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What is meant by local time of BM on the boundary $\partial D$?

I'm familiar with local time $L_t^a$ at level $a$ for a 1-D Brownian motion $B$. I'm reading this paper which talks about a 2D Brownian motion $B$ in a bounded domain $D$ that gets reflected when it ...
nullUser's user avatar
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Processes with the same finite dimensional distributions as the solutions to SDEs

Consider a sequence of stochastic processes $\{\tilde{x}^n\}$, $\tilde{x}^n = \tilde{x}^n_t(\omega)$, and Brownian motions $\{\tilde{w}^n\}$. Suppose that for each $\tilde{x}^n$ solves the stochastic ...
ghjdnkmttrasda's user avatar
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Linking Wasserstein and total variation distances

I seek to bound the total-variation distance between two probability measures $p_1$ and $p_2$. It is extremely easy to build a parameter space where $p_1$ and $p_2$ are the marginals of some joint ...
Guillaume Dehaene's user avatar
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Does a theory of stochastic differential algebras exist?

My question is motivated primarily by finance, where a non-technical student will learn how to approach SDEs using the symbolic manipulation of Itô calculus and the few basic rules of Brownian motion, ...
user85875's user avatar
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Malliavin differentiability of solutions to SDEs

In Bass's book on Diffusions and Elliptic Operators, the author gives a brief introduction into Malliavin Calculus. He calls a functional $F:C([0,1],\mathbb{R})\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ $L^p-$smooth if ...
mathsquestion88's user avatar
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Full version of Soucaliuc's research announcement "Réflexion entre deux diffusions conjuguées"

Florin Soucaliuc published the following research announcement in 2002 containing some results from his thesis on reflected diffusion processes: [1] F. Soucaliuc, Réflexion entre deux diffusions ...
ysys's user avatar
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Weak existence for modified Tanaka SDE

Tanaka's theorem (wikipedia) implies that $X_t = |B_t|$ is a weak solution to the SDE $dX_t = dW_t + dL_t^0(X_t)$, where $W_t$ is a Brownian motion and $L_t^0(X_t)$ is the local time of $X_t$ at $0$....
ysys's user avatar
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Hitting time of an Ornstein-Ulhenbeck process

If we consider a nice Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process $d x (t) = - \gamma x(t) \,dt + \sigma \,d w (t)$ with $x(0) = x_0 \in (-L,L)$. Here $\gamma, \sigma$ are positive constants and $w(t)$ is a Wiener ...
megaproba's user avatar
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Weak solutions of linear parabolic PDEs and corresponding SDEs

It is well known that for an Stochastic differential equation (on the real line) of the form: $dX_t = \mu(X_t)dt + \sigma(X_t)dW$ where $W$ is the standard Wiener process, the transition probability ...
Haudor's user avatar
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General solution to system of stochastic linear differential equations

Assume we are given the system of linear stochastic differential equations $$dx_i = \sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}(t) \cdot x_j \cdot dt + \sum_{j=1}^n \sigma_{ij}(t) \cdot x_j \cdot dB_{ij,t} + b_j(t)\cdot dt+\...
tobias's user avatar
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Onsager-Machlup function for special matrix-valued diffusion process

Potentially useful background info For standard vector-valued diffusion processes the following result is well-known: Suppose we have a diffusion $X_{t}$ on $\mathbb{R}^{m}$ given by \begin{align*} ...
tot's user avatar
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Non-existence for a sort of probability measures

We suppose $X$ solves our SDE $dX_{t}=-X_{t}dt+dW_{t}$ for $t\geq0$ with initial condition $X_{0}=0$ w.r.t to our measure $P$ on $(\Omega,\mathcal{F})$. $W_{t}$ is standard Wiener. This solution is ...
ziT's user avatar
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$X_t = B_t^q$, $X_t = (\sin B_t)^q$, $X_t = B_t^q (\sin B_t)^r$, $dM_t = R_t\,M_t\,dB_t$ [closed]

What are the SDE's satisfied by the following processes? $X_t = B_t^q$ $X_t = (\sin B_t)^q$ $X_t = B_t^q (\sin B_t)^r$ Assume $B_t$ is a standard Brownian motion with $B_0 > 0$ and the equations ...
user80478's user avatar
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Brownian bridge on a Lie group as a stochastic differential equation

Brownian motion $g_t$ on a compact Lie group satisfies the stochastic differential equation $$dg_t = dB_t \circ g_t$$ where $B_t$ is Brownian motion on the Lie algebra and $\circ$ denotes ...
Tim Nguyen's user avatar
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Using compactness method to prove the existence of a pathwise solution to an SPDE

For given initial data $u_0\in H^k$ for some $k$, I want to prove the existence of solution to some PDE with multiplicative white noise. I modify the SPDE by regularizing it and then use the ...
YT_learning_math's user avatar
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Convergence of approximate quadratic variation in $L^p$

For a diffusion $X_t$, I can set $$[X]^N_t = \sum_{j=1}^N \bigl(X_{t\frac{j}{N}}-X_{t\frac{j-1}{N}}\bigr)^2$$ Then it is well-known that the process $[X]^N_t$ tends to the quadratic variation $[X]_t$ ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Why the term "geometric" rough path?

A "geometric" rough path is a rough path such that $Sym(\mathbb{X}_{s,t})=\frac{1}{2}X_{s,t}\otimes X_{s,t}$. For example the Ito rough path is not geometric because $Sym(\mathbb{X}_{s,t})=\frac{1}{2}...
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Joint law of a standard Brownian motion and its local time at a nonzero level

Let $B_t$ be the standard Brownian motion and $L_t^a$ be the local time at level $a$. It is known that the joint-density of $(L_t^0,B_t)$ is $$ P\left(B_t\in d y, L_t^0\in d v\right) = \frac{|y|+v}{\...
Anand's user avatar
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Existence of strong solution to SDEs with non-Lipschitzian drift

Consider the SDE: $$dX_t=b(X_t)dt+dW_t\quad X_0=x$$ If $b$ is bounded Borel function, using Zvonkin's Transform, one can prove there exists a unique strong solution. I want to know if we assume $b$ ...
Guohuan Zhao's user avatar
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When does the cumulative distribution function solve the Kolmogorov backward equation?

For a diffusion $X$ define the cumulative distribution function for $X_T$ started with $X_t=x$: $$u(t,x):=E^{t,x}(1_{X_T\ge y})$$ Under what conditions does $u$ solve $X$'s Kolmogorov backward ...
JSG's user avatar
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Cauchy Problem and stochastic representation for discontinuous initial data

Where can I read more about the Cauchy problem, i.e. solutions to $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+Lu=0 \text{ and } u(0,x)=f(x)$$ for some elliptic differential operator $L$ where $f$ is not ...
JSG's user avatar
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Does $E^{x,t}(f(X_T))$ solve a PDE if $f$ is not continuous?

Many books [see below for references] explore the connections between partial differential equations and expectation values. Assume $X$ is a diffusion with generator $A$, then they conclude, that ...
JSG's user avatar
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Expected value of a stochastic integral expression

I am wondering if the following expression can be processed a bit analytically, $$ E \left[ e^{aX} \int_0^X e^{bu}dW(u)\right], $$ where $W_u$ is the normal Brownian motion (1D Wiener process), and $...
lkdo's user avatar
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Change of time variable in Wiener process

I'm following a solution of an SDE from here Start with the SDE $$ dX_t = \delta dt + 2\sqrt{X_t} dW_t $$ consider a deterministic time change $...
chuse's user avatar
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Wong-Zakai smooth approximation in probabilty for stochastic differential equations

I'm looking for a result of the form: Let $B_\epsilon$ denote a "natural" smooth $\epsilon$-approximation to an $n$-dimensional Brownian motion $B$ (e.g. by mollification or simply piecewise linear) ...
Tyr Curtis's user avatar
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Analytic Solution to SDEs

Are there any example of SDEs with constant diffusion terms, other than the Ornstein Uhlenbeck process, which have exact solutions? I'm thinking of something of the form: \begin{equation} dX_t = f(...
user2379888's user avatar
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Finding a stochastic differential equation as limit of a discrete stochastic equation

I'm dealing with the following problem: Choose $Z_0 \in [0,1]$ and define a process governed by the following discrete stochastic equation: $Z_{k+1}-Z_k=P_k(1-2Z_k)$ where $P_k=0$ with probability $...
Leo's user avatar
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Onsager-Machlup function and most probable path of a diffusion process

Let $X_{t}$ be a real, one-dimensional diffusion process satisfying the stochastic differential equation \begin{equation} dX_{t} = f(X_{t})dt + dW_{t}, \end{equation} where $f \in C_{b}^{2}(R)$ is a ...
tot's user avatar
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Does Brownian motion immediately visit both sides of a Jordan curve?

Let $C$ be a Jordan curve in $\mathbb{R}^2$. By the Jordan curve theorem, $\mathbb{R}^2 \smallsetminus C$ is uniquely partitioned into two connected regions $A$ and $B$ (the interior and exterior). ...
user62563's user avatar
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When the completed filtration of a process increases slowly

If $\mathcal{F}_t$ is the filtration of the evaluation process on $C_T$ (continuous function on $[0,T]$). Can we find some law of continuous process $\mathbb{P}$ so that for $t\leq T$ $$\mathcal{F}^{\...
Filtrask's user avatar
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Density for Translated Process

Let $M$ be a (compact) Riemannian manifold. Let $v$ be a smooth vector field on $M$ with flow $\Theta_t$. Let $L$ be an elliptic second order differential operator on $M$ that generates the Ito ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Perturbation of a Bessel process of dimension 2

Bessel process of dimension 2 is defined to be solution of $$ dX_t=dB_t+\frac{1}{2X_t}dt,\quad X_0=x_0>0 $$ where $B$ is a standard 1-dimensional Brownian motion. $X$ can be viewed as the norm of a ...
Iew's user avatar
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Diffusion processes with different diffusion coefficients and absolute continuity

I would first of all like to say that I am an analyst, and so I am familiar with probabilistic methods only on a basic level. My initial situation is the following. Consider two stochastic ...
Abakus's user avatar
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On the infinitesimal generator of a 1-dimensional stochastic heat equation: core and explicit form

Denote $E = C([0, 1])$. I am consider a 1-dimensional stochastic heat equation on $h$: $$\partial_tu(t, x) = \partial_x^2u(t, x) - V'(u(t, x)) + \dot{W}(t, x), \quad\text{ for all } (t, x) \in (0, \...
gregarki khayal's user avatar
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American put option pricing by "binomial trees"

I'm teaching a financial mathematics course and have found a fascinating (to me) numerical phenomenon and wonder if anyone has studied it, or knows anything similar. I'll try and give a description ...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
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total variation distance between two solutions of SDE

Suppose we have two stochastic differential equations with the same initial conditions: $$d X_t^1= b_1(t,X_t^1)dt + dW_t$$ $$d X_t^2= b_2(t,X_t^2)dt + dW_t,$$ $X_0^1=X_0^2=x_0$; $W_\cdot$ is a ...
Oleg's user avatar
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how to find derivative of a stochastic process?

Consider the following equation for $X(t)$: $$X(t)=e^{-bt}X(0)+\sigma\int_{0}^{b}e^{-b(t-s)}dW(t) \, ,$$ where $0 < b, \sigma\in\mathbb{R} $, $X(0)$ is the initial distribution of $X(t)$, ...
Steven's user avatar
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