist a closed 4-manifold $X$ such that $\pi_2(X)$ contains torsion elements? And, if so, does there exist a closed 4-manifold $X$ such that $\pi_2(X)\neq 0$ but $\pi_2(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}=...
Boyu Zhang's user avatar
14 votes
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Do Sullivan's and Wilkerson's algebraic group structures on rational homotopy automorphisms coincide?

For a 1-connected space $X$ with the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex, the homotopy automorphisms $\pi_0\,\mathrm{hAut}(X)$ are known to have the structure of an arithmetic group up to finite ...
skupers's user avatar
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Reference Request: Moore--Postnikov tower of the rationalization of a fibration

Two spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be rationally homotopy equivalent, written $X \sim_{\mathbb{Q}} Y$, if their rationalizations $X_{\mathbb{Q}}$ and $Y_{\mathbb{Q}}$ are homotopy equivalent. Moreover,...
Baylee Schutte's user avatar
9 votes
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Does real formality descend to rational formality for operads?

A classical theorem in rational homotopy theory says that a space is formal over $\mathbb{Q}$ iff it is formal over any field of characteristic zero. In other words, the algebra $A^*_{PL}(X)$ is ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
8 votes
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Rational homotopy type of Hilbert scheme components

What is known about rational homotopy type of irreducible component of $Hilb^n(\mathbb C^k)$ containing configuration space? I've searched arXiv for a while and found nothing but surmise that Betti ...
Denis T's user avatar
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Different rational homotopy type with generators of different degree but cohomology algebras same

There are manifolds (rationally elliptic) $M_1$ and $M_2$ of different rational homotopy types but their rational cohomology algebras coincide. Such examples were discussed in Nishimoto, Shiga, ...
piper1967's user avatar
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On the weak homotopy type of a differentiable (Chen) space

Suppose that $M$ is a differentiable space in the sense of Chen (cf. ). Assume that $M$ also has the structure of a topological space and that the two ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Reference request: splittings in rational homotopy theory

It is well known that for simply-connected rational spaces, every suspension splits as a wedge of rational spheres and every loop space splits as a product of rational Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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5 votes
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When is the classifying space of a group/H-space rationally equivalent to a product of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces?

The MO-question asks why the classifying space of a group is not necessarily rationally a product of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces. I am looking for classes of examples of connected topological groups/...
ThorbenK's user avatar
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Zigzag vs direct map in rational homotopy theory

I was reading these notions from "Rational Homotopy Theory" by Felix, Halperin, and Thomas. The notion of weak homotopy type is as follows: two spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be weak ...
bishop1989's user avatar
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Analog of cellular approximation theorem for $CW_0$-complexes ($CW_\mathcal P$-complexes)

$CW_0$-complexes are analogs of $CW$-complexes, in which the "building blocks" are the rational disks $D^{n+1}_0$ whose boundaries are given by $\partial D^{n+1}_0= S^n_0$, where $S^n_0$ is a ...
Bashar Saleh's user avatar
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DG-Modules over CDG-algebras in the sense of rational homotopy theory

I don't know if this question is elementary or not. Suppose we have a rationalization $X_\mathbb{Q}$ of a simply connected topological space $X$. Then we can construct a CDG-algebra - a minimal ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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Does integration induce a Kan fibration between the mapping spaces of CDGAs and cochain complexes over $\mathbb{Q}$?

For two CDGAs $A$ and $B$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, the mapping space $\text{Map}_{CDGA}(A,B)$ is the simplicial set with $n$-simplices $$ \Phi : A \to B \otimes \Omega^*(\Delta^n) $$ and simplices maps ...
kelly maggs's user avatar
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Relation between $Tor_{C^*(BG;K)}(K,K) $ and $K^G$?

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field and $G$ a group. Given a dg-algebra $A$, a left $A$-module $M$ and a right $A$-module $N$ let $Tor_A(M,N)$ denote the homology of the derived tensor product $M ...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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Modelling rational spaces of finite $\mathbb{Q}$-type with spaces with finite simplices in every simplicial dimension

EDIT 2 Original question below. I will award the outstanding bounty for an answer to the following question (question (2) in the OP). Let $X$ be a Kan complex which is connected, nilpotent, and of ...
Daniel Robert-Nicoud's user avatar
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Finite spatial realization of relative minimal sullivan models

In their book "Algebraic Models in Geometry" (Felix, Oprea, Tanre) the authors claim that: "Each finite type relative minimal cdga $(∧V ⊗∧W,D)$ is the relative minimal model of a fibration $p: E → B$ ...
ort96's user avatar
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Is the bar construction of a CDGA model a Hopf algebra model for the loop space?

By a theorem of Adams, if $A = C^*(X;\mathbb{Q})$ is the CDGA of rational cochains on $X$ then the cohomology of the bar complex of $A$ is isomorphic to $H^*(\Omega X; \mathbb{Q})$ as a coalgebra (see ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a picture I should have in my head of rational homotopy equivalence?

My understanding is that one thinks to rational homotopy theory for computational advantage. However, thinking about things in terms of localizations still lacks some amount of intuition for me. In ...
Joseph Victor's user avatar
3 votes
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String cobracket and co-Hochschild homology

Let $M$ be a closed oriented manifold and take a field of char. zero to be the ground ring. String Topology gives, to the homology $H_\bullet(LM)$ of the free loop space of $M$, the structure of ...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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Rational model for composition of linear isometries

There is a composition map on spaces of linear isometries (over $\mathbb{C}$ say) $$ \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{C}^k, \mathbb{C}^\ell) \times \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{C}^\ell, \mathbb{C}^m) \longrightarrow \...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
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Formality of Sullivan Representatives

Suppose we have a map $f : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ between two formal, simply connected CDGAs, with induced map on cohomology $H(f) : H(\mathcal{A}) \to H(\mathcal{B})$. Further, suppose we have ...
kelly maggs's user avatar
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Homology of a fiber as a cotorsion product

Let $K$ be a field. For any differentially graded coalgebra $A$ over $K$, any differentially graded right $A$-comodule $M$ over $K$ and any differentially graded left $A$-comodule $N$ over $K$ let $\...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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Is the functor of PA forms known to be equivalent to the functor of PL forms for noncompact spaces?

In the following paper: Robert Hardt, Pascal Lambrechts, Victor Turchin, and Ismar Volić, Real homotopy theory of semi-algebraic sets, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 11 (2011), no. 5, 2477–2545. the authors ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
2 votes
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Homotopy groups of homotopy fixed points of a $\mathbb{Z}\left[\frac{1}{\lvert G\rvert}\right]$-local orthogonal spectrum

Let $G$ be a finite group and $X$ an orthogonal $\mathbb{Z}\left[\frac{1}{\lvert G\rvert}\right]$-local spectrum with an $G$-action that is trivial on $\pi_*X$. I want to show that then the map $X^{hG}...
Urs's user avatar
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Homology of homotopy fiber of inclusion

We consider an inclusion $j: A \hookrightarrow X$. Let $A_j = A \times_X PX$ be the homotopy fiber (which is the fiber of the fibration associated to $j$). The space $PX$ there is the Moore path space ...
Timo E.'s user avatar
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Rational homotopy and l-adic cohomology

In rational homotopy theory there is a basic construction which, given a prime number $l$ and a $CW$-complex $X$, produces a localized space $X_l$ equipped with a map $X\rightarrow X_l$ that induces ...
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