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Comparison between the expected values of the inverse of the CDF of binomial-distributed random variables

Let us denote with $F(x;j,\mu)$ the cdf of a Binomial distributed random variable with $j$ trial with success probability $\mu$ considered in $x$, and let $f(x;j,\mu)$ be the pmf. Defining $0\leq \...
Marco Max Fiandri's user avatar
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Does point process ordering ever imply conditional intensity ordering?

Let $N$ and $N'$ be regular/non-explosive point processes on $[0,\infty)$. I will take the view that these are collections of random arrival times: $N=(t_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ and $N'=(t_n')_{n\in\...
jdods's user avatar
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Finite dimensional distribution of a stochastic process Lipschitz on every relatively compact set

Let $X_t$ be a Markovian Itô diffusion process, defined by an SDE \begin{equation} dX_t = \mu(X_t)\,dt + \sigma(X_t)\,dW_t\,. \end{equation} Let $f(x,t|x_0,0)$ denote its transition density function. ...
Luís Ferreira's user avatar
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How is the Gronwall lemma used in this paper?

Let $(X_t, t \ge 0)$ be a $\mathbb R^d$-valued stochastic process. Let $\lambda>0$. Assume we have $\mathbb E [|X_0|^2] < \infty$ and $$ \mathbb E [|X_t|^2] - \mathbb E [|X_0|^2] \le -2 \lambda \...
Akira's user avatar
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Normalized concentration inequality for empirical CDF (iid sum)

Consider the empirical and population CDF, $$ F_n(t) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n 1\{X_i \leq t\} \quad \mbox{and} \quad F(t) = \mathbb{E} [F_n(t)], $$ where above $X_1, \dots, X_n$ are iid, real-...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Determine the affine envelope of a random process's MGF

Suppose that a stationary random process $S(t)$ can be characterized as the figure below, which for most of the time is a straight line $S(t)=c\cdot t$, but occasionally would "stall" for a ...
leeyee's user avatar
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Finding a connection between two types of convergence

Please, help me find connections between two types of convergence: Let $\{X_n\}_{n\ge1}: (\Omega,F,P) \rightarrow (\mathbb{R},Bor)$ be a sequence of r.v., there are two convergences: 1) $X_n \...
Ivan Petrov's user avatar
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Comparison of hitting probability of two Markov chains both with only one absorbing state version 2 under stronger condition

Let $N_n:=\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$. Given two finite states Markov chains $\big(X^{(j)}_i\in N_n\}\big)_{i=0}^\infty$ for $j\in\{1,2\}$, both of which have two absorbing states at $1$ and $n$. $\text{Pr}\...
Hans's user avatar
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Expected supremum of normalised random walk

Let $X^i\in \mathbb R^d$ be iid. random variables for $i=1$ to $n$. Assume $\mathbb E[X^i]=0$ and the covariance matrix $\mathbb C[X^i] = \mathbb E[X^iX^{iT}] = I$ is the identity matrix. Define $S^k=...
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle's user avatar
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Can anyone give a reference to the proof of this concentration inequality?

The following concentration inequality for the supremum of a Gaussian process indexed by a separable metric space appears here:
Somabha's user avatar
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Existence of stationary stochastic processes with very high correlation

A question was recently asked by a new user, SomeoneHAHA, and then deleted by the user, after receiving an answer. I think the question and the answer (QA) to it may be of interest to some users. ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Bernstein Inequality for continous local martingale

I'm looking for a simple proof of the following fact, which is somehow Bernstein inequality in continuous time. Let $(M_t)_{t\geq 0}$ be a continuous local martingale. Then : $$P\left(\sup_{t\in [0,...
Gericault's user avatar
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Density near at $0$ for the integral of the positive part of the Brownian motion

This question was asked recently on MO and then deleted by the owner, user Aalon. I think the question deserves to be answered, which is what I will try to do here. Aalon was reading this paper, where ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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A question about Gaussian Processes suprema

Suppose $\{X_t; t \in \mathcal{X}\}$ is a centered Gaussian Process with covariance function $k(\cdot,\cdot)$, and let $d(x,y) = \mathbb{E}[(X_x-X_y)^2]$. I am trying to find a tail bound for the ...
panini's user avatar
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A two-point inequality

Let $M(p,q) = (2p-\sqrt{p^{2}+q^{2}})\sqrt{p+\sqrt{p^{2}+q^{2}}}$ and set $B(t) = M(x+t, \sqrt{t^{2}+(y+bt)^{2}})$. Given any real $x,y,b$ is it true that $\varphi(t) = B(t)+B(-t)$ is decreasing in $...
Paata Ivanishvili's user avatar
4 votes
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Conditional Form of Rosenthal's Inequality

Rosenthal's Inequality as stated in the book "Martingale Limit Theory and Its Application" by Hall and Heyde states the following: If $\{S_i, \mathcal{F}_i, 1\leq i \leq n\}$ is a martingale and $2\...
user61038's user avatar
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Deviation bound for the maximum of the norm of Wiener process

Let $W(t)$ be an $n$-dimensional Wiener process. Denote by $\chi_n^2$ a chi-squared random variable with $n$ degrees of freedom. I have recently found the following inequality given without proof: $$ {...
Raindog's user avatar
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